%STARTINCLUDE% ---+ Manage Users _Register users on your TWiki site; change/reset/install passwords; remove user accounts_ %TOC% %X% Some of the features below may be disabled, depending on your TWiki configuration. ---++ Authentication and Access Control * TWikiUserAuthentication describes your options for user authentication * TWikiAccessControl describes how to define groups and how to restrict access to content ---++ List Users * %USERSWEB%.%WIKIUSERSTOPIC% - list all registered users * %USERSWEB%.UserList - user list * %USERSWEB%.UserListByDateJoined - user list by date joined * %USERSWEB%.UserListByLocation - user list by location ---++ Register Users You don't have to have user profile pages in TWiki for Authentication to work - see TWikiUserAuthentication for details. * TWikiRegistration is used when you want new users to individually register with TWiki by filling out a form __For administrators only:__ * BulkRegistration to register multiple users at the same time * Default user profile page form definition and template: * UserForm in %SYSTEMWEB% web - form definition (do not change) * NewUserTemplate in %SYSTEMWEB% web - template page (do not change) * Customized user profile page form definition and template: * %USERSWEB%.UserForm in %USERSWEB% web - form definition (clone from the one in the %SYSTEMWEB% web and customize) * %USERSWEB%.NewUserTemplate in %USERSWEB% web - template page (clone from the one in the %SYSTEMWEB% web and customize) ---++ Query and Edit User Account Data (Passwords, E-mails) _Note that the below features are only relevant when you use an internal password manager where TWiki can set and reset passwords._ * ChangePassword is for users who _can_ remember their password and want to change it * ResetPassword is for users who _cannot_ remember their password; a system generated password is e-mailed to them * ChangeEmailAddress changes the hidden email address stored in the password file __For administrators only:__ * QueryUsers to query and edit user account data (password, e-mail etc) * BulkResetPassword to reset many passwords at once ---++ Changing User Account Names To change the user's WikiName: * Rename the user profile page in the %USERSWEB% web, such as from =JaneSmith= to =JaneMiller=. * Fix backlinks in the %USERSWEB% web only * Make sure the group topics are updated (if any.) * Edit the [[%USERSWEB%.TWikiUsers]] topic and move the user's entry so that the list is in proper alphabetical order. * Recreate the old topic with a pointer to the new topic, so that links in other webs work properly. Example content:%BR% =%<nop>M% Jane Smith is now known as !JaneMiller= If external authentication is used and you want to change the login name: * The login name needs to be changed in the authentication server (e.g. Active Directory) * In TWiki's [[%USERSWEB%.TWikiUsers]] topic, fix the mapping from login name to WikiName:%BR% = * !JaneSmith - jsmith - 13 Sep 2006= %BR% to: %BR% = * !JaneMiller - jmiller - 13 Sep 2006= ---++ Removing User Accounts To remove a user account (<nop>FredQuimby, who logs in as "fred"): 1 If you are using a =.htpasswd= file, edit the =.htpasswd= file to delete the line starting =fred:= * *Warning:* Do *not* use the Apache =htpasswd= program with =.htpasswd= files generated by TWiki! =htpasswd= wipes out email addresses that TWiki plants in the info fields of this file. 2 Remove the =FredQuimby - fred= line from the <nop>%USERSWEB%.TWikiUsers topic 3 Remove =FredQuimby= from all groups and from all the =ALLOWWEB/ALLOWTOPIC...= declarations, if any.%BR% __Note:__ If you fail to do this you risk creating a security hole, as the next user to register with the wikiname Fred<nop>Quimby will inherit the old Fred<nop>Quimby's permissions. 4 _[optional]_ Delete their user topic %USERSWEB%.<nop>FredQuimby (including attachments, if any.) __Note:__ Consider leaving the user topic file in place so their past signatures and revision author entries don't end up looking like AnUncreatedTopic. If you want to make it clear the user is no longer around, replace the topic content with a note to that effect. The existence of the <nop>UserName topic should also prevent that user name from being re-used, sealing the potential security hole regarding inherited permissions.. ---++ Customizing registration Emails. TWiki's Registration can send 3 emails who's output is governed by templates: 1 User registration confirmation - =templates/registerconfirm.tmpl= 2 User registration notification - =templates/registernotify.tmpl= 3 Email to notify the TWiki admin of registration - =templates/registernotifyadmin.tmpl= As these are TWikiTemplates, they can be customized and selected using the SKIN path setting. Because there are default tmpl files in the =templates= dir, this cannot use Template topics. These template files have a specific format that matches the raw format of emails sent via SMTP, so be careful and test your changes. It is easiest to start by copying the default templates: <verbatim> cd twiki/templates cp registernotify.tmpl registernotify.myskin.tmpl cp registerconfirm.tmpl registerconfirm.myskin.tmpl cp registernotifyadmin.tmpl registernotifyadmin.myskin.tmpl </verbatim> then add =myskin= to the beginning of the =SKIN= setting in %USERSWEB%.TWikiPreferences. From this point on, your myskin templates will be used for the registration emails. To make it possible for TWikiUsers to modify the email contents, you could use a parameterized =%<nop>INCLUDE%= statement in your customized version. e.g.: <verbatim> From: %WIKIWEBMASTERNAME% <%WIKIWEBMASTER%> To: %FIRSTLASTNAME% <%EMAILADDRESS%> Subject: %MAKETEXT{"[_1] - Registration for [_2] ([_3])" args="%WIKITOOLNAME%, %WIKINAME%, %EMAILADDRESS%"}% MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=%CHARSET% Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit %INCLUDE{ "Main.RegistrationNotification" WIKINAME="%WIKINAME%" FIRSTLASTNAME="%FIRSTLASTNAME%" EMAILADDRESS="%EMAILADDRESS%" }% </verbatim> __Note:__ The use of %<nop>WIKINAME%, %<nop>FIRSTLASTNAME%, %<nop>EMAILADDRESS% passed in from the INCLUDE so that the topic below is similar to the original template. And then create a topic %NOP%%USERSWEB%.RegisterNotifyEmail: <verbatim> Welcome to %WIKITOOLNAME%. %MAKETEXT{"Your personal [_1] topic is located at [_2]. You can customize it as you like:" args="%WIKITOOLNAME%, %SCRIPTURL{"view"}%/%USERSWEB%/%WIKINAME%"}% * %MAKETEXT{"Some people turn it into a personal portal with favorite links, what they work on, what help they'd like, etc."}% * %MAKETEXT{"Some add schedule information and vacation notice."}% Regards %WIKIWEBMASTERNAME% Your TWiki Admin %MAKETEXT{"Note:"}% 2 %MAKETEXT{"You can change your password at via [_1]" args="%SCRIPTURL{"view"}%/%SYSTEMWEB%/ChangePassword"}% 3 %MAKETEXT{"If you haven't set a password yet or you want to reset it, go to: [_1]" args="%SCRIPTURL{"view"}%/%SYSTEMWEB%/ResetPassword"}% %MAKETEXT{"Submitted content:"}% %FORMDATA% </verbatim> __Note:__ Remember to secure the topic appropriately to prevent attackers from getting emailed sensitive passwords. __%MAKETEXT{"Related topics:"}%__ UserToolsCategory, AdminToolsCategory
This topic: TWiki
Topic revision: r9 - 2011-06-05 - TWikiContributor
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