#VarTOPICTITLE ---+++ TOPICTITLE -- title of a topic * The topic title is defined by, in order of sequence: * form field named "Title", * topic preference setting named TITLE, * topic name. * Syntax: =%<nop>TOPICTITLE%= or =%<nop>TOPICTITLE{ topic="TopicName" }%= * Supported parameters: | *Parameter:* | *Description:* | *Default:* | | ="..."= or%BR% =topic="..."= | Topic to get the title from. Can be of form =TopicName= or =Web.<nop>TopicName=. | Current topic | | =encode="html"= | Encode special characters into HTML entities. If a TOPICTITLE is passed into an HTML form field it should be encoded as ="html"=. Additional encodings: =encode="quote"=, =encode="moderate"=, =encode="safe"=, =encode="entity"= and =encode="url"=. See [[%IF{"'%INCLUDINGTOPIC%'='TWikiVariables'" then="#"}%VarENCODE][ENCODE]] for details. | =""= (no encoding) | * Example: =%<nop>TOPICTITLE{Projects.<nop>SushiProject}%= returns =Sushi Project= assuming the topic has a form field named "Title" with value "Sushi Project" * Expands to: =%TOPICTITLE{topic="%INCLUDINGTOPIC%"}%= * Category: SystemInformationVariables * Related: [[%IF{"'%INCLUDINGTOPIC%'='TWikiVariables'" then="#"}%VarBASETOPIC][BASETOPIC]], [[%IF{"'%INCLUDINGTOPIC%'='TWikiVariables'" then="#"}%VarINCLUDINGTOPIC][INCLUDINGTOPIC]], [[%IF{"'%INCLUDINGTOPIC%'='TWikiVariables'" then="#"}%VarPARENTTOPIC][PARENTTOPIC]], [[%IF{"'%INCLUDINGTOPIC%'='TWikiVariables'" then="#"}%VarTOPIC][TOPIC]], [[%IF{"'%INCLUDINGTOPIC%'='TWikiVariables'" then="#"}%VarTOPICLIST][TOPICLIST]], [[%IF{"'%INCLUDINGTOPIC%'='TWikiVariables'" then="#"}%VarTOPICURL][TOPICURL]], [[%IF{"'%INCLUDINGTOPIC%'='TWikiVariables'" then="#"}%VarWEB][WEB]]
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Topic revision: r2 - 2013-11-23 - TWikiContributor
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