Difference: WysiwygPlugin (1 vs. 21)

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Wysiwyg Plugin

 Translator framework for WYSIWYG editors

Support for the integration of WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) editors. On its own, the only thing this plugin gives you is a stand-alone HTML to TML (TWiki Markup Language) translator script. For WYSIWYG editing you will also need to install a specific editor package such as TinyMCEPlugin.

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Author: Crawford Currie, TWiki Contributors
Copyright © 2005 ILOG http://www.ilog.fr
© 2007 Twiki, Inc.
© 2008-2012 Foswiki Contributors
© 2005-2014 TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
Copyright © 2005 ILOG http://www.ilog.fr
© 2007 Twiki, Inc.
© 2008-2012 Foswiki Contributors
© 2005-2015 TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
License GPL (Gnu General Public License)
Sponsors: ILOG, Carrier Corporation, Twiki Inc, Wave Systems Corp
Plugin Version: 2014-02-19 27021 (2014-10-05)
Plugin Version: 2015-02-16 29604 (2015-11-29)
<--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
2015-02-16: TWikibug:Item7604: Switch from GPL v2 to v3
2014-12-10: TWikibug:Item7594: Disable WYSIWYG editor if |>> ... <<| table syntax is present -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2014-02-19: TWikibug:Item7436: WYSIWYG editor prepends  to spaces inside verbatim and sticky tags -- TWiki:Main.HideyoImazu
2013-09-18: TWikibug:Item7338: Import WYSIWYG plugin fixes 2008-2013 -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
1.1.16 (16 May 2013) Fix problem with entities being expanded to unrepresentable characters

Revision 202014-02-19 - TWikiContributor

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Wysiwyg Plugin

Revision 192013-09-18 - TWikiContributor

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Wysiwyg Plugin

  Translator framework for WYSIWYG editors


Support for the integration of WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) editors. On its own, the only thing this plugin gives you is a stand-alone HTML to TML (TWiki Markup Language) translator script. For WYSIWYG editing you will also need to install a specific editor package such as TinyMCEPlugin.
Support for the integration of WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) editors. On its own, the only thing this plugin gives you is a stand-alone HTML to TWiki translator script. For WYSIWYG editing in TWiki, you will also need to install a specific editor package such as TWiki:Plugins/KupuEditorContrib or TWiki:Plugins/WikiwygContrib.

This plugin provides a generic framework that supports editing of TWiki topics using any browser-based HTML editor. It works by transforming TML (TWiki Meta Language) into HTML for the editor, and then transforming HTML back into TML on save.

This plugin provides a generic framework that supports editing of topics using any browser-based HTML editor. It works by transforming TML (TWiki Markup Language) into HTML for the editor, and then transforming HTML back into TML on save.


  • Supports the input of malformed HTML
  • Full round-trip (TML -> XHTML -> TWiki syntax)
  • Full round-trip (TML -> XHTML -> TML)
  • Framework is editor-agnostic


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What's in the package

The package includes the following pieces:

  • TML (TWiki syntax) to HTML translator
  • TML (TWiki Markup Language) to HTML translator
  • HTML to TML translator (with stand-alone script)
  • Generic TWiki plugin for automating the translation during editing

How it works

The plugin works by translating the topic text into HTML when someone edits a topic. The HTML is then fed to the WYSIWYG editor. On save, the edited HTML is run through the reverse translation before saving to the topic. TWiki syntax is used in preference to HTML in the stored topic wherever possible, though HTML may be used if the translator can't find a suitable TML equivalent..
The plugin works by translating the topic text into HTML when someone edits a topic. The HTML is then fed to the WYSIWYG editor. On save, the edited HTML is run through the reverse translation before saving to the topic. TML is used in preference to HTML in the stored topic wherever possible, though HTML may be used if the translator can't find a suitable TML equivalent.
The default rendering that TWiki uses to generate HTML for display in browsers is 'lossy' - information in the TWiki syntax is lost in the HTML output, and a round-trip (recovering the original TWiki syntax from the HTML) is impossible. To solve this problem the plugin instead uses its own translation of TWiki syntax to XHTML. The generated XHTML is annotated with CSS classes that support the accurate recovery of the original TWiki syntax.
The default rendering that TWiki uses to generate HTML for display in browsers is 'lossy' - information in the TML is lost in the HTML output, and a round-trip (recovering the original TML from the HTML) is impossible. To solve this problem the plugin instead uses its own translation of TML to XHTML. The generated XHTML is annotated with CSS classes that support the accurate recovery of the original TML.
  Before you ask the obvious question, yes, the translator could be used to replace the TWiki rendering pipeline for generating HTML pages. In fact, the translator is taken almost directly from the implementation of the rendering pipeline for the TWiki-4 release
Translation of the HTML back to TWiki syntax uses the CPAN:HTML::Parser. This parser is used in preference to a more modern XML parser, because the WYSIWYG editor may not generate fully compliant XHTML. A strict parser would risk losing content. CPAN:HTML::Parser is better at handling malformed HTML.
Translation of the HTML back to TML uses the CPAN:HTML::Parser. This parser is used in preference to a more modern XML parser, because the WYSIWYG editor may not generate fully compliant XHTML. A strict parser would risk losing content. HTML::Parser is better at handling malformed HTML.
There is also the advantage that the translator can be used to import HTML from other sources - for example, existing web pages. Due to the simple nature of TWiki syntax and the potential complexity of web pages, this translation is often lossy - i.e there will be HTML features that can be entered by editors that will be lost in this translation step. This is especially noticeable with HTML tables.
There is also the advantage that the translator can be used to import HTML from other sources - for example, existing web pages. Due to the simple nature of TML and the potential complexity of web pages, this translation is often lossy - i.e. there will be HTML features that can be entered by editors that will be lost in this translation step. This is especially noticeable with HTML tables.

Using the translators from Perl scripts

Both translators can be used directly from Perl scripts, for example to build your own stand-alone translators.

A stand-alone converter script for HTML to TWiki is included in the installation. It can be found in tools/html2tml.pl.
A stand-alone convertor script for HTML to TML is included in the installation. It can be found in tools/html2tml.pl.

Integrating a HTML Editor

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Integrating a HTML Editor

The plugin can be used to integrate an HTML editor in a number of different ways.

  1. The HTML for the content-to-be-edited can be generated directly in the standard edit template.
  2. The HTML for the content-to-be-edited can be generated directly in a specialized edit template.
  3. A URL can be used to fetch the content-to-be-edited from the server, for use in an IFRAME.
  4. REST handlers can be called from Javascript to convert content.

Generating content in standard edit template


Generating content directly in the standard edit template

  This is the technique used by WYSIWYG editors that can sit on top of HTML textareas, such as TinyMCE. The topic content is pre-converted to HTML before inclusion in the standard edit template. These editors use plugins that have a beforeEditHandler and an afterEditHandler. These handlers are responsible for the conversion of topic text to HTML, and post-conversion of HTML back to TML.
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  • Your plugin should set the textareas_hijacked context id, to signal to skins to suppress their textarea manipulation functions.
This is the recommended integration technique, if your editor can support it.

Generating content in specialized edit template


Generating content directly in a specialized edit template

  This technique is useful when the editor requires the topic content in a variety of different formats at the same time. In this scenario the editor uses a custom edit template. The WYSIWYG content is made available for instantiation in that template in a number of different formats. WYSIWYGPLUGIN_WYSIWYGSKIN must be set for this to work.
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 This technique is useful when the editor requires the topic content in a variety of different formats at the same time. In this scenario the editor uses a custom edit template. The WYSIWYG content is made available for instantiation in that template in a number of different formats. WYSIWYGPLUGIN_WYSIWYGSKIN must be set for this to work.

The flow of control is as follows:

  1. User hits "edit" with the skin (or cover) set the same as WYSIWYGPLUGIN_WYSIWYGSKIN.
  1. The WysiwygPlugin beforeEditHandler determines if the topic is WYSIWYG editable, and vetos the edit if not by redirecting to the standard edit skin.
  1. The WysiwygPlugin beforeEditHandler determines if the topic is WYSIWYG editable, and vetoes the edit if not by redirecting to the standard edit skin.
  the edit
  1. The edit template containing the JS editor is instantiated.
  2. The following variables are available for expansion in the template:
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  1. The afterEditHandler in the WyswiygPlugin sees that wysiwyg_edit is set, which triggers the conversion back to TML.

  • The HTML form in the edit template must include an <input called wysiwyg_edit and set it to 1, to trigger the conversion from HTML back to TML.
  • WYSIWYGPLUGIN_WYSIWYGSKIN must be set to the name of the skin used for WYSIWYG editing. This is usually the name of the editor e.g. kupu.
  • WYSIWYGPLUGIN_WYSIWYGSKIN must be set to the name of the skin used for WYSIWYG editing. This is often the name of the editor e.g. xinha.

Fetching content from a URL

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    • The WysiwygPlugin recognises the wysiwyg_edit parameter and uses the TML2HTML translator to prepare the text, which is then returned as text/plain to the browser.
    • Two TWiki variables, %OWEB% and %OTOPIC%=, can be used in the content URL in the edit template to refer to the source topic for the content.
  1. After edit handling is as for Generating content directly in a specialised edit template
    • Two TWiki variables, %OWEB% and %OTOPIC%, can be used in the content URL in the edit template to refer to the source topic for the content.
  1. After edit handling is as for Generating content directly in a specialized edit template

Other techniques

Asynchronous saves

Editors can use XmlHttpRequest to perform saves, by POSTing to the TWiki save script with the wysiwyg_edit parameter set to 1. This parameter tells the beforeSaveHandler in the WysiwygPlugin to convert the content back to TML. See TWikiScripts for details of the other parameters to the save script.
Editors can use XmlHttpRequest to perform saves, by POSTing to the TWiki save script with the wysiwyg_edit parameter set to 1. This parameter tells the beforeSaveHandler in the WysiwygPlugin to convert the content back to TML. See CommandAndCGIScripts for details of the other parameters to the save script.
  Once the save script has completed it responds with a redirect, either to an Oops page if the save failed, or to the appropriate post-save URL (usually a view). The editor must be ready to handle this redirect.

Handling Attachments

Attachment uploads can be handled by URL requests from the editor template to the TWiki upload script. The upload script normally redirects to the containing topic; a behavior that you usually don't want in an editor! There are two ways to handle this:
Attachment uploads can be handled by URL requests from the editor template to the TWiki upload script. The upload script normally redirects to the containing topic; a behavior that you usually don't want in an editor! There are two ways to handle this:
  • If the uploads are done in an IFRAME or via XmlHttpRequest, then the 302 redirect at the end of the upload can simply be ignored.
  • You can pass noredirect to the upload script to suppress the redirect. In this case
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Plugin Installation Instructions

This plugin is pre-installed. TWiki administrators can upgrade the plugin as needed on the TWiki server.
<--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
  • For an automated installation, run the configure script and follow "Find More Extensions" in the in the Extensions section.
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    • Configure additional plugin settings in the Extensions section if needed.
    • Test if the installation was successful using the examples provided.

Plugin Configuration Settings

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Plugin Configuration Settings

Translator control



The global preference setting WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE can be set to make the plugin sensitive to what is in a topic, before allowing it to be edited. The comma separated list to fall back to text edit can include:

  • html - HTML tags (e.g. <div>, not including <br>), or
  • variables - simple variables (e.g. %SOMEVAR%) or
  • calls - variables with parameters e.g. %SOMECALL{...}%
  • pre - pre-formatted blocks (<pre>)
  • comments - HTML comments (<!-- ... -->)
  • script - inline HTML Script tags - default
  • style - inline CSS style tags - default
  • table - inline HTML tables (<table ..>. TML tables are not excluded)

If the plugin detects an excluded construct in the topic, it will refuse to allow the edit and will redirect to the default editor.


If you excluded calls in WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE, you can still define a subset of variables that do not block edits. this is done in the global preference setting WYSIWYG_EDITABLE_CALLS, which should be a list of variable names separated by vertical bars, with no spaces, e.g: * Set WYSIWYG_EDITABLE_CALLS = COMMENT|CALENDAR|INCLUDE

You should set WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE and WYSIWYG_EDITABLE_CALLS in TWikiPreferences, or in WebPreferences for each web.

WYSIWYGPLUGIN_PROTECT_EXISTING_TAGS - Protect specific tags originally in the topic text

The WYSIWYGPLUGIN_PROTECT_EXISTING_TAGS preference tells the translator that certain HTML tags which were originally in the topic text should remain as HTML tags; the translator will not try to convert them to TML. This protects the tags themselves, and not the contents enclosed between the <tag> and </tag>

The default setting for this preference is defined within the plugin. It corresponds to div, span.

This feature may be disabled by setting the preference to a single comma. This does not guarantee that HTML markup will be removed; the conversion of HTML tags to TML markup remains subject to the other controls provided by the WysiwygPlugin, including the WYSIWYGPLUGIN_STICKYBITS preference, <sticky> blocks, <literal> blocks and the rules applied to tables and lists.

WYSIWYGPLUGIN_PROTECT_TAG_BLOCKS - Protect specific tag blocks originally in the topic text

The WYSIWYGPLUGIN_PROTECT_TAG_BLOCKS preference tells the translator that certain HTML tag blocks which were originally in the topic text should remain as HTML blocks; the translator will not try to convert them to TML.

The default setting for this preference is defined within the plugin. It corresponds to script, style.

As an example, individual html tables can be protected by surrounding them with <sticky> .. </sticky> block.  However,if you want to have all =<table> markup preserved as entered into topics by default, rather than subject to WYSIWYG editing,  add =table to this list, and =<table> markup will become automatically sticky.

This feature may be disabled by setting the preference to a single comma.

WYSIWYGPLUGIN_STICKYBITS - Protect tags based upon their arguments

You can define the global preference WYSIWYGPLUGIN_STICKYBITS to stop the plugin from ever trying to convert specific HTML tags into TML when certain specific attributes are present on the tag. This is most useful when you have styling or alignment information in tags that must be preserved.

This preference setting is used to tell the translator which attributes, when present on a tag, make it "stick" i.e. block conversion back to TML.

For example, setting it to table=background,lang;tr=valign will stop the translator from trying to convert any table tag that has background or lang attributes, and any tr tag that has a valign attribute back to TWiki | table | column | markup (regardless of where that table tag comes from).

This setting is used only after the page has been processed by the editor. If the editor does not support a particular tag or attribute and the editor corrupts the tag, this setting will not be helpful. It is only used to prevent an HTML tag from being converted back to TML.

Format of the setting is tag1=attrib,attrib;tag2=attrib. Attributes delimited by comma, and tags delimited by semicolon.

  • The left side of the equal sign is the tag.
  • The right side of the equal sign is a comma delimited list of attributes to be matched.

If a matching tag is found, that matches any of the attributes listed, the tag will not be converted back to TML. You can use perl regular expressions to match tag and attribute names, so .*=id,on.* will ensure that any tag with an id or on* event handler is kept as HTML.

The default setting for this preference are hard coded in the plugin. If you wish to change the settings, the following list is the default setting coded in the plugin:


<-- %JQREQUIRE{"chili"}%

(?!IMG).*=id,lang,title,dir,on.*; A=accesskey,coords,shape,target; BDO=dir; BR=clear; COL=char,charoff,span,valign,width; COLGROUP=align,char,charoff,span,valign,width; DIR=compact; DIV=align,style; DL=compact; FONT=size,face; H[0-9]=align; HR=align,noshade,size,width; LEGEND=accesskey,align; LI=value; OL=compact,start,type; P=align; PARAM=name,type,value,valuetype; PRE=width; Q=cite; TABLE=align,bgcolor,frame,rules,summary,width; TBODY=align,char,charoff,valign; TD=abbr,align,axis,bgcolor,char,charoff,headers,height,nowrap,rowspan,scope,valign,width; TFOOT=align,char,charoff,valign; TH=abbr,align,axis,bgcolor,char,charoff,height,nowrap,rowspan,scope,valign,width,headers; THEAD=align,char,charoff,valign; TR=bgcolor,char,charoff,valign; UL=compact,type


If you edit using the plain-text editor, you can use the <sticky>..</sticky> tags to delimit HTML (or TML) that you do not want to be WYSIWYG edited.

