---+ Package =TWiki::LoginManager::ApacheLogin= This is login manager that you can specify in the security setup section of [[%SCRIPTURL{"configure"}%][configure]]. It instructs TWiki to cooperate with your web server (typically Apache) to require authentication information (username & password) from users. It requires that you configure your web server to demand authentication for scripts named "login" and anything ending in "auth". The latter should be symlinks to existing scripts; e.g., =viewauth -> view=, =editauth -> edit=, and so on. See also TWikiUserAuthentication. Subclass of TWiki::LoginManager; see that class for documentation of the methods of this class. %TOC% ---++ ClassMethod *new* <tt>($session)</tt> Construct the ApacheLogin object ---++ ObjectMethod *forceAuthentication* <tt>() -> boolean</tt> method called when authentication is required - redirects to (...|view)auth Triggered on auth fail ---++ ObjectMethod *loginUrl* <tt>() -> $loginUrl</tt> TODO: why is this not used internally? When is it called, and why Content of a login link ---++ ObjectMethod *login* <tt>($query,$twiki)</tt> this allows the login and logon cgi-scripts to use the same code. all a logon does, is re-direct to viewauth, and apache then figures out if it needs to challenge the user ---++ ObjectMethod *getUser* <tt>() -> $authUser</tt> returns the userLogin if stored in the apache CGI query (ie session)
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Topic revision: r1 - 2008-01-22 - TWikiContributor
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