---+ Formatting Tokens TWiki defines some standard special tokens that can be used to replace characters in some parameters - notably those to FormattedSearch and IfStatements - to defer evaluation of the parameter until later. These special tokens are often called "escapes", because they allow the character to "escape" from its normal meaning. %STARTINCLUDE% | =$n= or =$n()= | New line. Use =$n()= if followed by alphanumeric character, e.g. write =Foo$n()Bar= instead of =Foo$nBar= | | =$nop= or =$nop()= | Is a "no operation". This variable gets removed; useful for nested search | | =$quot= | Double quote (="=) (\" also works) | | =$percnt= | Percent sign (=%=) | | =$dollar= | Dollar sign (=$=) | | =$lt= | Less than sign (=<=) | | =$gt= | Greater than sign (=>=) | %STOPINCLUDE% If you ever find yourself needing to escape an escape, you can use =$dollar= to escape the leading dollar, thus: =$dollarpercnt=. __Related topics:__ FormattedSearch, IfStatements, QuerySearch, TWikiForms
This topic: TWiki
Topic revision: r3 - 2010-06-06 - TWikiContributor
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