Implementors note if you are using your own before/after edit handlers, you can call TWiki::Plugins::WysiwygPlugin::isWysiwygEditable() to check these controls.
Implementors note: If you are using your own before/after edit handlers, you can call TWiki::Plugins::WysiwygPlugin::isWysiwygEditable() to check these controls.

Known issues

Incompatible with "non-standard" syntax

WysiwygPlugin is incompatible with plugins that expand non-standard syntax e.g. TWiki:Plugins.MathModePlugin (WysiwygPlugin)
The WysiwygPlugin is incompatible with plugins that expand non-standard syntax e.g. TWiki:Plugins.MathModePlugin (WysiwygPlugin)
  Plugins that extend the syntax using TWiki variables, such as %MYVARIABLE%, should work fine.
Implementors note: Plugins that use XML-like tags may call TWiki::Plugins::WysiwygPlugin::addXMLTag() from their initPlugin handlers to make the WysiwygPlugin protect the content between XML-like tags, just like it does for TWiki variables.

Overlapping styles

Because TWiki uses a "best guess" approach to some formatting, it allows overlapping of tags in a way forbidden by HTML, and it is impossible to guarantee 100% that formatting in the original TWiki document will still be there when the same document is loaded and then saved through the WysiwygPlugin. The most obvious case of this is to do with styles. For example, the sentence

 bold bold-italic italic is legal in TML, but in HTML is represented by
 bold bold-italic italic which gets translated back to TML as
 bold bold-italic_ _italic
which is correct by construction, but does not render correctly in TWiki. This problem is unfortunately unavoidable due to the way TWiki syntax works.
which is correct by construction, but does not render correctly in TWiki. This problem is unfortunately unavoidable due to the way TML works.

Plugin Info


Rowspan processing needs TablePlugin

The WysiwygPlugin is able to convert tables with cells that span rows into TML. This requires syntax provided by the TablePlugin (that is, the | ^ | markup). the WysiwygPlugin will therefore only perform row-span related conversion if the TablePlugin is enabled. The TablePlugin is enabled by default and hence the WysiwygPlugin converts tables with cells that span rows between TML and HTML by default.

Many thanks to the following sponsors for supporting this work:
If the TablePlugin is not enabled, then TML table cells containing only ^ are not converted to rowspans, and HTML tables containing rowspans are not converted to TML.

TinyMCEPlugin integration

  • Anchors are not handled by WysiwygPlugin
  • WysiwygPlugin fails to roundtrip tables with align="center", border attributes, etc.
    • Description: Sometimes tables will fail to be converted to TML syntax (will stay as HTML) because there are attributes on the table (such as alignment or border decorations) that the WysiwygPlugin does not know how to preserve. If such attributes are necessary, please use VarTABLE instead.
    • Work-around:
      • Click inside the problematic table
      • Click the table toolbar button (usually used to create a new table)
      • With the exception of Cols and Rows, delete/reset all content from the fields on the 'General' and 'Advanced' tabs.
      • Write a VarTABLE variable above the offending table that adds the desired attributes safely

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie http://www.c-dot.co.uk
Copyright © 2005 ILOG http://www.ilog.fr,
© 2007 Twiki, Inc.,
© 2005-2011 TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
Author: Crawford Currie, TWiki Contributors
Copyright © 2005 ILOG http://www.ilog.fr
© 2007 Twiki, Inc.
© 2008-2012 Foswiki Contributors
© 2005-2013 TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
License GPL (Gnu General Public License)
Plugin Version: 2011-11-11 22425 (2013-02-16)
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
2011-11-11: TWikibug:Item6800: More fixes for using qw(...) as parentheses, which is deprecated in Perl 5.14 -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
2011-09-12: TWikibug:Item6800: Fix for using qw(...) as parentheses, which is deprecated in Perl 5.14 -- TWiki:Main.PaulMerchantJr
2011-07-10: TWikibug:Item6725: Change global package variables from "use vars" to "our"
Sponsors: ILOG, Carrier Corporation, Twiki Inc, Wave Systems Corp
Plugin Version: 2013-09-18 26391 (2013-10-14)
<--/twistyPlugin twikiMakeVisibleInline-->
2013-09-18: TWikibug:Item7338: Import WYSIWYG plugin fixes 2008-2013 -- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny
1.1.16 (16 May 2013) Fix problem with entities being expanded to unrepresentable characters
1.1.15 (16 Dec 2012) Minor perlcritic coding change
(21 Dec 2012) Changing a wikiword should not require visiting the TinyMCE link dialog.
1.1.14 (28 Nov 2012) Clean up hex markers left behind by TinyMCEPlugin
Convert to perl version strings
Preserve Square bracket links
1.1.13 (5 Jun 2012) Backslash line continuation incorrectly requires a space dlimitier.
Extraneous hex 03 characters replace % in nested tags
1.1.12 (30 May 2012) Fix for Item10089 caused link corruption in certain cases.
1.1.11 (22 May 2012) Compile errors with perl 5.8.8 due to use of new regular expression features.
1.1.10 (21 May 2012) Better fix for <div tags, also cover <blockquote tags.
Unable to position cursor above initial verbatim, pre and blockquote blocks
Syntax for indent was added earlier, but missed from release notes.
1.1.9 (test release) <div> tags are wrapped in <p> tags. TMCE auto closes them.
1.1.8 (test release) Fix for Item11814 breaks %ATTACHURL variable in link.
1.1.7 (test release) Wysiwyg removes <br /> tags at end of lines.
1.1.6 (test release) Process TML links as HTML links
TMCE should honor NOAUTOLINK preference and noautolink blocks.
Allow TMCE to recognize TML links as HTML links.
Protect Glue format markup in variables.
Don't merge verbatim blocks if they have different classes.
Handle colors implemented using CSS classes.
Preserve URI Encoding in links.
WikiWords escaped with ! are show as linking.
TMCE is failing to protect newlines.
1.1.5 (06 Apr 2012) protect inline script and style tags from wysiwyg.
protect tags inside pre.
Protect TML tables from corrupting embedded html markup.
Prevent #Anchors from being wrapped to the previous line.
Prevent corruption of HTML tables containin blank lines.
1.1.4 support pass-through of DEL and INS tags
1.1.3 (08 Nov 2011) Fix WysiwygPlugin eating newlines inside %MACRO{...} expressions (Michael Tempest)
1.1.2 (11 Apr 2011) Version released with TWiki 1.1.3. Only a minor change related to how the plugin is being upgraded
1.1.1 (19 Jan 2011) Switch to x.y.z release numbering
Try to use Variables in the src URLs of images with titles
Fix attachments REST handler to deal with topics named with international characters
Protect div and span tags with style attributes
28 Jun 2010 Fix conversion between character encodings. Any characters may be entered in the WYSIWYG editor, regardless of the site's encoding. Where possible, they are converted to the site encoding, otherwise they become entities.
Fix cursor-movement problems on Mozilla browsers (introduced by )
Can now place cursor into empty list-item
Can now move cursor above a table at start of a topic and below a table at the end of the topic
Protect <br /> tags at the end of a protected line (e.g. in a variable parameter)
Protect newlines within a <pre> block
Keep the content of <big> and <var> tags
Fix stand-alone (command-line) HTML-to-TML conversion
21 May 2010 Use Wysiwyg transition to remove usually unwanted paragraph html tags in table cells, which are otherwise impossible to remove in TinyMCE up to at least 3.3.6
Fix problem where Wysiwyg transition merges two consecutive lists (a result of work on )
2010-05-17: TWikibug:Item6433 - more doc fixes; replacing TWIKIWEB with SYSTEMWEB
2010-04-24: TWikibug:Item6433 - doc improvements, prepare for TWiki 5.0 release
18 Apr 2009 Fixed TWikibug:Item6251 (require http post for REST upload)
17 Jan 2010 ATTACHFILESIZELIMIT check fails confusingly if value is "0 "
18 Dec 2009 move code out of the plugin module to accelerate loading
18 Nov 2009 Convert tables with cells that span rows
22 Oct 2009 Protect div style= by default
18 Sep 2009 Prevent dataloss when saving a topic in Wysiwyg where there are a pair of sticky tags inside verbatim tags
28 Jun 2009 Protect XML tags registered by plugins, and not just the content between them (Michael Tempest)
06 Jun 2009 Correct dependency on HTML::Parser (Will Norris). Correct processing of colour and typewriter-text in several situations, include application to bold text and table cells (Michael Tempest). Remove unwanted extra <sticky> tags (Michael Tempest). Let plugins register XML tags that should be protected like variables
10 Apr 2009 fixed colour handling
03 Dec 2008 fixed empty bullet list problem.
22 Oct 2008 Fixed TWikibug:Item5961 (emphasis), TWikibug:Item6089 (backslash in verbatim)
7 Aug 2008 Fixed TWikibug:Item5707 (mod_perl)
3 Aug 2008 TWiki 4.2.1 release version
07 Aug 2008 Fixed TWikibug:Item5707 (mod_perl)
03 Aug 2008 TWiki 4.2.1 release version
25 May 2008 TWikibug:Item5457: TWikibug:Item5528: TWikibug:Item5626: using a debug simulation, I believe I have finally fixed all the complexities of using international character sets with the translator.
13 Apr 2008 TWikibug:Item4946: TWikibug:Item5530: I think I have finally fixed non-iso-8859-1 character sets. Painful. TWikibug:Item5393: removed spurious DIV generated by IE inside LI tags
31 Mar 2008 TWikibug:Item5314: TWikibug:Item5457: Fixed pickaxe mode for editing UTF-8. Characters above 255 are converted to entitites, which is a bit of a PITA, but at least it no longer corrupts topics.
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24 Jan 2008 TWikibug:Item5257: remove extra spaces at end of Set lines
20 Dec 2007 TWikibug:Item5022: made TT font size same as verbatim. Had to add a new style to do it, as TMCE didn't want to play with TT or CODE tags. TWikibug:Item5138: post-conversion of 8-bit entities to characters to aid searching etc.
19 Dec 2007 TWikibug:Item4836: make the parser tolerant of META, so pasting OO docs works TWikibug:Item4969: autoclose BR and HR tags TWikibug:Item5132: fixed IMG tags TWikibug:Item5076: fixed line-sensitive TML embedded in tables
8 Nov 2007 TWikibug:Item4923: fixed blocking of table conversion due to empty attributes TWikibug:Item4936: An em embedded in an em was getting eaten TWikibug:Item4817: added typewriter text button TWikibug:Item4850: added font colour controls TWikibug:Item4645: added REST handlers for upload and fetching lists of attachments
2 Nov 2007 TWikibug:Item4903: corrected over-enthusiastive interpretation of ! as an escape
08 Nov 2007 TWikibug:Item4923: fixed blocking of table conversion due to empty attributes TWikibug:Item4936: An em embedded in an em was getting eaten TWikibug:Item4817: added typewriter text button TWikibug:Item4850: added font colour controls TWikibug:Item4645: added REST handlers for upload and fetching lists of attachments
02 Nov 2007 TWikibug:Item4903: corrected over-enthusiastive interpretation of ! as an escape
21 Oct 2007 TWikibug:Item4788: fixed unbalanced protect, which could cause loss of protected status TWikibug:Item4811: noautolink looks like an HTML construct but in fact is not; the tag is infact an "on-off" switch and does not imply any HTML structure, so cannot be converted to a DIV or a span, so has to be removed. TWikibug:Item4747: added <sticky> to try to overcome limitations in translation TWikibug:Item4831: added increased flexibility in deciding what HTML get converted to TML, and what does not. Analysed all the HTML4 tags to establish initial settings. TWikibug:Item4847: don't call non-existent function with older HTML::Parser releases TWikibug:Item4844: Saving a table from IE didn't convert it back to TML TWikibug:Item4855: table rows generated from TWiki variables were being eaten
6 Oct 2007 TWikibug:Item4700: fixed colspans TWikibug:Item4701: removed extra line between %TABLE and the table TWikibug:Item4705: fixed spacing around literal and verbatim blocks TWikibug:Item4706: merge adjacent verbatim blocks separated only by whitespace TWikibug:Item4712: fixed eating of noautolink and literal TWikibug:Item4763: list items spanning multiple lines fixed TWikibug:Item4867: released tml2html
06 Oct 2007 TWikibug:Item4700: fixed colspans TWikibug:Item4701: removed extra line between %TABLE and the table TWikibug:Item4705: fixed spacing around literal and verbatim blocks TWikibug:Item4706: merge adjacent verbatim blocks separated only by whitespace TWikibug:Item4712: fixed eating of noautolink and literal TWikibug:Item4763: list items spanning multiple lines fixed TWikibug:Item4867: released tml2html
17 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4647: TWikibug:Item4652: problems related to DIV fixed. TWikibug:Item4653: fixed multi-line twiki variables
16 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4630: polished up the way the secret string is done, to ensure synch between perl and JS. Item4622: added UTF-8 handling steps that fixup malformed UTF8 strings before presenting them to the editor (saves Moz) and stops the editor passing them back to TWiki (saves IE). Removed extra entity decoding steps that were causing problems. TWikibug:Item4629: fixed issues with verbatim, highlighted by previous mangling of this topic
13 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4613 cleaned up spurious message when navigating away TWikibug:Item4615 fixed incorrect rendering of emphasis next to br
12 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4604 Fixes to REST handler, and add ability to trigger HTML2TML conversion from a content comment alone (required for some editors) TWikibug:Item4588 fixes to conversion of double-character emphases
7 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4503 excess empty lines TWikibug:Item4486 no toc headers with unofficial syntax TWikibug:Item4560: empty lines lost TWikibug:Item4566: corrupted table on save TWikibug:Item4550 section tags being eaten
4 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4534 TWikibug:Item4535 fixed
07 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4503 excess empty lines TWikibug:Item4486 no toc headers with unofficial syntax TWikibug:Item4560: empty lines lost TWikibug:Item4566: corrupted table on save TWikibug:Item4550 section tags being eaten
04 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4534 TWikibug:Item4535 fixed
  See Subversion logs for earlier revisions
HTML::Parser>=3.28Required. Available from CPAN.
HTML::Entities>=1.25Required. Available from CPAN.
Plugin Home: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin
Feedback: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/WysiwygPluginDev
Appraisal: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/WysiwygPluginAppraisal
Related Topics: TinyMCEPlugin, TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins
Related Topics: WysiwygPluginSettings, WysiwygPluginTopicLister, TinyMCEPlugin, TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins

Revision 182011-11-11 - TWikiContributor

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Wysiwyg Plugin

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Revision 162011-11-11 - TWikiContributor

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Revision 152011-11-11 - TWikiContributor

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Revision 142011-07-10 - TWikiContributor

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Wysiwyg Plugin

Revision 132010-11-05 - TWikiContributor

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Wysiwyg Plugin

 Translator framework for WYSIWYG editors


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Plugin Author: TWiki:Main/CrawfordCurrie http://www.c-dot.co.uk
Copyright © 2005 ILOG http://www.ilog.fr,
© 2007 Twiki, Inc.,
© 2005-2010 TWiki:TWiki/TWikiContributor
License GPL (Gnu General Public License)
Plugin Version: 2010-05-17 18717 (2010-05-29)
Plugin Version: 2010-05-17 20922 (2011-05-03)
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
2010-05-17: TWikibug:Item6433 - more doc fixes; replacing TWIKIWEB with SYSTEMWEB
2010-04-24: TWikibug:Item6433 - doc improvements, prepare for TWiki 5.0 release

Revision 122010-05-18 - TWikiContributor

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Wysiwyg Plugin

Translator framework for WYSIWYG editors
Translator framework for WYSIWYG editors
Support for the integration of WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) editors. On its own, the only thing this plugin gives you is a stand-alone HTML to TWiki translator script. For WYSIWYG editing in TWiki, you will also need to install a specific editor package such as TWiki:Plugins.KupuEditorContrib or TWiki:Plugins.WikiwygContrib.


