Difference: BustingTheMyths (1 vs. 2)

Revision 22011-11-22 - AntonHuck

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META TOPICPARENT name="Programm"

Busting the myths

Line: 15 to 15


Gojko Adzic \ No newline at end of file


META FILEATTACHMENT attachment="bdd_myths.pdf" attr="" comment="Slides" date="1321999891" name="bdd_myths.pdf" path="bdd_myths.pdf" size="792134" stream="bdd_myths.pdf" tmpFilename="/var/tmp/CGItemp33957" user="AntonHuck" version="1"

Revision 12011-08-29 - MarcPhilipp

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="Programm"

Busting the myths


The ideas behind BDD, Specification by Example and Agile acceptance testing are deceivingly simple, but have proved far from easy to implement. Yet most of the complaints online come from misunderstood ideas which lead to misguided attempts. Gojko Adzic will bust the myths around these techniques and show how successful teams all over the world use them to successfully deliver the right stuff using these techniques.


Gojko Adzic


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