%RENDERLIST{ <parameters> }%
before any bullet list %TOC%
, or the result of a FormattedSearch
"name" ortheme="name" | Select a rendering theme |
focus="any text" | Focus list on a bullet with specified text |
depth="2" | Remove bullets with an indent greater then the depth. The depth is relative to the highlighted bullet in case focus is specified |
Plugin settings Set <name>_THEME = tree, <0/1 flag to suppress/show lines of first level>
Set <name>_THEME = icon, <0/1 flag to suppress/show lines of first level>, <icon width>, <icon height>, <spacer graph>, <T-line graph>, <I-line graph>, <L-line graph>, <icon image>
links on bullet where text is found
Like this
Align continuation lines with leading spaces like this
, or
, home.gif
, virtualhome.gif
, group.gif
, persons.gif
, virtualpersons.gif
, person.gif
, virtualperson.gif
, email.gif
, trend.gif
, folder.gif
, folders.gif
, file.gif
, files.gif
, doc.gif
, image.gif
, pdf.gif
, ppt.gif
, sound.gif
, xls.gif
, zip.gif
, see.gif
icon:myicon Followed by normal bullet text
%ICON{name}% Followed by normal bullet text
You type: | You get: (simulated) | You get: (if installed) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
%RENDERLIST{"thread"}% * one * one.a * one.a.x * one.b * one.b.x continue * one.b.y * icon:person Tim * icon:person Mico * two * three |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
%RENDERLIST{"org"}% * one * one.a * one.a.x * one.b * one.b.x continue * one.b.y * icon:person Tim * icon:person Mico * two * three |
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
%RENDERLIST{ "org" focus="one.b" }% * one * one.a * one.a.x * one.b * one.b.x continue * one.b.y * icon:person Tim * icon:person Mico * two * three |
%RENDERLIST{ "org" focus="one.b" }%
Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%
and contain a comma delimited list of render type with parameters:
Note: You do not need to install anything on the browser to use this plugin. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the plugin on the TWiki server.
in your twiki installation directory. Content: File: | Description: |
data/TWiki/RenderListPlugin.txt | Plugin topic |
data/TWiki/RenderListPlugin.txt,v | Plugin topic repository |
lib/TWiki/Plugins/RenderListPlugin.pm | Plugin Perl module |
pub/TWiki/RenderListPlugin/*.gif | Image files for themes |
Plugin Author: | TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny![]() |
Copyright: | © 2003-2010 Peter[at]Thoeny.org, Twiki, Inc.![]() © 2003-2010 TWiki:TWiki/TWikiContributor ![]() |
License: | GPL (GNU General Public License![]() |
Plugin Version: | 2010-05-16 (2.1) |
Change History: | |
2010-05-16: | 2.1: TWikibug:Item6433![]() |
15 Jan 2008: | 2.0: Kenneth Lavrsen. No more reporting warnings in the error log when a render list starts at deeper level than 1 |
30 Sep 2007: | Added VarRENDERLIST to have it listed in TWikiVariables |
23 Sep 2006: | Support for img tag and image URL after icon: (suggested by TWiki:Main.JanFilipsky![]() %ICON{folder}% instead of icon:folder ; added files.gif and folders.gif (contributed by TWiki:Main.SteveHobbs![]() |
25 Apr 2006: | SVN sync, Cairo + Dakar compatibility |
14 Apr 2006: | TWikiRelease04x00![]() |
21 Nov 2004: | Added benchmarks (no code changes) |
21 Mar 2004: | Internal change: Fixed unofficial function call |
01 Mar 2004: | Added FILE_THEME and folder/file icons |
29 Dec 2003: | Fixed rendering issue if focus bullet contains icon:name ; added TREND_THEME |
16 Dec 2003: | Specify icons with icon:name syntax |
11 Dec 2003: | Added focus and depth parameters |
05 Dec 2003: | Fixed rendering issue with IE; added EMAIL_THEME |
02 Dec 2003: | Initial version |
CPAN Dependencies: | none |
Other Dependencies: | none |
Perl Version: | 5.005 |
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark![]() |
GoodStyle 97%, FormattedSearch 98%, RenderListPlugin 93% |
Plugin Home: | http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/RenderListPlugin![]() |
Feedback: | http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/RenderListPluginDev![]() |
Appraisal: | http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/RenderListPluginAppraisal![]() |
Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences, TWiki:Plugins/TreePlugin
-- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny - 30 Sep 2007