This plugin provides a generic framework that supports editing of TWiki topics using any browser-based HTML editor. It works by transforming TML (TWiki Meta Language) into HTML for the editor, and then transforming HTML back into TML on save.
Support for the integration of WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) editors. On its own, the only thing this plugin gives you is a stand-alone HTML to TWiki translator script. For WYSIWYG editing in TWiki, you will also need to install a specific editor package such as TWiki:Plugins/KupuEditorContrib or TWiki:Plugins/WikiwygContrib.
This plugin provides a generic framework that supports editing of TWiki topics using any browser-based HTML editor. It works by transforming TML (TWiki Meta Language) into HTML for the editor, and then transforming HTML back into TML on save.


  • Supports the input of malformed HTML
  • Full round-trip (TML -> XHTML -> TWiki syntax)
  • Framework is editor-agnostic
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  Both translators can be used directly from Perl scripts, for example to build your own stand-alone translators.
A stand-alone convertor script for HTML to TWiki is included in the installation. It can be found in tools/html2tml.pl.
A stand-alone converter script for HTML to TWiki is included in the installation. It can be found in tools/html2tml.pl.

Integrating a HTML Editor

 The plugin can be used to integrate an HTML editor in a number of different ways.
  1. The HTML for the content-to-be-edited can be generated directly in the standard edit template.
  1. The HTML for the content-to-be-edited can be generated directly in a specialised edit template.
  1. The HTML for the content-to-be-edited can be generated directly in a specialized edit template.
  1. A URL can be used to fetch the content-to-be-edited from the server, for use in an IFRAME.
  2. REST handlers can be called from Javascript to convert content.

Generating content directly in the standard edit template


Generating content in standard edit template

 This is the technique used by WYSIWYG editors that can sit on top of HTML textareas, such as TinyMCE. The topic content is pre-converted to HTML before inclusion in the standard edit template. These editors use plugins that have a beforeEditHandler and an afterEditHandler. These handlers are responsible for the conversion of topic text to HTML, and post-conversion of HTML back to TML.
  1. User hits "edit".
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  • Your plugin should set the textareas_hijacked context id, to signal to skins to suppress their textarea manipulation functions.
This is the recommended integration technique, if your editor can support it.

Generating content directly in a specialised edit template


Generating content in specialized edit template

 This technique is useful when the editor requires the topic content in a variety of different formats at the same time. In this scenario the editor uses a custom edit template. The WYSIWYG content is made available for instantiation in that template in a number of different formats. WYSIWYGPLUGIN_WYSIWYGSKIN must be set for this to work.

The flow of control is as follows:

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  • WYSIWYGPLUGIN_WYSIWYGSKIN must be set to the name of the skin used for WYSIWYG editing. This is usually the name of the editor e.g. kupu.

Fetching content from a URL

 In this scenario, the edit template is generated without the content-to-be-edited. The content is retrieved from the server using a URL e.g. from an IFRAME.

The flow of control is as follows:

  1. As Generating content directly in a specialised edit template
  2. As Generating content directly in a specialised edit template
  3. As Generating content directly in a specialised edit template
  1. As Generating content directly in a specialized edit template
  2. As Generating content directly in a specialized edit template
  3. As Generating content directly in a specialized edit template
  1. When the document loads in the browser, the JS editor invokes a content URL (using an IFRAME or a XmlHttpRequest) to obtain the HTML document to be edited
    • The content URL is just a TWiki view URL with the wysiwyg_edit parameter set.
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 Once the save script has completed it responds with a redirect, either to an Oops page if the save failed, or to the appropriate post-save URL (usually a view). The editor must be ready to handle this redirect.

Handling Attachments

 Attachment uploads can be handled by URL requests from the editor template to the TWiki
upload script. The upload script normally redirects to the containing topic; a behaviour that you usually don't want in an editor! There are two ways to handle this:
upload script. The upload script normally redirects to the containing topic; a behavior that you usually don't want in an editor! There are two ways to handle this:
  • If the uploads are done in an IFRAME or via XmlHttpRequest, then the 302 redirect at the end of the upload can simply be ignored.
  • You can pass noredirect to the upload script to suppress the redirect. In this case
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Known issues

Incompatible with "non-standard" syntax

WysiwygPlugin is incompatible with plugins that expand non-standard syntax e.g. TWiki:Plugins.MathModePlugin (WysiwygPlugin)
WysiwygPlugin is incompatible with plugins that expand non-standard syntax e.g. TWiki:Plugins.MathModePlugin (WysiwygPlugin)
  Plugins that extend the syntax using TWiki variables, such as %MYVARIABLE%, should work fine.

Overlapping styles

Because TWiki uses a "best guess" approach to some formatting, it allows overlapping of tags in a way forbidden by HTML, and it is impossible to guarantee 100% that formating in the original TWiki document will still be there when the same document is loaded and then saved through the WysiwygPlugin. The most obvious case of this is to do with styles. For example, the sentence
Because TWiki uses a "best guess" approach to some formatting, it allows overlapping of tags in a way forbidden by HTML, and it is impossible to guarantee 100% that formatting in the original TWiki document will still be there when the same document is loaded and then saved through the WysiwygPlugin. The most obvious case of this is to do with styles. For example, the sentence
*bold _bold-italic* italic_
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Plugin Info

This plugin is brought to you by a WikiRing partner - working together to improve your wiki experience!
 Many thanks to the following sponsors for supporting this work:
Plugin Author(s): TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie http://www.c-dot.co.uk
Copyright © ILOG 2005 http://www.ilog.fr, 2007 TWIKI.NET
Plugin Author: TWiki:Main/CrawfordCurrie http://www.c-dot.co.uk
Copyright © 2005 ILOG http://www.ilog.fr,
© 2007 Twiki, Inc.,
© 2005-2010 TWiki:TWiki/TWikiContributor
License GPL (Gnu General Public License)
Plugin Version: 18083 (02 Sep 2009)
Change History:  
Plugin Version: 2010-05-17 18717 (2010-05-29)
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
2010-05-17: TWikibug:Item6433 - more doc fixes; replacing TWIKIWEB with SYSTEMWEB
2010-04-24: TWikibug:Item6433 - doc improvements, prepare for TWiki 5.0 release
18 Apr 2009 Fixed TWikibug:Item6251 (require http post for REST upload)
22 Oct 2008 Fixed TWikibug:Item5961 (emphasis), TWikibug:Item6089 (backslash in verbatim)
7 Aug 2008 Fixed TWikibug:Item5707 (mod_perl)
Line: 207 to 226
17 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4647: TWikibug:Item4652: problems related to DIV fixed. TWikibug:Item4653: fixed multi-line twiki variables
16 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4630: polished up the way the secret string is done, to ensure synch between perl and JS. Item4622: added UTF-8 handling steps that fixup malformed UTF8 strings before presenting them to the editor (saves Moz) and stops the editor passing them back to TWiki (saves IE). Removed extra entity decoding steps that were causing problems. TWikibug:Item4629: fixed issues with verbatim, highlighted by previous mangling of this topic
13 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4613 cleaned up spurious message when navigating away TWikibug:Item4615 fixed incorrect rendering of emphasis next to br
12 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4604 Fixes to REST handler, and add ability to trigger HTML2TML conversion from a content comment alone (required for some editors) TWikibug:Item4588 fixes to conversion of double-character emphases
12 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4604 Fixes to REST handler, and add ability to trigger HTML2TML conversion from a content comment alone (required for some editors) TWikibug:Item4588 fixes to conversion of double-character emphases
7 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4503 excess empty lines TWikibug:Item4486 no toc headers with unofficial syntax TWikibug:Item4560: empty lines lost TWikibug:Item4566: corrupted table on save TWikibug:Item4550 section tags being eaten
4 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4534 TWikibug:Item4535 fixed
See Subversion logs for earlier revisions
  See Subversion logs for earlier revisions
HTML::Parser>=3.28Required. Available from CPAN.
HTML::Entities>=1.25Required. Available from CPAN.
Plugin Home: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin
Feedback: TWiki:Plugins/WysiwygPluginDev
Feedback: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/WysiwygPluginDev
Appraisal: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/WysiwygPluginAppraisal
Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins

META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" name="wikiringlogo20x20.png" version="1"
Related Topics: TinyMCEPlugin, TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins

Revision 112009-04-18 - TWikiContributor

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Wysiwyg Plugin

Revision 102009-04-18 - TWikiContributor

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Wysiwyg Plugin

  • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Translator framework for Wysiwyg editors
<-- Do not attempt to edit this topic; it is auto-generated. Please add comments/questions/remarks to the Dev topic instead. -->
 Translator framework for WYSIWYG editors
   Contributions to this plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page
   at http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin or provide feedback
   at http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/WysiwygPluginDev.
   If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository.
  Support for the integration of WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) editors. On its own, the only thing this plugin gives you is a stand-alone HTML to TWiki translator script. For WYSIWYG editing in TWiki, you will also need to install a specific editor package such as TWiki:Plugins.KupuEditorContrib or TWiki:Plugins.WikiwygContrib.
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Other techniques

Asynchronous saves

Editors can use XmlHttpRequest to perform saves, by POSTing to the TWiki save script with the wysiwyg_edit parameter set to 1. This parameter tells the beforeSaveHandler in the WysiwygPlugin to convert the content back to TML. See TWikiScripts for details of the other parameters to the save script.
Editors can use XmlHttpRequest to perform saves, by POSTing to the TWiki save script with the wysiwyg_edit parameter set to 1. This parameter tells the beforeSaveHandler in the WysiwygPlugin to convert the content back to TML. See TWikiScripts for details of the other parameters to the save script.
  Once the save script has completed it responds with a redirect, either to an Oops page if the save failed, or to the appropriate post-save URL (usually a view). The editor must be ready to handle this redirect.
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Plugin Configuration Settings

Translator control



The global preference setting WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE can be set to make the plugin sensitive to what is in a topic, before allowing it to be edited. The comma separated list to fall back to text edit can include:

  • html - HTML tags (e.g. <div>, not including <br>), or
  • variables - simple variables (e.g. %SOMEVAR%) or
  • calls - variables with parameters e.g. %SOMECALL{...}%
  • pre - pre-formatted blocks (<pre>)
  • comments - HTML comments (<!-- ... -->)
  • script - inline HTML Script tags - default
  • style - inline CSS style tags - default
  • table - inline HTML tables (<table ..>. TML tables are not excluded)

If the plugin detects an excluded construct in the topic, it will refuse to allow the edit and will redirect to the default editor.


If you excluded calls in WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE, you can still define a subset of variables that do not block edits. this is done in the global preference setting WYSIWYG_EDITABLE_CALLS, which should be a list of variable names separated by vertical bars, with no spaces, e.g: * Set WYSIWYG_EDITABLE_CALLS = COMMENT|CALENDAR|INCLUDE

You should set WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE and WYSIWYG_EDITABLE_CALLS in TWikiPreferences, or in WebPreferences for each web.

WYSIWYGPLUGIN_PROTECT_EXISTING_TAGS - Protect specific tags originally in the topic text

The WYSIWYGPLUGIN_PROTECT_EXISTING_TAGS preference tells the translator that certain HTML tags which were originally in the topic text should remain as HTML tags; the translator will not try to convert them to TML. This protects the tags themselves, and not the contents enclosed between the <tag> and </tag>

The default setting for this preference is defined within the plugin. It corresponds to div, span.

This feature may be disabled by setting the preference to a single comma. This does not guarantee that HTML markup will be removed; the conversion of HTML tags to TML markup remains subject to the other controls provided by the WysiwygPlugin, including the WYSIWYGPLUGIN_STICKYBITS preference, <sticky> blocks, <literal> blocks and the rules applied to tables and lists.

WYSIWYGPLUGIN_PROTECT_TAG_BLOCKS - Protect specific tag blocks originally in the topic text

The WYSIWYGPLUGIN_PROTECT_TAG_BLOCKS preference tells the translator that certain HTML tag blocks which were originally in the topic text should remain as HTML blocks; the translator will not try to convert them to TML.

The default setting for this preference is defined within the plugin. It corresponds to script, style.

As an example, individual html tables can be protected by surrounding them with <sticky> .. </sticky> block.  However,if you want to have all =<table> markup preserved as entered into topics by default, rather than subject to WYSIWYG editing,  add =table to this list, and =<table> markup will become automatically sticky.

This feature may be disabled by setting the preference to a single comma.

WYSIWYGPLUGIN_STICKYBITS - Protect tags based upon their arguments

You can define the global preference WYSIWYGPLUGIN_STICKYBITS to stop the plugin from ever trying to convert specific HTML tags into TML when certain specific attributes are present on the tag. This is most useful when you have styling or alignment information in tags that must be preserved.

This preference setting is used to tell the translator which attributes, when present on a tag, make it "stick" i.e. block conversion back to TML.

For example, setting it to table=background,lang;tr=valign will stop the translator from trying to convert any table tag that has background or lang attributes, and any tr tag that has a valign attribute back to TWiki | table | column | markup (regardless of where that table tag comes from).

This setting is used only after the page has been processed by the editor. If the editor does not support a particular tag or attribute and the editor corrupts the tag, this setting will not be helpful. It is only used to prevent an HTML tag from being converted back to TML.

Format of the setting is tag1=attrib,attrib;tag2=attrib. Attributes delimited by comma, and tags delimited by semicolon.

  • The left side of the equal sign is the tag.
  • The right side of the equal sign is a comma delimited list of attributes to be matched.

If a matching tag is found, that matches any of the attributes listed, the tag will not be converted back to TML. You can use perl regular expressions to match tag and attribute names, so .*=id,on.* will ensure that any tag with an id or on* event handler is kept as HTML.

The default setting for this preference are hard coded in the plugin. If you wish to change the settings, the following list is the default setting coded in the plugin:


<-- %JQREQUIRE{"chili"}%

(?!IMG).*=id,lang,title,dir,on.*; A=accesskey,coords,shape,target; BDO=dir; BR=clear; COL=char,charoff,span,valign,width; COLGROUP=align,char,charoff,span,valign,width; DIR=compact; DIV=align,style; DL=compact; FONT=size,face; H[0-9]=align; HR=align,noshade,size,width; LEGEND=accesskey,align; LI=value; OL=compact,start,type; P=align; PARAM=name,type,value,valuetype; PRE=width; Q=cite; TABLE=align,bgcolor,frame,rules,summary,width; TBODY=align,char,charoff,valign; TD=abbr,align,axis,bgcolor,char,charoff,headers,height,nowrap,rowspan,scope,valign,width; TFOOT=align,char,charoff,valign; TH=abbr,align,axis,bgcolor,char,charoff,height,nowrap,rowspan,scope,valign,width,headers; THEAD=align,char,charoff,valign; TR=bgcolor,char,charoff,valign; UL=compact,type


If you edit using the plain-text editor, you can use the <sticky>..</sticky> tags to delimit HTML (or TML) that you do not want to be WYSIWYG edited.



The global preference setting WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE can be set to make the plugin sensitive to what is in a topic, before allowing it to be edited. The comma separated list to fall back to text edit can include:

  • html - HTML tags (e.g. <div>, not including <br>), or
  • variables - simple variables (e.g. %SOMEVAR%) or
  • calls - variables with parameters e.g. %SOMECALL{...}%
  • pre - pre-formatted blocks (<pre>)
  • comments - HTML comments (<!-- ... -->)
  • script - inline HTML Script tags - default
  • style - inline CSS style tags - default
  • table - inline HTML tables (<table ..>. TML tables are not excluded)

If the plugin detects an excluded construct in the topic, it will refuse to allow the edit and will redirect to the default editor.


If you excluded calls in WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE, you can still define a subset of variables that do not block edits. this is done in the global preference setting WYSIWYG_EDITABLE_CALLS, which should be a list of variable names separated by vertical bars, with no spaces, e.g: * Set WYSIWYG_EDITABLE_CALLS = COMMENT|CALENDAR|INCLUDE

You should set WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE and WYSIWYG_EDITABLE_CALLS in TWikiPreferences, or in WebPreferences for each web.

WYSIWYGPLUGIN_PROTECT_EXISTING_TAGS - Protect specific tags originally in the topic text

The WYSIWYGPLUGIN_PROTECT_EXISTING_TAGS preference tells the translator that certain HTML tags which were originally in the topic text should remain as HTML tags; the translator will not try to convert them to TML. This protects the tags themselves, and not the contents enclosed between the <tag> and </tag>

The default setting for this preference is defined within the plugin. It corresponds to div, span.

