User registration handling.
command handler.
This method is designed to be
invoked via the TWiki::UI::run
command handler.
This method is designed to be
invoked via the TWiki::UI::run
Called by ManageCgiScript::bulkRegister (requires authentication) with topic = the page with the entries on it.
This is called when action = register or action = ""
It calls register and either Verify or Finish.
Hopefully we will get workflow integrated and rewrite this to be table driven
This is called through: TWikiRegistration -> RegisterCgiScript -> here
Generates a password. Mails it to them and asks them to change it. Entry point intended to be called from TWiki::UI::run
Change the user's password and/or email. Details of the user and password are passed in CGI parameters.
The NoPasswdUser case is not handled
This is called: on receipt of the activation password -> RegisterCgiScript -> here
Presently this is called in RegisterCgiScript directly after a call to verify. The separation is intended for the RegistrationApprovals functionality
reloads the context by code these two are separate in here to ease the implementation of administrator approval
generate user entry If a password exists (either in Data{PasswordA} or data{CryptPassword}, use it. Otherwise generate a random one, and store it back in the user record.