This feature may be disabled by setting the preference to a single comma. This does not guarantee that HTML markup will be removed; the conversion of HTML tags to TML markup remains subject to the other controls provided by the WysiwygPlugin, including the WYSIWYGPLUGIN_STICKYBITS preference, <sticky> blocks, <literal> blocks and the rules applied to tables and lists.

WYSIWYGPLUGIN_PROTECT_TAG_BLOCKS - Protect specific tag blocks originally in the topic text

The WYSIWYGPLUGIN_PROTECT_TAG_BLOCKS preference tells the translator that certain HTML tag blocks which were originally in the topic text should remain as HTML blocks; the translator will not try to convert them to TML.

The default setting for this preference is defined within the plugin. It corresponds to script, style.

As an example, individual html tables can be protected by surrounding them with <sticky> .. </sticky> block.  However,if you want to have all =<table> markup preserved as entered into topics by default, rather than subject to WYSIWYG editing,  add =table to this list, and =<table> markup will become automatically sticky.

This feature may be disabled by setting the preference to a single comma.

WYSIWYGPLUGIN_STICKYBITS - Protect tags based upon their arguments

You can define the global preference WYSIWYGPLUGIN_STICKYBITS to stop the plugin from ever trying to convert specific HTML tags into TML when certain specific attributes are present on the tag. This is most useful when you have styling or alignment information in tags that must be preserved.

This preference setting is used to tell the translator which attributes, when present on a tag, make it "stick" i.e. block conversion back to TML.

For example, setting it to table=background,lang;tr=valign will stop the translator from trying to convert any table tag that has background or lang attributes, and any tr tag that has a valign attribute back to TWiki | table | column | markup (regardless of where that table tag comes from).

This setting is used only after the page has been processed by the editor. If the editor does not support a particular tag or attribute and the editor corrupts the tag, this setting will not be helpful. It is only used to prevent an HTML tag from being converted back to TML.

Format of the setting is tag1=attrib,attrib;tag2=attrib. Attributes delimited by comma, and tags delimited by semicolon.

  • The left side of the equal sign is the tag.
  • The right side of the equal sign is a comma delimited list of attributes to be matched.

If a matching tag is found, that matches any of the attributes listed, the tag will not be converted back to TML. You can use perl regular expressions to match tag and attribute names, so .*=id,on.* will ensure that any tag with an id or on* event handler is kept as HTML.

The default setting for this preference are hard coded in the plugin. If you wish to change the settings, the following list is the default setting coded in the plugin:


<-- %JQREQUIRE{"chili"}%

(?!IMG).*=id,lang,title,dir,on.*; A=accesskey,coords,shape,target; BDO=dir; BR=clear; COL=char,charoff,span,valign,width; COLGROUP=align,char,charoff,span,valign,width; DIR=compact; DIV=align,style; DL=compact; FONT=size,face; H[0-9]=align; HR=align,noshade,size,width; LEGEND=accesskey,align; LI=value; OL=compact,start,type; P=align; PARAM=name,type,value,valuetype; PRE=width; Q=cite; TABLE=align,bgcolor,frame,rules,summary,width; TBODY=align,char,charoff,valign; TD=abbr,align,axis,bgcolor,char,charoff,headers,height,nowrap,rowspan,scope,valign,width; TFOOT=align,char,charoff,valign; TH=abbr,align,axis,bgcolor,char,charoff,height,nowrap,rowspan,scope,valign,width,headers; THEAD=align,char,charoff,valign; TR=bgcolor,char,charoff,valign; UL=compact,type


If you edit using the plain-text editor, you can use the <sticky>..</sticky> tags to delimit HTML (or TML) that you do not want to be WYSIWYG edited.

  Implementors note if you are using your own before/after edit handlers, you can call TWiki::Plugins::WysiwygPlugin::isWysiwygEditable() to check these controls.
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Plugin Author(s): TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie http://www.c-dot.co.uk
Copyright © ILOG 2005 http://www.ilog.fr
Copyright © ILOG 2005 http://www.ilog.fr, 2007 TWIKI.NET
License GPL (Gnu General Public License)
Plugin Version: 17829 (30 Mar 2009)
Plugin Version: 18020 (29 Apr 2009)
Change History:  
18 Apr 2009 Fixed TWikibug:Item6251 (require http post for REST upload)
22 Oct 2008 Fixed TWikibug:Item5961 (emphasis), TWikibug:Item6089 (backslash in verbatim)
7 Aug 2008 Fixed TWikibug:Item5707 (mod_perl)
3 Aug 2008 TWiki 4.2.1 release version
Line: 209 to 216
Feedback: TWiki:Plugins/WysiwygPluginDev
Appraisal: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/WysiwygPluginAppraisal
Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins

<-- Do not attempt to edit this topic; it is auto-generated. Please add comments/questions/remarks to the Dev topic instead. -->
Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" name="wikiringlogo20x20.png" version="1"

Revision 92009-03-30 - TWikiContributor

Line: 181 to 181
Plugin Author(s): TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie http://www.c-dot.co.uk
Copyright © ILOG 2005 http://www.ilog.fr
License GPL (Gnu General Public License)
Plugin Version: 17680 (06 Dec 2008)
Plugin Version: 17829 (30 Mar 2009)
Change History:  
22 Oct 2008 Fixed TWikibug:Item5961 (emphasis), TWikibug:Item6089 (backslash in verbatim)
7 Aug 2008 Fixed TWikibug:Item5707 (mod_perl)

Revision 82008-12-06 - TWikiContributor

Line: 45 to 45
  1. The HTML for the content-to-be-edited can be generated directly in the standard edit template.
  2. The HTML for the content-to-be-edited can be generated directly in a specialised edit template.
  3. A URL can be used to fetch the content-to-be-edited from the server, for use in an IFRAME.
  1. REST handlers can be called from Javacript to convert content.
  1. REST handlers can be called from Javascript to convert content.

Generating content directly in the standard edit template

This is the technique used by WYSIWYG editors that can sit on top of HTML
Line: 178 to 178
Plugin Authors: TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie http://www.c-dot.co.uk
Plugin Author(s): TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie http://www.c-dot.co.uk
Copyright © ILOG 2005 http://www.ilog.fr
License GPL (Gnu General Public License)
Plugin Version: 03 Aug 2008 17302 (04 Aug 2008)
Plugin Version: 17680 (06 Dec 2008)
Change History:  
03 Aug 2008 TWiki 4.2.1 release version
22 Oct 2008 Fixed TWikibug:Item5961 (emphasis), TWikibug:Item6089 (backslash in verbatim)
7 Aug 2008 Fixed TWikibug:Item5707 (mod_perl)
3 Aug 2008 TWiki 4.2.1 release version
25 May 2008 TWikibug:Item5457: TWikibug:Item5528: TWikibug:Item5626: using a debug simulation, I believe I have finally fixed all the complexities of using international character sets with the translator.
13 Apr 2008 TWikibug:Item4946: TWikibug:Item5530: I think I have finally fixed non-iso-8859-1 character sets. Painful. TWikibug:Item5393: removed spurious DIV generated by IE inside LI tags
31 Mar 2008 TWikibug:Item5314: TWikibug:Item5457: Fixed pickaxe mode for editing UTF-8. Characters above 255 are converted to entitites, which is a bit of a PITA, but at least it no longer corrupts topics.
Line: 202 to 204
7 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4503 excess empty lines TWikibug:Item4486 no toc headers with unofficial syntax TWikibug:Item4560: empty lines lost TWikibug:Item4566: corrupted table on save TWikibug:Item4550 section tags being eaten
4 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4534 TWikibug:Item4535 fixed
See Subversion logs for earlier revisions
HTML::Parser>=3.28Required. Available from CPAN.
HTML::Entities>=1.25Required. Available from CPAN.
HTML::Parser>=3.28Required. Available from CPAN.
HTML::Entities>=1.25Required. Available from CPAN.
Plugin Home: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin
Feedback: TWiki:Plugins/WysiwygPluginDev
Appraisal: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/WysiwygPluginAppraisal

Revision 72008-08-03 - TWikiContributor

Line: 181 to 181
Plugin Authors: TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie http://www.c-dot.co.uk
Copyright © ILOG 2005 http://www.ilog.fr
License GPL (Gnu General Public License)
Plugin Version: 16174 (22 Jan 2008)
Plugin Version: 03 Aug 2008 17302 (04 Aug 2008)
Change History:  
03 Aug 2008 TWiki 4.2.1 release version
25 May 2008 TWikibug:Item5457: TWikibug:Item5528: TWikibug:Item5626: using a debug simulation, I believe I have finally fixed all the complexities of using international character sets with the translator.
13 Apr 2008 TWikibug:Item4946: TWikibug:Item5530: I think I have finally fixed non-iso-8859-1 character sets. Painful. TWikibug:Item5393: removed spurious DIV generated by IE inside LI tags
31 Mar 2008 TWikibug:Item5314: TWikibug:Item5457: Fixed pickaxe mode for editing UTF-8. Characters above 255 are converted to entitites, which is a bit of a PITA, but at least it no longer corrupts topics.
28 Mar 2008 TWikibug:Item5294: fixed angle brackets in plain text and promoted sticky to be higher priority than any other tag, solving several problems in one go
24 Jan 2008 TWikibug:Item5257: remove extra spaces at end of Set lines
20 Dec 2007 TWikibug:Item5022: made TT font size same as verbatim. Had to add a new style to do it, as TMCE didn't want to play with TT or CODE tags. TWikibug:Item5138: post-conversion of 8-bit entities to characters to aid searching etc.
19 Dec 2007 TWikibug:Item4836: make the parser tolerant of META, so pasting OO docs works TWikibug:Item4969: autoclose BR and HR tags TWikibug:Item5132: fixed IMG tags TWikibug:Item5076: fixed line-sensitive TML embedded in tables
8 Nov 2007 TWikibug:Item4923: fixed blocking of table conversion due to empty attributes TWikibug:Item4936: An em embedded in an em was getting eaten TWikibug:Item4817: added typewriter text button TWikibug:Item4850: added font colour controls TWikibug:Item4645: added REST handlers for upload and fetching lists of attachments

Revision 62008-01-22 - TWikiContributor

Line: 26 to 26

How it works

The plugin works by translating the topic text into HTML when someone edits a topic. The HTML is then fed to the WYSIWYG editor. On save, the edited HTML is run through the reverse translation before saving to the topic. TWiki syntax is used in preference to HTML in the stored topic wherever possible, though HTML may be used if the translator can't find a suitable TML equivalent..
The default rendering that TWiki uses to generate HTML for display in browsers is 'lossy' - information in the TWiki syntax is lost in the HTML output, and a round-trip (recovering the original TWiki syntax from the HTML) is impossible. To solve this problem the plugin instead uses its own translation of TWiki syntax to pure XHTML. The generated XHTML is annotated with CSS classes that support the accurate recovery of the original TWiki syntax.
The default rendering that TWiki uses to generate HTML for display in browsers is 'lossy' - information in the TWiki syntax is lost in the HTML output, and a round-trip (recovering the original TWiki syntax from the HTML) is impossible. To solve this problem the plugin instead uses its own translation of TWiki syntax to XHTML. The generated XHTML is annotated with CSS classes that support the accurate recovery of the original TWiki syntax.
  Before you ask the obvious question, yes, the translator could be used to replace the TWiki rendering pipeline for generating HTML pages. In fact, the translator is taken almost directly from the implementation of the rendering pipeline for the TWiki-4 release
Translation of the HTML back to TWiki syntax uses the CPAN:HTML::Parser. This parser is used in preference to a more modern XML parser, because the HTML may not generate fully compliant XHTML. A strict parser would risk losing content. CPAN:HTML::Parser is better at handling malformed HTML.
Translation of the HTML back to TWiki syntax uses the CPAN:HTML::Parser. This parser is used in preference to a more modern XML parser, because the WYSIWYG editor may not generate fully compliant XHTML. A strict parser would risk losing content. CPAN:HTML::Parser is better at handling malformed HTML.
There is also the advantage that the translator can be used to import HTML from other sources - for example, existing web pages. Due to the simple nature of TWiki syntax and the potential complexity of web pages, this translation is often lossy - i.e there will be HTML features that can be entered by editors that will be lost in this translation step. This is especially noticeable with HTML tables.
There is also the advantage that the translator can be used to import HTML from other sources - for example, existing web pages. Due to the simple nature of TWiki syntax and the potential complexity of web pages, this translation is often lossy - i.e there will be HTML features that can be entered by editors that will be lost in this translation step. This is especially noticeable with HTML tables.

Using the translators from Perl scripts

Both translators can be used directly from Perl scripts, for example to build your own stand-alone translators.

A stand-alone convertor script for HTML to TWiki is included in the installation. It can be found in the top-level tools directory and is called html2tml.pl.
A stand-alone convertor script for HTML to TWiki is included in the installation. It can be found in tools/html2tml.pl.

Integrating a Wysiwyg Editor

The plugin can be used to generate HTML for an editor in two ways; first, by generating the HTML for the content-to-be-edited directly in the edit template, and second, through a URL that can be used to fetch the content-to-be-edited from the server.

Integrating a HTML Editor

The plugin can be used to integrate an HTML editor in a number of different ways.
  1. The HTML for the content-to-be-edited can be generated directly in the standard edit template.
  2. The HTML for the content-to-be-edited can be generated directly in a specialised edit template.
  3. A URL can be used to fetch the content-to-be-edited from the server, for use in an IFRAME.
  4. REST handlers can be called from Javacript to convert content.

Generating content directly in the standard edit template

This is the technique used by WYSIWYG editors that can sit on top of HTML textareas, such as TinyMCE. The topic content is pre-converted to HTML before inclusion in the standard edit template. These editors use plugins that have a beforeEditHandler and an afterEditHandler. These handlers are responsible for the conversion of topic text to HTML, and post-conversion of HTML back to TML.
  1. User hits "edit".
  2. Editor-specific plugin beforeEditHandler converts topic content to HTML by calling TWiki::Plugins::WysiwygPlugin::TranslateTML2HTML.
  3. User edits and saves
  4. Editor-specific plugin afterEditHandler converts HTML back to TML by calling TWiki::Plugins::WysiwygPlugin::TranslateHTML2TML.
  • WysiwygPlugin should not be enabled in configure.
  • WYSIWYGPLUGIN_WYSIWYGSKIN should not be set.
  • Your plugin should set the textareas_hijacked context id, to signal to skins to suppress their textarea manipulation functions.
This is the recommended integration technique, if your editor can support it.

Getting content in the edit template

This is the scenario used by the standard TWiki text editor, except that the text is pre-converted to HTML before inclusion in the template.

Generating content directly in a specialised edit template

This technique is useful when the editor requires the topic content in a variety of different formats at the same time. In this scenario the editor uses a custom edit template. The WYSIWYG content is made available for instantiation in that template in a number of different formats. WYSIWYGPLUGIN_WYSIWYGSKIN must be set for this to work.
  The flow of control is as follows:
  1. User hits "edit".
  2. The beforeEditHandler filters the edit, blocking any attempt to edit restricted content
  3. The edit template containing the JS editor is instantiated. The following variables are available for expansion in the template:
  1. User hits "edit" with the skin (or cover) set the same as WYSIWYGPLUGIN_WYSIWYGSKIN.
  2. The WysiwygPlugin beforeEditHandler determines if the topic is WYSIWYG editable, and vetos the edit if not by redirecting to the standard edit skin. the edit
  3. The edit template containing the JS editor is instantiated.
  4. The following variables are available for expansion in the template:
    • %WYSIWYG_TEXT% expands to the HTML of the content-to-be-edited. This is suitable for use in a textarea.
    • %JAVASCRIPT_TEXT% expands to the HTML of the content-to-be-edited in a javascript constant.
  1. User edits and saves
  2. The afterEditHandler in the WyswiygPlugin sees that wysiwyg_edit is set, which triggers the conversion back to TML.
WYSIWYGPLUGIN_WYSIWYGSKIN must be set for this to work.
  • The HTML form in the edit template must include an <input called wysiwyg_edit and set it to 1, to trigger the conversion from HTML back to TML.
  • WYSIWYGPLUGIN_WYSIWYGSKIN must be set to the name of the skin used for WYSIWYG editing. This is usually the name of the editor e.g. kupu.

Fetching content from a URL

In this scenario, the edit template is generated without the content-to-be-edited. The content is retrieved from the server using a URL e.g. from an IFRAME or using a XmlHttpRequest.
In this scenario, the edit template is generated without the content-to-be-edited. The content is retrieved from the server using a URL e.g. from an IFRAME.
  The flow of control is as follows:
  1. User hits "edit".
  2. If the current skin = WYWIWYGPLUGIN_WYWIWYGSKIN, the beforeEditHandler filters the edit, blocking any attempt to edit restricted content.
  3. The edit template containing the JS editor is instantiated.
  4. JS editor invokes content URL to obtain the HTML document to be edited
  1. As Generating content directly in a specialised edit template
  2. As Generating content directly in a specialised edit template
  3. As Generating content directly in a specialised edit template
  4. When the document loads in the browser, the JS editor invokes a content URL (using an IFRAME or a XmlHttpRequest) to obtain the HTML document to be edited
    • The content URL is just a TWiki view URL with the wysiwyg_edit parameter set.
    • The plugin recognises the wysiwyg_edit parameter and uses the
    • The WysiwygPlugin recognises the wysiwyg_edit parameter and uses the
  TML2HTML translator to prepare the text, which is then returned as text/plain to the browser.
    • Two TWiki variables, %OWEB% and %OTOPIC%=, should be used in the content URL to refer to the source topic for the content.
    • Two TWiki variables, %OWEB% and %OTOPIC%=, can be used in the content URL in the edit template to refer to the source topic for the content.
  1. After edit handling is as for Generating content directly in a specialised edit template

Handling Saves

Saves are invoked by the editor POSTing to the TWiki save script with the wysiwyg_edit parameter set to 1. This parameter tells the beforeSaveHandler in the plugin to convert the HTML back to TML. See TWikiScripts for details of the other parameters to the save script.

Other techniques

Asynchronous saves

Editors can use XmlHttpRequest to perform saves, by POSTing to the TWiki save script with the wysiwyg_edit parameter set to 1. This parameter tells the beforeSaveHandler in the WysiwygPlugin to convert the content back to TML. See TWikiScripts for details of the other parameters to the save script.
  Once the save script has completed it responds with a redirect, either to an Oops page if the save failed, or to the appropriate post-save URL (usually a view). The editor must be ready to handle this redirect.

Handling Attachments

Attachment uploads can be handled by URL requests from the editor to the TWiki
Attachment uploads can be handled by URL requests from the editor template to the TWiki
 upload script. The upload script normally redirects to the containing topic; a behaviour that you usually don't want in an editor! There are two ways to handle this:
  • If the uploads are done in an IFRAME or via XmlHttpRequest, then the 302 redirect at the end of the upload can simply be ignored.
  • You can pass noredirect to the upload script to suppress the redirect. In this case you will get a text/plain response of OK followed by a message if everything went well, or an error message if it did not.

REST handlers

If you are confident in Javascript you can use REST handlers with XmlHttpRequest to convert content from TML to HTML and back again.

The plugin defines the following REST handlers:


Converts the HTML text to TML. topic must be specified.


Converts the TML text to HTML. topic must be specified. The response is a text/plain page of converted content.


Plugin Installation Instructions

You do not need to install anything in the browser to use this extension. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the extension on the server where TWiki is running.
Like many other TWiki extensions, this module is shipped with a fully automatic installer script written using the BuildContrib.
  • If you have TWiki 4.1 or later, and Perl 5.8, you can install from the configure interface (Go to Plugins->Find More Extensions)
    • The webserver user has to have permission to write to all areas of your installation for this to work.
  • If you have a permanent connection to the internet (and Perl 5.8), you are recommended to use the automatic installer script
    • Just download the WysiwygPlugin_installer perl script and run it.
  • Notes:
    • The installer script will:
      • Automatically resolve dependencies,
      • Copy files into the right places in your local install (even if you have renamed data directories),
      • check in new versions of any installed files that have existing RCS histories files in your existing install (such as topics).
      • If the $TWIKI_PACKAGES environment variable is set to point to a directory, the installer will try to get archives from there. Otherwise it will try to download from twiki.org or cpan.org, as appropriate.
      • (Developers only: the script will look for twikiplugins/WysiwygPlugin/WysiwygPlugin.tgz before downloading from TWiki.org)
    • If you don't have a permanent connection, you can still use the automatic installer, by downloading all required TWiki archives to a local directory.
      • Point the environment variable $TWIKI_PACKAGES to this directory, and the installer script will look there first for required TWiki packages.
        • $TWIKI_PACKAGES is actually a path; you can list several directories separated by :
      • If you are behind a firewall that blocks access to CPAN, you can build a local CPAN mini-mirror, as described at http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Codev/BuildingDakar#CPAN_local_minimirror
  • If you don't want to use the installer script, or have problems on your platform (e.g. you don't have Perl 5.8), then you can still install manually:
    1. Download and unpack one of the .zip or .tgz archives to a temporary directory.
    2. Manually copy the contents across to the relevant places in your TWiki installation.
Like many other TWiki extensions, this module is shipped with a fully automatic installer script written using the BuildContrib.
  • If you have TWiki 4.2 or later, you can install from the configure interface (Go to Plugins->Find More Extensions)
  • If you have any problems, then you can still install manually from the command-line:
    1. Download one of the .zip or .tgz archives
    2. Unpack the archive in the root directory of your TWiki installation.
    3. Run the installer script ( perl <module>_installer )
    4. Run configure and enable the module, if it is a plugin.
    5. Repeat for any missing dependencies.
  • If you are still having problems, then instead of running the installer script:
    1. Make sure that the file permissions allow the webserver user to access all files.
    1. Check in any installed files that have existing ,v files in your existing install (take care not to lock the files when you check in)
    2. Manually edit LocalSite.cfg to set any configuration variables.
    1. Run configure and enable the module, if it is a plugin.
    2. Repeat from step 1 for any missing dependencies.

Plugin Configuration Settings

Translator control

For any of the following controls to work, you must tell WysiwygPlugin the name of the skin being used to invoke the Wysiwyg editor, for example kupu or wikiwyg.
Note that is can be set differently in different areas by defining WYSWIYGPLUGIN_WYSIWYGSKIN locally (e.g. in WebPreferences).

The global TWiki Variable WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE can be set to make the plugin sensitive to what is in a topic before allowing it to be edited. You can set it up to refuse to edit if

  • some or all of HTML tags (e.g. <br /> or <div>), or
  • simple variables (e.g. %VAR%) or
  • calls (e.g. %VARIABLE{...}%)
  • PRE blocks (<pre>)
  • HTML comments (<!-- ... -->)

are used in the topic. If the plugin detects an excluded construct in the topic, it will redirect to the default editor. Comma-separated list of one or more of html, variables, calls, pre or comments e.g.

  • Set WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE = calls,html
Set WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE in TWikiPreferences, or in WebPreferences for each web.


The global preference setting WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE can be set to make the plugin sensitive to what is in a topic, before allowing it to be edited. The comma separated list to fall back to text edit can include:

  • html - HTML tags (e.g. <div>, not including <br>), or
  • variables - simple variables (e.g. %SOMEVAR%) or
  • calls - variables with parameters e.g. %SOMECALL{...}%
  • pre - pre-formatted blocks (<pre>)
  • comments - HTML comments (<!-- ... -->)
  • script - inline HTML Script tags - default
  • style - inline CSS style tags - default
  • table - inline HTML tables (<table ..>. TML tables are not excluded)

If the plugin detects an excluded construct in the topic, it will refuse to allow the edit and will redirect to the default editor.


If you excluded calls in WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE, you can still define a subset of variables that do not block edits. this is done in the global preference setting WYSIWYG_EDITABLE_CALLS, which should be a list of variable names separated by vertical bars, with no spaces, e.g: * Set WYSIWYG_EDITABLE_CALLS = COMMENT|CALENDAR|INCLUDE

You should set WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE and WYSIWYG_EDITABLE_CALLS in TWikiPreferences, or in WebPreferences for each web.

WYSIWYGPLUGIN_PROTECT_EXISTING_TAGS - Protect specific tags originally in the topic text

The WYSIWYGPLUGIN_PROTECT_EXISTING_TAGS preference tells the translator that certain HTML tags which were originally in the topic text should remain as HTML tags; the translator will not try to convert them to TML. This protects the tags themselves, and not the contents enclosed between the <tag> and </tag>

The default setting for this preference is defined within the plugin. It corresponds to div, span.

This feature may be disabled by setting the preference to a single comma. This does not guarantee that HTML markup will be removed; the conversion of HTML tags to TML markup remains subject to the other controls provided by the WysiwygPlugin, including the WYSIWYGPLUGIN_STICKYBITS preference, <sticky> blocks, <literal> blocks and the rules applied to tables and lists.

WYSIWYGPLUGIN_PROTECT_TAG_BLOCKS - Protect specific tag blocks originally in the topic text

The WYSIWYGPLUGIN_PROTECT_TAG_BLOCKS preference tells the translator that certain HTML tag blocks which were originally in the topic text should remain as HTML blocks; the translator will not try to convert them to TML.

The default setting for this preference is defined within the plugin. It corresponds to script, style.

As an example, individual html tables can be protected by surrounding them with <sticky> .. </sticky> block.  However,if you want to have all =<table> markup preserved as entered into topics by default, rather than subject to WYSIWYG editing,  add =table to this list, and =<table> markup will become automatically sticky.

This feature may be disabled by setting the preference to a single comma.

WYSIWYGPLUGIN_STICKYBITS - Protect tags based upon their arguments

You can define the global preference WYSIWYGPLUGIN_STICKYBITS to stop the plugin from ever trying to convert specific HTML tags into TML when certain specific attributes are present on the tag. This is most useful when you have styling or alignment information in tags that must be preserved.

This preference setting is used to tell the translator which attributes, when present on a tag, make it "stick" i.e. block conversion back to TML.

For example, setting it to table=background,lang;tr=valign will stop the translator from trying to convert any table tag that has background or lang attributes, and any tr tag that has a valign attribute back to TWiki | table | column | markup (regardless of where that table tag comes from).

This setting is used only after the page has been processed by the editor. If the editor does not support a particular tag or attribute and the editor corrupts the tag, this setting will not be helpful. It is only used to prevent an HTML tag from being converted back to TML.

Format of the setting is tag1=attrib,attrib;tag2=attrib. Attributes delimited by comma, and tags delimited by semicolon.

  • The left side of the equal sign is the tag.
  • The right side of the equal sign is a comma delimited list of attributes to be matched.

If a matching tag is found, that matches any of the attributes listed, the tag will not be converted back to TML. You can use perl regular expressions to match tag and attribute names, so .*=id,on.* will ensure that any tag with an id or on* event handler is kept as HTML.

The default setting for this preference are hard coded in the plugin. If you wish to change the settings, the following list is the default setting coded in the plugin:


<-- %JQREQUIRE{"chili"}%

(?!IMG).*=id,lang,title,dir,on.*; A=accesskey,coords,shape,target; BDO=dir; BR=clear; COL=char,charoff,span,valign,width; COLGROUP=align,char,charoff,span,valign,width; DIR=compact; DIV=align,style; DL=compact; FONT=size,face; H[0-9]=align; HR=align,noshade,size,width; LEGEND=accesskey,align; LI=value; OL=compact,start,type; P=align; PARAM=name,type,value,valuetype; PRE=width; Q=cite; TABLE=align,bgcolor,frame,rules,summary,width; TBODY=align,char,charoff,valign; TD=abbr,align,axis,bgcolor,char,charoff,headers,height,nowrap,rowspan,scope,valign,width; TFOOT=align,char,charoff,valign; TH=abbr,align,axis,bgcolor,char,charoff,height,nowrap,rowspan,scope,valign,width,headers; THEAD=align,char,charoff,valign; TR=bgcolor,char,charoff,valign; UL=compact,type


If you edit using the plain-text editor, you can use the <sticky>..</sticky> tags to delimit HTML (or TML) that you do not want to be WYSIWYG edited.

If you excluded calls in WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE, you can still define a subset of TWiki variables that do not block edits. this is done in the global preference variable WYSIWYG_EDITABLE_CALLS, which should be a list of TWiki variable names separated by vertical bars, with no spaces, e.g:
Implementors note if you are using your own before/after edit handlers, you can call TWiki::Plugins::WysiwygPlugin::isWysiwygEditable() to check these controls.

Known issues

Line: 161 to 171

Plugin Info

This plugin is brought to you by a WikiRing partner - working together to improve your wiki experience!

Many thanks to the following sponsors for supporting this work:

Plugin Authors: TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie http://www.c-dot.co.uk
Copyright © ILOG 2005 http://www.ilog.fr
License GPL (Gnu General Public License)
Plugin Version: 12422
Change History:  
12422 Added JAVASCRIPT_TEXT to support editors that require topic text in a JS var
12161 Added support for embedded editable HTML in the edit template
12119 Split into WysiwygPlugin and KupuContrib
11538 Minor doc updates, minor fixes to spacing in lists, integrated Koen Marten's template topic patch
9671 Item2025 corrected handling of SPAN and FONT tags used for colour changes
9566 Item1890 doc update
9565 Item1890 Item1041 Item944 Much more aggressive cleanup of HTML pasted in from external sources. Excessively verbose HTML (e.g. from Outlook) was causing apparent infinite looing behaviour.
8867 Item1176 commented out Cairo version of header handler
8780 Item1625 disable expansion of twiki variables in urls where there are other twiki variables that can't be expanded
8779 Item1530 support for templatetopic when editing new topics
8592 Item1532 WysiwygPlugin: Added two more do-not-edit-if-topic-contains parameters, pre+comments
8590 Item1532 WysiwygPlugin: Kenneths suggestion on proper handling of HTML comments (incl. change to kupu)
8572 Item1529 evil, evil. The XMLSerializer in IE isn't happy serializing the DOM. I have no idea why. Kupu manages to get away with this because it passes the DOM through the XML validator, which I had to disable because it strips comments. So, for now, the IE implementation will strip comments - but at least you can save again
8538 Item1501 table handling was a bit spazzy. Several problems fixed.
8535 Item1518 moved icon and string lists into topics, updated screenshot
8531 Item1392 reversed the sense of the navigate-away condition, again
8466 Item1486 added WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE to allow exclusion of 'uneditable' content
8463 Item1486 was stripping comments, wrongly. Had to disable the kupu filters completely, they just do too much damage.
8401 Item1457 corrected problem with bullet list at top of topic
8388 Item1445 fix for a javascript error, introduced by previous fix
8387 Item1445 small usability improvements
8334 Item663 TWiki.org doc merge: Fix incorrect link to kupu website
8327 Item1411 handle case of the result of a TWiki variable being nopped
8312 Item1317 wrong result returned from generation function when expanding HTML embedded in verbatim block
8301 Item1397 removed excess space after sqaub links
8300 Item1231 added %SPAN% to indicate a spanned-over cell in the editor. Improved handling of HTML in verbatim tags by inserting line breaks is the tag type calls for it, before removing the HTML.
8276 Item1215 added WYSIWYG_ICONS and WYSIWYG_TAGS to support user customisation of icon images and twiki variables that can be inserted
8274 Item1314 debugging in case the hang happens again; and made sure to default the editor just in case
8273 Item1315 short forms must be terminated by one of the same characters that terminate wikiwords
8272 Item1391 added special interpretation of IMG tags to expand selected TWiki variables within SRC attributes
8271 Item1340 refined handling of NOP to cover abbrevs
8270 Item1311 removed excess space inserted in headings
8269 Item1339 changed from using arbitrary attribute for notoc to a new CSS class. Arbitrary attributes are stripped by Kupu before save.
8268 Item1344 strip ^Ms inserted by Sarissa during serialisation on IE
8267 Item1394 still can't get text styles to work properly in IE; but I am now firmly of the opinion that the fault lies with the browser, and not with Kupu.
8232 Item1341 added appropriate CSS class
8152 Item1313 added caveat about editing complex HTML and mixed HTML-TML
8151 Item1334 headers not handled properly in Cairo version
8108 Item1318 corrected table/list parser for tables embedded in bulleted lists
8106 Item1310 support for <nop/>
8105 Item1317 support for limited case of nopped variable
8104 Item1320 corrected interpretation of relative URL path in [[]]
8091 Item1259 changed comment handling; rather than trying to create HTML, which gets munged, create an HTML comment. This will only be editable by switching to source view, but hey, it's supposed to be WYSIWYG. Note that this also means that comments in pasted HTML should be retained now
8063 Item1042 spec of SCRIPTURL changed
7904 Item1189 reverting accidental checkin of experimental code
7903 Item1189 filter whitelist is not good enough; need to generate B and I nodes. templates/ pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin
7902 Item1189 it took bloody ages to track down, but finally discovered that bold and italic were being filtered out of spans by Kupu 1.3.2.... too smart for it's own good. So added them to the filter whitelist, and it works again.
7873 Item1189 added pre save filter to try and find where the attributes are disappearing to in FF
7872 Item1187 for lack of an s on an RE, the nation was lost (well, the multi-line comment actually). Thanks Kenneth!
7871 Item859 solved issue with non-display of inserted images. Was due to the use of an onSubmit handler to close the dialog, rather than an onLoad handler triggered when the IFRAME that contains the result is loaded.
7869 Item1172 had to rewrite big chunk of the table popup to get it working with 1.3.2
7858 Item1151 rewrote link handlings stuff to leverage browser better
7854 Item1175 escape wikiwords within squabs
7815 Item1158 works for Cairo now as well
7814 Item1158 first implementation of AJAX interface to allow selectoin of topics from other webs
7812 Item1154 removed non-existent scull.gif
7811 Item1155 added extra recursion block, as Item1155 suggests it is needed
7801 Item1042 All sorts of clever tricks to handle expansion/compression of a subset of TWiki variables when they are used in URLs. Not a complete solution, but better than it was.
7799 Item1024 caught out by recursive call to beforeCommonTagsHandler in Cairo (nasty)
7798 Item1042 whoops, broke \t conversion in Cairo
7789 Item1140 testcase for 1140
7788 Item1140 fix rewriting of img src urls (and updated MANIFEST for Kupu1.3.2)
7786 Item1042 extensive improvements to variable and URL recognition and conversion
7766 Item856 added doc on EDIT_SKIN to the plugin
7712 Item1074 upgrade to Kupu 1.3.2 complete (at last)
7710 Item1074 Fixed source edit mode
7709 Item1074 tidied up broken toolbar. There are still known issues
7700 Item1074 first pass at moving to Kupu 1.3.2.
7673 Item1037 insert wikiword only if selection is zero length
7672 Item977 changed to remove dangerous Cairo-based assumption, and use context ids instead
7630 Item1025 added 'escape clause' for old handlers implemented to support old TWiki releases without warnings
7506 Item941 Eliminated the last of the dynamic globals to try and solve saving problem. Can;t test with mod_perl, but is fine with speedycgi AFAICT
7456 Item873 minor issue; replace br with \n in pre
7455 Item873 obvious problem parsing closing pre tag on same line as open tag
7453 Item710 Handling HTML comments
7452 Item876 Item945: Item876: spacing around table cells, correct handling of variables. Had to compromise on handling [[]] but I think it's for the best.
7430 Item871 made sure that brackets are generated for non-wikiwords
7425 Item928 removed special interpretation of mailto links
7424 Item866 extended URL parsing to handle MAINWEB and TWIKIWEB twiki variables, in the same hacky way as the core.
7416 Item870 a couple of corner-cases for correct handling of twiki variables
7401 Item899 changed list generation to use spaces instead of tabs
7265 Item180 removed pointless, outdated dependency check from DateFieldPlugin
6935 Item622 reverted 3 specs to tabs in Set lines in plugins topics for kompatterbility with Kigh-roe
6905 Item622 tabs -> 3 spacesto avoid confusing the users
6850 Item638 added instruction to run configure to all install docs (I hope)
6827 Item569 added default RELEASE to everything that had a version, and removed a load of dead code that was getting in the way
6758 Item569 computed version numbers for plugins from the repository rev they were built from.
6504 Item436 incremented vernos of all changed plugins
6485 Item429 trying to make access controls clearer
6401 Item340 re-initialisation bug found by ColasNahaboo when using mod_perl; fixed by correctly re-initialising the parse stack for each run of the convertor
6284 Item340 Release 0.16 of WysiwygPlugin
6279 Item340 bugfixes for release 0.16 of WysiwygPlugin
6261 Item335 Switched PNGs to indexed mode, as transparency doesn't work on IE for RGB images
6238 Item332 Added context identifier to WysiwygPlugin, and a button to the pattern view template. If WysiwygPlugin is enabled, then the button will appear. Neat, huh?
6195 Item196 getting plugin test suites to pass. Doesn't mean the plugins actually work, just that the test suites run (which is a good indicator)
6174 Item168 checkpoint checking for 0.16
6151 Item186 more minor updates
6150 Item168 new icons, and a couple of bugfixes, to WysiwygPlugin
6092 Item196 more plugin and contrib fixes for develop; mainly just moving tests around and making sure they all pass.
6067 Item138 had to change to using beforeCommonTagsHandler and also escape % signs to prevent TWiki from rendering internal tags (as reported by Colas)
5979 Item168 corrected stupid error on IE; added screenshot
5977 Item168 release 0.13
5948 Item168 nearly ready for 0.13
5937 Item168 corrected images, twikified all images
5936 Item168 the import from cvs has screwed images
5934 Item168 twikified icon images, and renamed some images to be more intention-revealing
5739 0.12 beta release
5730 V0.11
5714 Tidied up installer, documentation. Release 0.10
5712 pre-release 0.06
5706 Version 0.05
5705 Checkpoint checking - version 0.03
5702 cvsrmtee old files
5701 Check in for prototype release
5700 Check in for prototype release
5699 Checkpoint
5698 Most of the toolboxes are working again
5693 Initial commit; doesn't do much except run tests
Plugin Version: 16174 (22 Jan 2008)
Change History:  
20 Dec 2007 TWikibug:Item5022: made TT font size same as verbatim. Had to add a new style to do it, as TMCE didn't want to play with TT or CODE tags. TWikibug:Item5138: post-conversion of 8-bit entities to characters to aid searching etc.
19 Dec 2007 TWikibug:Item4836: make the parser tolerant of META, so pasting OO docs works TWikibug:Item4969: autoclose BR and HR tags TWikibug:Item5132: fixed IMG tags TWikibug:Item5076: fixed line-sensitive TML embedded in tables
8 Nov 2007 TWikibug:Item4923: fixed blocking of table conversion due to empty attributes TWikibug:Item4936: An em embedded in an em was getting eaten TWikibug:Item4817: added typewriter text button TWikibug:Item4850: added font colour controls TWikibug:Item4645: added REST handlers for upload and fetching lists of attachments
2 Nov 2007 TWikibug:Item4903: corrected over-enthusiastive interpretation of ! as an escape
21 Oct 2007 TWikibug:Item4788: fixed unbalanced protect, which could cause loss of protected status TWikibug:Item4811: noautolink looks like an HTML construct but in fact is not; the tag is infact an "on-off" switch and does not imply any HTML structure, so cannot be converted to a DIV or a span, so has to be removed. TWikibug:Item4747: added <sticky> to try to overcome limitations in translation TWikibug:Item4831: added increased flexibility in deciding what HTML get converted to TML, and what does not. Analysed all the HTML4 tags to establish initial settings. TWikibug:Item4847: don't call non-existent function with older HTML::Parser releases TWikibug:Item4844: Saving a table from IE didn't convert it back to TML TWikibug:Item4855: table rows generated from TWiki variables were being eaten
6 Oct 2007 TWikibug:Item4700: fixed colspans TWikibug:Item4701: removed extra line between %TABLE and the table TWikibug:Item4705: fixed spacing around literal and verbatim blocks TWikibug:Item4706: merge adjacent verbatim blocks separated only by whitespace TWikibug:Item4712: fixed eating of noautolink and literal TWikibug:Item4763: list items spanning multiple lines fixed TWikibug:Item4867: released tml2html
17 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4647: TWikibug:Item4652: problems related to DIV fixed. TWikibug:Item4653: fixed multi-line twiki variables
16 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4630: polished up the way the secret string is done, to ensure synch between perl and JS. Item4622: added UTF-8 handling steps that fixup malformed UTF8 strings before presenting them to the editor (saves Moz) and stops the editor passing them back to TWiki (saves IE). Removed extra entity decoding steps that were causing problems. TWikibug:Item4629: fixed issues with verbatim, highlighted by previous mangling of this topic
13 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4613 cleaned up spurious message when navigating away TWikibug:Item4615 fixed incorrect rendering of emphasis next to br
12 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4604 Fixes to REST handler, and add ability to trigger HTML2TML conversion from a content comment alone (required for some editors) TWikibug:Item4588 fixes to conversion of double-character emphases
7 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4503 excess empty lines TWikibug:Item4486 no toc headers with unofficial syntax TWikibug:Item4560: empty lines lost TWikibug:Item4566: corrupted table on save TWikibug:Item4550 section tags being eaten
4 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4534 TWikibug:Item4535 fixed
See Subversion logs for earlier revisions
HTML::Parser>=3.28Required. Available from CPAN.
HTML::Entities>=1.25Required. Available from CPAN.
Plugin Home: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin
Feedback: TWiki:Plugins/WysiwygPluginDev
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<-- Do not attempt to edit this topic; it is auto-generated. Please add comments/questions/remarks to the Dev topic instead. -->
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="" name="wikiringlogo20x20.png" version="1"

Revision 52007-01-16 - TWikiContributor

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Wysiwyg Plugin

  • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Translator framework for Wysiwyg editors
<-- Do not attempt to edit this topic; it is auto-generated. Please add comments/questions/remarks to the Dev topic instead. -->
Translator framework for WYSIWYG editors
Support for the integration of WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) editors. Comes bundled with a complete integration of the feature-rich Kupu editor.
Support for the integration of WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) editors. On its own, the only thing this plugin gives you is a stand-alone HTML to TWiki translator script. For WYSIWYG editing in TWiki, you will also need to install a specific editor package such as TWiki:Plugins.KupuEditorContrib or TWiki:Plugins.WikiwygContrib.

The plugin is a generic framework that supports editing of TWiki topics using any browser-based HTML editor. It works by transforming TML (TWiki Meta Language) into HTML for the editor and then transforming HTML back into TML on save. These steps can be separated to support the import of HTML from external sources such as existing web pages.

The plugin should operate with TWiki20040904 as well as TWiki-4.0.0 and later.

Caveat: WysiwygPlugin is designed for editing TWiki topics, not as a general purpose HTML editor. It will work fine on topics that contain text, TML formatting, and most HTML. However, because of the complexity of transforming TML into HTML and back, complex TML, and mixing HTML and TML may not give the results you expect. You are recommended to use the standard browser textarea editor for editing existing topics that contain mixed HTML and TML, or complex %TML%-type variables.

This plugin provides a generic framework that supports editing of TWiki topics using any browser-based HTML editor. It works by transforming TML (TWiki Meta Language) into HTML for the editor, and then transforming HTML back into TML on save.


  • Supports the input of malformed HTML
  • Full round-trip (TML -> XHTML -> TWiki syntax)
  • Framework is editor agnostic
  • Customised Kupu editor included
  • Framework is editor-agnostic


What's in the package

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  • TML (TWiki syntax) to HTML translator
  • HTML to TML translator (with stand-alone script)
  • Generic TWiki plugin for automating the translation during editing
  • Kupu editor integration, implemented as a TWiki skin

How to use the editor

Basic help for most of the functions in the toolbar is available by "hovering" the mouse over the button. Some functions require a bit more explanation:
  • "Insert No-Op" inserts a <nop> region. Any TWiki syntax such as wikiwords or variables inside the region will be disabled in the rgeion. $lt;nop> regions may not extend over line breaks.
  • The rightmost drop-down will give you a menu of TWiki variables that can be inserted. Any of these variables can be edited after they have been placed in the text, for example to add parameters.
  • "Insert a WikiWord" will give you a menu of topics in the current web that can be inserted. Topics are inserted as links, though typing wikiwords in plain text will work just as well.
  • Watch out for the <> button on the right of the toolbar. It lets you switch into an HTML view, which can be very useful when you can't get your formatting right.
  • In TWiki, a totally empty table cell causes the cell to be merged with the cell immediately to the left. To make this effect more transparent in the editor, these empty cells are shown with the text "%SPAN%" in them. In Kupu, if you add %SPAN% to a table cell, then all the rest of the content will be thrown away and the cell will be converted to an empty table cell. Note that this only applies to tables that are converted to TWiki syntax.

Kupu Notes

The version of Kupu shipped with this plugin is an uncustomised basic Kupu release. All the TWiki customisation is done as plugins and extensions to Kupu - the basic kupu code is shipped completely intact.

How it works

The plugin works by translating the topic text into HTML, which is then fed to the editor. The edited HTML is then run through the reverse translation before saving to the topic. TWiki syntax is used in preference to HTML in the stored topic wherever possible, though HTML may be used if the translator can't find a suitable TML equivalent..
The plugin works by translating the topic text into HTML when someone edits a topic. The HTML is then fed to the WYSIWYG editor. On save, the edited HTML is run through the reverse translation before saving to the topic. TWiki syntax is used in preference to HTML in the stored topic wherever possible, though HTML may be used if the translator can't find a suitable TML equivalent..
The default rendering that TWiki uses to generate HTML for browsers is 'lossy' - information in the TWiki syntax is lost in the HTML output, and a round-trip (recovering the original TWiki syntax from the HTML) is impossible. To solve this problem the plugin instead uses its own translation of TWiki syntax to pure XHTML. The generated XHTML is annotated with CSS classes that support the accurate recovery of the original TWiki syntax.
The default rendering that TWiki uses to generate HTML for display in browsers is 'lossy' - information in the TWiki syntax is lost in the HTML output, and a round-trip (recovering the original TWiki syntax from the HTML) is impossible. To solve this problem the plugin instead uses its own translation of TWiki syntax to pure XHTML. The generated XHTML is annotated with CSS classes that support the accurate recovery of the original TWiki syntax.
(before you ask the obvious question, yes, the translator could be used to replace the TWiki rendering pipeline for generating HTML pages. In fact, the translator is taken almost directly from the implementation of the rendering pipeline for the TWiki 'Dakar' release)
Before you ask the obvious question, yes, the translator could be used to replace the TWiki rendering pipeline for generating HTML pages. In fact, the translator is taken almost directly from the implementation of the rendering pipeline for the TWiki-4 release
Translation of the HTML back to TWiki syntax uses the CPAN:HTML::Parser. This parser is used in preference to a more modern XML parser, because the HTML may not generate fully compliant XHTML. A strict parser would risk losing content. CPAN:HTML::Parser is better at handling malformed syntax.
Translation of the HTML back to TWiki syntax uses the CPAN:HTML::Parser. This parser is used in preference to a more modern XML parser, because the HTML may not generate fully compliant XHTML. A strict parser would risk losing content. CPAN:HTML::Parser is better at handling malformed HTML.
There is also the advantage that the translator can be used to import HTML from other sources - for example, existing web pages. Due to the simple nature of TWiki syntax and the complexity of HTML, this translation is lossy - i.e there will be HTML features that can be entered by editors that will be lost in this translation step. This is especially noticeable with HTML tables.
There is also the advantage that the translator can be used to import HTML from other sources - for example, existing web pages. Due to the simple nature of TWiki syntax and the potential complexity of web pages, this translation is often lossy - i.e there will be HTML features that can be entered by editors that will be lost in this translation step. This is especially noticeable with HTML tables.

Using the translators from Perl scripts

Both translators can be used directly from Perl scripts, for example to build your own stand-alone translators.

An example stand-alone convertor script for HTML to TWiki is included in the installation. It can be found in the top-level tools directory and is called html2tml.pl.
A stand-alone convertor script for HTML to TWiki is included in the installation. It can be found in the top-level tools directory and is called html2tml.pl.

Plugin Installation Instructions

  • Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
  • Unzip WysiwygPlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
    File: Description:
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin/HTML2TML/WC.pm Perl module
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin/HTML2TML/Leaf.pm Perl module
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin/HTML2TML/Node.pm Perl module
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin/HTML2TML.pm Perl module
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin.pm Perl module
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin/TML2HTML.pm Perl module
    data/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin.txt Documentation and settings
    data/TWiki/WysiwygPluginTopicLister.txt Special AJAX topic
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/kuputwiki.css Kupu customisation
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/twikitools.js Kupu customisation
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/kupuinit.js Kupu customisation
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/kupustart.js Kupu customisation
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/bold.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/cancel.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/code.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/definition-list.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/exthyperlink.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/help.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/indent.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/inthyperlink.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/italic.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/new-attachment.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/new-image.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/nop.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/ordered-list.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/outdent.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/redo.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/remove.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/save.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/separator.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/smiley.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/strings.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/table.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/text-color.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/undo.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/unordered-list.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/vars.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/verbatim.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/verbatim-watermark.png Watermark
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/screenshot.jpg Screen shot
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/view-source.png Button image
    templates/edit.kupu.tmpl Template for an edit using kupu
    templates/view.kupuxml.tmpl Template for AJAX data
    templates/attachtables.kupu.tmpl Attachment table rendering for editor
    templates/view.kupu.tmpl Template for a kupu skin view, used by the editor
    tools/html2tml.pl Stand-alone convertor script
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/Extensions/Install.py Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/Makefile Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/__init__.py Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/README.txt Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/body.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/exit.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/include.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/kupudrawerstyles.css Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/kupumacros.html Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/kupustyles.css Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/lenya.js Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/lenya.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/toolbar.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/toolboxes.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/wire.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/xmlconfig.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/content2edit.xsl Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/drawers/imagedrawer.xsl Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/drawers/imagelibraries.xml.jx Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/drawers/kupudrawerstyles.css Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/drawers/libraries.xml.jx Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/drawers/linkdrawer.xsl Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/drawers/linklibraries.xml.jx Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/drawers/publication_image_library.xml.jx Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/drawers/sitetree_link_library.xml.jx Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/i18n.xsl Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/images/emblem-generic.png Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/images/exit.gif Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/images/page-image.png Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/images/pub-image.png Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/images/right_arrow.png Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/images/sitetree-link.png Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/kupumacros.xsl Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/kupusave.xsl Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/page2kupu.xsl Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/pageassets2kupulibrary.xsl Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/sitetree2kupulibrary.xsl Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/cnf/head.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/cnf/include.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/cnf/toolboxes.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/cnf/wire.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/cnf/xmlconfig.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/common/fulldoc.html Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/common/kupu-pox.cgi Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/common/kupu.cgi Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/common/kupu.html Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/common/kupu.pox Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/common/kupu.pox.jspx Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/common/kupubasetools.js Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/common/kupubeforeunload.js Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/common/kupublank.html Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/common/kupucleanupexpressions.js Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/common/kupucnf.html Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/common/kupucnftable.js Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/common/kupucontentfilters.js Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/common/kupucontentstyles.css Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/common/kupucontextmenu.js Kupu 1.3.2
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    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/plone/tests/__init__.py Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/plone/tests/framework.py Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/plone/tests/input/baduid.in Kupu 1.3.2
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    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/plone/tests/input/simple.in Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/plone/tests/output/baduid.out Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/plone/tests/output/linked.out Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/plone/tests/output/minimal.out Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/plone/tests/output/notcaptioned.out Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/plone/tests/output/notquoted.out Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/plone/tests/output/simple.out Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/plone/tests/runalltests.py Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/plone/tests/runme.cmd Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/plone/tests/test_browserSupportsKupu.py Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/plone/tests/test_html2captioned.py Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/plone/tests/test_librarymanager.py Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/plone/tests/test_resourcetypemapper.py Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/plone/toolbar.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/plone/wire.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/plone/wysiwyg_support.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
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    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/plone/zmi_docs.pt Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/python/__init__.py Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/python/nationalizer.py Kupu 1.3.2
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    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/refresh.txt Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/roundup/kupuinit.js Kupu 1.3.2
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    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/silva/body.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
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    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/silva/drawers.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/silva/head.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/silva/imagedrawer.xsl.pt Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/silva/include.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
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    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/silva/kupumacros.html Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/silva/kupusilvainit.js Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/silva/kupusilvatools.js Kupu 1.3.2
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    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/silva/toolbar.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/silva/toolboxes.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/silva/wire.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/silva/xmlconfig.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/tests/run_tests.html Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/tests/test_beforeunload.js Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/tests/test_kupubasetools.js Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/tests/test_kupueditor.js Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/tests/test_kupuhelpers.js Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/tests/test_kupuinit.js Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/tests/test_plone.js Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/tests/test_xhtml.js Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/tools/compress.py Kupu 1.3.2
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    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/version.txt Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/widgeteer/Makefile Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/widgeteer/body.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/widgeteer/browser.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
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    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/zope2/__init__.py Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/zope2/addKupuEditor.pt Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/zope2/body.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
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    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/zope2/xmlconfig.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/zope3/__init__.py Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/zope3/browser/__init__.py Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/zope3/browser/configure.zcml Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/zope3/configure.zcml Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/zope3/field.py Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/zope3/interfaces.py Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/tests/test_kupubasetools.js Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/tests/test_kupueditor.js Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/tests/test_kupuhelpers.js Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/tests/test_kupuinit.js Kupu 1.3.2

  • Run WysiwygPlugin_installer to automatically check and install other modules that this module depends on. You can also do this step manually. Dependencies:
    HTML::Parser>=3.28Required. Available from CPAN.
    HTML::Entities>=1.25Required. Available from CPAN.
  • (Dakar) Visit configure in your TWiki installation, and enable the plugin in the {Plugins} section.
  • To enable the editor in one of your skins, add the following link to the skin alongside or in place of the existing 'edit' link:
    <a href="%SCRIPTURLPATH%/edit%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%?skin=kupu">Kupu</a>
    As you can see this is just a standard edit link with the 'kupu' skin in place of the usual edit skin. Here it is for this topic: Kupu. Try clicking on it, but do not save!

Integrating a Wysiwyg Editor

The plugin can be used to generate HTML for an editor in two ways; first, by generating the HTML for the content-to-be-edited directly in the edit template, and second, through a URL that can be used to fetch the content-to-be-edited from the server.

Plugin Configuration Settings

  • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Translator framework and WYSIWYG editor for TWiki topics
  • The name of the skin used to invoke a Wysiwyg editor.
    • Set WYSIWYGSKIN = kupu
  • Web/Topic name of a help page. Change this to point to your local version of the help page, which is brought up when the .
    • Set HELPPAGE = TWiki/WysiwygPlugin

Getting content in the edit template

This is the scenario used by the standard TWiki text editor, except that the text is pre-converted to HTML before inclusion in the template.

Other Settings

The flow of control is as follows:
  1. User hits "edit".
  2. The beforeEditHandler filters the edit, blocking any attempt to edit restricted content
  3. The edit template containing the JS editor is instantiated. The following variables are available for expansion in the template:
    • %WYSIWYG_TEXT% expands to the HTML of the content-to-be-edited. This is suitable for use in a textarea.
    • %JAVASCRIPT_TEXT% expands to the HTML of the content-to-be-edited in a javascript constant.

WYSIWYGPLUGIN_WYSIWYGSKIN must be set for this to work.

Fetching content from a URL

In this scenario, the edit template is generated without the content-to-be-edited. The content is retrieved from the server using a URL e.g. from an IFRAME or using a XmlHttpRequest.

The flow of control is as follows:

  1. User hits "edit".
  2. If the current skin = WYWIWYGPLUGIN_WYWIWYGSKIN, the beforeEditHandler filters the edit, blocking any attempt to edit restricted content.
  3. The edit template containing the JS editor is instantiated.
  4. JS editor invokes content URL to obtain the HTML document to be edited
    • The content URL is just a TWiki view URL with the wysiwyg_edit parameter set.
    • The plugin recognises the wysiwyg_edit parameter and uses the TML2HTML translator to prepare the text, which is then returned as text/plain to the browser.
    • Two TWiki variables, %OWEB% and %OTOPIC%=, should be used in the content URL to refer to the source topic for the content.

Handling Saves

Saves are invoked by the editor POSTing to the TWiki save script with the wysiwyg_edit parameter set to 1. This parameter tells the beforeSaveHandler in the plugin to convert the HTML back to TML. See TWikiScripts for details of the other parameters to the save script.

Once the save script has completed it responds with a redirect, either to an Oops page if the save failed, or to the appropriate post-save URL (usually a view). The editor must be ready to handle this redirect.

Handling Attachments

Attachment uploads can be handled by URL requests from the editor to the TWiki upload script. The upload script normally redirects to the containing topic; a behaviour that you usually don't want in an editor! There are two ways to handle this:
  • If the uploads are done in an IFRAME or via XmlHttpRequest, then the 302 redirect at the end of the upload can simply be ignored.
  • You can pass noredirect to the upload script to suppress the redirect. In this case you will get a text/plain response of OK followed by a message if everything went well, or an error message if it did not.
The editor template includes a number of files that can be used for other settings. These files are not defined in the distribution, so that you can create your own local content.

Plugin Installation Instructions

You do not need to install anything in the browser to use this extension. The following instructions are for the administrator who installs the extension on the server where TWiki is running.


You can define a list of icons that will be available in the Kupu editor when the smiley.png toolbar button is pressed. This topic has to contain a list of <IMG> tags. If present, the 'alt' text will be used in place of the <IMG> tag when translating from HTML to TML. Example:
   <img src="%PUBURL%/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/tip.gif" />
   <img src="%PUBURL%/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/warning.gif" />
   <img src="%PUBURL%/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/pencil.gif" />
   <img src="%PUBURL%/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/choice-yes.gif" />
   <img src="%PUBURL%/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/updated.gif" />
   <img src="%PUBURL%/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/help.gif" />
   <img src="%PUBURL%/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/new.gif" />
   <img src="%PUBURL%/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/starred.gif" />
   <img src="%PUBURL%/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/arrowright.gif" />
Like many other TWiki extensions, this module is shipped with a fully automatic installer script written using the BuildContrib.
  • If you have TWiki 4.1 or later, and Perl 5.8, you can install from the configure interface (Go to Plugins->Find More Extensions)
    • The webserver user has to have permission to write to all areas of your installation for this to work.
  • If you have a permanent connection to the internet (and Perl 5.8), you are recommended to use the automatic installer script
    • Just download the WysiwygPlugin_installer perl script and run it.
  • Notes:
    • The installer script will:
      • Automatically resolve dependencies,
      • Copy files into the right places in your local install (even if you have renamed data directories),
      • check in new versions of any installed files that have existing RCS histories files in your existing install (such as topics).
      • If the $TWIKI_PACKAGES environment variable is set to point to a directory, the installer will try to get archives from there. Otherwise it will try to download from twiki.org or cpan.org, as appropriate.
      • (Developers only: the script will look for twikiplugins/WysiwygPlugin/WysiwygPlugin.tgz before downloading from TWiki.org)
    • If you don't have a permanent connection, you can still use the automatic installer, by downloading all required TWiki archives to a local directory.
      • Point the environment variable $TWIKI_PACKAGES to this directory, and the installer script will look there first for required TWiki packages.
        • $TWIKI_PACKAGES is actually a path; you can list several directories separated by :
      • If you are behind a firewall that blocks access to CPAN, you can build a local CPAN mini-mirror, as described at http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Codev/BuildingDakar#CPAN_local_minimirror
  • If you don't want to use the installer script, or have problems on your platform (e.g. you don't have Perl 5.8), then you can still install manually:
    1. Download and unpack one of the .zip or .tgz archives to a temporary directory.
    2. Manually copy the contents across to the relevant places in your TWiki installation.
    3. Check in any installed files that have existing ,v files in your existing install (take care not to lock the files when you check in)
    4. Manually edit LocalSite.cfg to set any configuration variables.
    5. Run configure and enable the module, if it is a plugin.
    6. Repeat from step 1 for any missing dependencies.


You can also define a list of strings that will be available for insertion in topics using the strings.png toolbar button. This topic has to contain a list of HTML 'option' tags. Example:
   <option value='-- <nop>%WIKIUSERNAME% - %DATE%'>Signature</option>
   <option value="%<nop>WIKINAME%">Wiki name (variable)</option>
   <option value='%<nop>SEARCH{"search for"}%'>Inline search (variable)</option>
   <option value='%<nop>INCLUDE{"topic or url"}%'>Include (variable)</option>
   <option value="%<nop>TOC%"> Table of Contents (variable)</option>
   <option value="%<nop>TOPIC%">Topic (variable)</option>
   <option value="%<nop>WEB%">Web (variable)</option>
   <option value="%<nop>DATE%"> Date (variable)</option>
The bit between the > < value defines text in the drop-down box in the editor, and the value defines the actual string inserted in the topic.


If it exists, the contents of this topic will be included and shown on the edit screen below the status bar. It is intended to be used for site-specific quick help information.

Editor control

The global TWiki Variable WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE can be set to make the plugin sensitive to what is in a topic before allowing it to be edited. You can set it up to refuse to edit if

Plugin Configuration Settings

Translator control

For any of the following controls to work, you must tell WysiwygPlugin the name of the skin being used to invoke the Wysiwyg editor, for example kupu or wikiwyg.
Note that is can be set differently in different areas by defining WYSWIYGPLUGIN_WYSIWYGSKIN locally (e.g. in WebPreferences).
The global TWiki Variable WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE can be set to make the plugin sensitive to what is in a topic before allowing it to be edited. You can set it up to refuse to edit if
  • some or all of HTML tags (e.g. <br /> or <div>), or
  • simple variables (e.g. %VAR%) or
  • calls (e.g. %VARIABLE{...}%)
  • calls (e.g. %VARIABLE{...}%)
  • PRE blocks (<pre>)
  • HTML comments (<!-- ... -->)

are used in the topic. If the plugin detects an excluded construct in the topic, it will redirect to the default editor. Comma-separated list of one or more of html, variables, calls, pre or comments e.g.

  • Set WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE = variables,calls (inactive; you need to remove monospacing from this setting to enable it)
  • Set WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE = calls,html
Set WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE in TWikiPreferences, or in WebPreferences for each web.
If you are using this plugin with TWiki-4.0.0 or later with pattern skin, the %COMPOSER% global TWiki variable is used to control the skin used for the WYSIWYG editor link. You can define this variable to the empty string to disable WYSIWYG editing on a site, per-web, per-user or per-topic basis.
If you excluded calls in WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE, you can still define a subset of TWiki variables that do not block edits. this is done in the global preference variable WYSIWYG_EDITABLE_CALLS, which should be a list of TWiki variable names separated by vertical bars, with no spaces, e.g:

Known Issues

Most of the known problems with the plugin are actually problems with the Kupu editor or the browser rather than the plugin.

Known issues


Incompatible with "non-standard" syntax

WysiwygPlugin is Incompatible with plugins that expand non-standard syntax e.g. TWiki:Plugins.MathModePlugin (WysiwygPlugin)
WysiwygPlugin is incompatible with plugins that expand non-standard syntax e.g. TWiki:Plugins.MathModePlugin (WysiwygPlugin)
  Plugins that extend the syntax using TWiki variables, such as %MYVARIABLE%, should work fine.

Can't undo all functions (Kupu + browser)

Due to limitations in the browser support for editing, not all functions can be undone. Also, the undo buffer can be cleared unexpectedly during editing, especially when using Internet Explorer.

Overlapping styles (WysiwygPlugin)

Because TWiki uses a "best guess" approach to some formatting, it allows overlapping of tags in a way forbidden by HTML, it is impossible to guarantee 100% that formating in the original TWiki document will still be there when the same document is loaded and then saved through the WysiwygPlugin. The most obvious case of this is to do with styles. For example, the sentence

Overlapping styles

Because TWiki uses a "best guess" approach to some formatting, it allows overlapping of tags in a way forbidden by HTML, and it is impossible to guarantee 100% that formating in the original TWiki document will still be there when the same document is loaded and then saved through the WysiwygPlugin. The most obvious case of this is to do with styles. For example, the sentence
*bold _bold-italic* italic_
Line: 633 to 159
  which is correct by construction, but does not render correctly in TWiki. This problem is unfortunately unavoidable due to the way TWiki syntax works.

Support for PRE

Because of limitations in the browsers, the editor does not support PRE blocks. All PRE blocks will be converted to TWiki verbatim blocks on save. This can cause some confusion, especially when editor formatting controls (such as "bold") have been used to format text in a PRE block. Users are advised to use only plain text in PRE (verbatim) blocks.

Plugin Info

This plugin is heavily based on the TWiki::Plugins.KupuEditorAddOn, and the authors of that add-on are therefore also credited as authors of this plugin.

Plugin Authors: TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie http://www.c-dot.co.uk (from original work by TWiki:Main.RomainRaugi, TWiki:Main.DamienMandrioli, TWiki:Main.FredericLuddeni, and TWiki:Main.ColasNahaboo)
Plugin Authors: TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie http://www.c-dot.co.uk
Copyright © ILOG 2005 http://www.ilog.fr
Plugin Version: 10613
License GPL (Gnu General Public License)
Plugin Version: 12422
Change History:  
12422 Added JAVASCRIPT_TEXT to support editors that require topic text in a JS var
12161 Added support for embedded editable HTML in the edit template
12119 Split into WysiwygPlugin and KupuContrib
11538 Minor doc updates, minor fixes to spacing in lists, integrated Koen Marten's template topic patch
9671 Item2025 corrected handling of SPAN and FONT tags used for colour changes
9566 Item1890 doc update
9565 Item1890 Item1041 Item944 Much more aggressive cleanup of HTML pasted in from external sources. Excessively verbose HTML (e.g. from Outlook) was causing apparent infinite looing behaviour.
Line: 758 to 284
5699 Checkpoint
5698 Most of the toolboxes are working again
5693 Initial commit; doesn't do much except run tests
HTML::Parser>=3.28Required. Available from CPAN.
HTML::Entities>=1.25Required. Available from CPAN.
Plugin Home: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin
Feedback: TWiki:Plugins/WysiwygPluginDev
Appraisal: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/WysiwygPluginAppraisal
  Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins
-- TWiki:Main/CrawfordCurrie - 02:16:12 25 October 2006
<-- Do not attempt to edit this topic; it is auto-generated. Please add comments/questions/remarks to the Dev topic instead. -->

Revision 42006-10-25 - TWikiContributor

Line: 762 to 762
  Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins
-- TWiki:Main/CrawfordCurrie - 02:19:17 26 June 2006
-- TWiki:Main/CrawfordCurrie - 02:16:12 25 October 2006

Revision 32006-06-25 - TWikiContributor

Line: 642 to 642
Plugin Authors: TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie http://www.c-dot.co.uk (from original work by TWiki:Main.RomainRaugi, TWiki:Main.DamienMandrioli, TWiki:Main.FredericLuddeni, and TWiki:Main.ColasNahaboo)
Copyright © ILOG 2005 http://www.ilog.fr
Plugin Version: 9566
Change History:  
Plugin Version: 10613
Change History:  
9671 Item2025 corrected handling of SPAN and FONT tags used for colour changes
9566 Item1890 doc update
9565 Item1890 Item1041 Item944 Much more aggressive cleanup of HTML pasted in from external sources. Excessively verbose HTML (e.g. from Outlook) was causing apparent infinite looing behaviour.
8867 Item1176 commented out Cairo version of header handler
8780 Item1625 disable expansion of twiki variables in urls where there are other twiki variables that can't be expanded
Line: 760 to 762
  Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins
-- TWiki:Main/CrawfordCurrie - 21:45:16 31 March 2006
-- TWiki:Main/CrawfordCurrie - 02:19:17 26 June 2006

Revision 22006-04-01 - TWikiContributor

Line: 548 to 548
pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/tests/test_kupuinit.js Kupu 1.3.2

  • Run WysiwygPlugin_installer to automatically check and install other modules that this module depends on. You can also do this step manually. Dependencies:
HTML::ParserRequired. Available from CPAN.
HTML::EntitiesRequired. Available from CPAN.
HTML::Parser>=3.28Required. Available from CPAN.
HTML::Entities>=1.25Required. Available from CPAN.
  • (Dakar) Visit configure in your TWiki installation, and enable the plugin in the {Plugins} section.
  • To enable the editor in one of your skins, add the following link to the skin alongside or in place of the existing 'edit' link:
    <a href="%SCRIPTURLPATH%/edit%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%?skin=kupu">Kupu</a>
    As you can see this is just a standard edit link with the 'kupu' skin in place of the usual edit skin. Here it is for this topic: Kupu. Try clicking on it, but do not save!
If you want to set up Kupu as your default editor, then you can set the EDIT_SKIN TWiki variable wherever you want.
  • Set EDIT_SKIN = kupu
Set it in a user topic to set it for one user. Set it in WebPreferences to set it for a single web. Or set it in your global TWiki preferences to set it for your whole site!

Plugin Configuration Settings

  • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Translator framework and WYSIWYG editor for TWiki topics
  • The name of the skin used to invoke a Wysiwyg editor.
Line: 646 to 642
Plugin Authors: TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie http://www.c-dot.co.uk (from original work by TWiki:Main.RomainRaugi, TWiki:Main.DamienMandrioli, TWiki:Main.FredericLuddeni, and TWiki:Main.ColasNahaboo)
Copyright © ILOG 2005 http://www.ilog.fr
Plugin Version: 8670
Change History:
<-- Most recent first -->
HTML::ParserRequired. Available from CPAN.
HTML::EntitiesRequired. Available from CPAN.
Perl Version: 5.0
Plugin Home: TWiki:Plugins/WysiwygPlugin
Plugin Version: 9566
Change History:  
9565 Item1890 Item1041 Item944 Much more aggressive cleanup of HTML pasted in from external sources. Excessively verbose HTML (e.g. from Outlook) was causing apparent infinite looing behaviour.
8867 Item1176 commented out Cairo version of header handler
8780 Item1625 disable expansion of twiki variables in urls where there are other twiki variables that can't be expanded
8779 Item1530 support for templatetopic when editing new topics
8592 Item1532 WysiwygPlugin: Added two more do-not-edit-if-topic-contains parameters, pre+comments
8590 Item1532 WysiwygPlugin: Kenneths suggestion on proper handling of HTML comments (incl. change to kupu)
8572 Item1529 evil, evil. The XMLSerializer in IE isn't happy serializing the DOM. I have no idea why. Kupu manages to get away with this because it passes the DOM through the XML validator, which I had to disable because it strips comments. So, for now, the IE implementation will strip comments - but at least you can save again
8538 Item1501 table handling was a bit spazzy. Several problems fixed.
8535 Item1518 moved icon and string lists into topics, updated screenshot
8531 Item1392 reversed the sense of the navigate-away condition, again
8466 Item1486 added WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE to allow exclusion of 'uneditable' content
8463 Item1486 was stripping comments, wrongly. Had to disable the kupu filters completely, they just do too much damage.
8401 Item1457 corrected problem with bullet list at top of topic
8388 Item1445 fix for a javascript error, introduced by previous fix
8387 Item1445 small usability improvements
8334 Item663 TWiki.org doc merge: Fix incorrect link to kupu website
8327 Item1411 handle case of the result of a TWiki variable being nopped
8312 Item1317 wrong result returned from generation function when expanding HTML embedded in verbatim block
8301 Item1397 removed excess space after sqaub links
8300 Item1231 added %SPAN% to indicate a spanned-over cell in the editor. Improved handling of HTML in verbatim tags by inserting line breaks is the tag type calls for it, before removing the HTML.
8276 Item1215 added WYSIWYG_ICONS and WYSIWYG_TAGS to support user customisation of icon images and twiki variables that can be inserted
8274 Item1314 debugging in case the hang happens again; and made sure to default the editor just in case
8273 Item1315 short forms must be terminated by one of the same characters that terminate wikiwords
8272 Item1391 added special interpretation of IMG tags to expand selected TWiki variables within SRC attributes
8271 Item1340 refined handling of NOP to cover abbrevs
8270 Item1311 removed excess space inserted in headings
8269 Item1339 changed from using arbitrary attribute for notoc to a new CSS class. Arbitrary attributes are stripped by Kupu before save.
8268 Item1344 strip ^Ms inserted by Sarissa during serialisation on IE
8267 Item1394 still can't get text styles to work properly in IE; but I am now firmly of the opinion that the fault lies with the browser, and not with Kupu.
8232 Item1341 added appropriate CSS class
8152 Item1313 added caveat about editing complex HTML and mixed HTML-TML
8151 Item1334 headers not handled properly in Cairo version
8108 Item1318 corrected table/list parser for tables embedded in bulleted lists
8106 Item1310 support for <nop/>
8105 Item1317 support for limited case of nopped variable
8104 Item1320 corrected interpretation of relative URL path in [[]]
8091 Item1259 changed comment handling; rather than trying to create HTML, which gets munged, create an HTML comment. This will only be editable by switching to source view, but hey, it's supposed to be WYSIWYG. Note that this also means that comments in pasted HTML should be retained now
8063 Item1042 spec of SCRIPTURL changed
7904 Item1189 reverting accidental checkin of experimental code
7903 Item1189 filter whitelist is not good enough; need to generate B and I nodes. templates/ pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin
7902 Item1189 it took bloody ages to track down, but finally discovered that bold and italic were being filtered out of spans by Kupu 1.3.2.... too smart for it's own good. So added them to the filter whitelist, and it works again.
7873 Item1189 added pre save filter to try and find where the attributes are disappearing to in FF
7872 Item1187 for lack of an s on an RE, the nation was lost (well, the multi-line comment actually). Thanks Kenneth!
7871 Item859 solved issue with non-display of inserted images. Was due to the use of an onSubmit handler to close the dialog, rather than an onLoad handler triggered when the IFRAME that contains the result is loaded.
7869 Item1172 had to rewrite big chunk of the table popup to get it working with 1.3.2
7858 Item1151 rewrote link handlings stuff to leverage browser better
7854 Item1175 escape wikiwords within squabs
7815 Item1158 works for Cairo now as well
7814 Item1158 first implementation of AJAX interface to allow selectoin of topics from other webs
7812 Item1154 removed non-existent scull.gif
7811 Item1155 added extra recursion block, as Item1155 suggests it is needed
7801 Item1042 All sorts of clever tricks to handle expansion/compression of a subset of TWiki variables when they are used in URLs. Not a complete solution, but better than it was.
7799 Item1024 caught out by recursive call to beforeCommonTagsHandler in Cairo (nasty)
7798 Item1042 whoops, broke \t conversion in Cairo
7789 Item1140 testcase for 1140
7788 Item1140 fix rewriting of img src urls (and updated MANIFEST for Kupu1.3.2)
7786 Item1042 extensive improvements to variable and URL recognition and conversion
7766 Item856 added doc on EDIT_SKIN to the plugin
7712 Item1074 upgrade to Kupu 1.3.2 complete (at last)
7710 Item1074 Fixed source edit mode
7709 Item1074 tidied up broken toolbar. There are still known issues
7700 Item1074 first pass at moving to Kupu 1.3.2.
7673 Item1037 insert wikiword only if selection is zero length
7672 Item977 changed to remove dangerous Cairo-based assumption, and use context ids instead
7630 Item1025 added 'escape clause' for old handlers implemented to support old TWiki releases without warnings
7506 Item941 Eliminated the last of the dynamic globals to try and solve saving problem. Can;t test with mod_perl, but is fine with speedycgi AFAICT
7456 Item873 minor issue; replace br with \n in pre
7455 Item873 obvious problem parsing closing pre tag on same line as open tag
7453 Item710 Handling HTML comments
7452 Item876 Item945: Item876: spacing around table cells, correct handling of variables. Had to compromise on handling [[]] but I think it's for the best.
7430 Item871 made sure that brackets are generated for non-wikiwords
7425 Item928 removed special interpretation of mailto links
7424 Item866 extended URL parsing to handle MAINWEB and TWIKIWEB twiki variables, in the same hacky way as the core.
7416 Item870 a couple of corner-cases for correct handling of twiki variables
7401 Item899 changed list generation to use spaces instead of tabs
7265 Item180 removed pointless, outdated dependency check from DateFieldPlugin
6935 Item622 reverted 3 specs to tabs in Set lines in plugins topics for kompatterbility with Kigh-roe
6905 Item622 tabs -> 3 spacesto avoid confusing the users
6850 Item638 added instruction to run configure to all install docs (I hope)
6827 Item569 added default RELEASE to everything that had a version, and removed a load of dead code that was getting in the way
6758 Item569 computed version numbers for plugins from the repository rev they were built from.
6504 Item436 incremented vernos of all changed plugins
6485 Item429 trying to make access controls clearer
6401 Item340 re-initialisation bug found by ColasNahaboo when using mod_perl; fixed by correctly re-initialising the parse stack for each run of the convertor
6284 Item340 Release 0.16 of WysiwygPlugin
6279 Item340 bugfixes for release 0.16 of WysiwygPlugin
6261 Item335 Switched PNGs to indexed mode, as transparency doesn't work on IE for RGB images
6238 Item332 Added context identifier to WysiwygPlugin, and a button to the pattern view template. If WysiwygPlugin is enabled, then the button will appear. Neat, huh?
6195 Item196 getting plugin test suites to pass. Doesn't mean the plugins actually work, just that the test suites run (which is a good indicator)
6174 Item168 checkpoint checking for 0.16
6151 Item186 more minor updates
6150 Item168 new icons, and a couple of bugfixes, to WysiwygPlugin
6092 Item196 more plugin and contrib fixes for develop; mainly just moving tests around and making sure they all pass.
6067 Item138 had to change to using beforeCommonTagsHandler and also escape % signs to prevent TWiki from rendering internal tags (as reported by Colas)
5979 Item168 corrected stupid error on IE; added screenshot
5977 Item168 release 0.13
5948 Item168 nearly ready for 0.13
5937 Item168 corrected images, twikified all images
5936 Item168 the import from cvs has screwed images
5934 Item168 twikified icon images, and renamed some images to be more intention-revealing
5739 0.12 beta release
5730 V0.11
5714 Tidied up installer, documentation. Release 0.10
5712 pre-release 0.06
5706 Version 0.05
5705 Checkpoint checking - version 0.03
5702 cvsrmtee old files
5701 Check in for prototype release
5700 Check in for prototype release
5699 Checkpoint
5698 Most of the toolboxes are working again
5693 Initial commit; doesn't do much except run tests
Feedback: TWiki:Plugins/WysiwygPluginDev

Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins

-- TWiki:Main/CrawfordCurrie - 23:00:26 01 February 2006
-- TWiki:Main/CrawfordCurrie - 21:45:16 31 March 2006

Revision 12006-02-01 - TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1

Wysiwyg Plugin

Support for the integration of WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get) editors. Comes bundled with a complete integration of the feature-rich Kupu editor.


The plugin is a generic framework that supports editing of TWiki topics using any browser-based HTML editor. It works by transforming TML (TWiki Meta Language) into HTML for the editor and then transforming HTML back into TML on save. These steps can be separated to support the import of HTML from external sources such as existing web pages.

The plugin should operate with TWiki20040904 as well as TWiki-4.0.0 and later.

Caveat: WysiwygPlugin is designed for editing TWiki topics, not as a general purpose HTML editor. It will work fine on topics that contain text, TML formatting, and most HTML. However, because of the complexity of transforming TML into HTML and back, complex TML, and mixing HTML and TML may not give the results you expect. You are recommended to use the standard browser textarea editor for editing existing topics that contain mixed HTML and TML, or complex %TML%-type variables.


  • Supports the input of malformed HTML
  • Full round-trip (TML -> XHTML -> TWiki syntax)
  • Framework is editor agnostic
  • Customised Kupu editor included


What's in the package

The package includes the following pieces:
  • TML (TWiki syntax) to HTML translator
  • HTML to TML translator (with stand-alone script)
  • Generic TWiki plugin for automating the translation during editing
  • Kupu editor integration, implemented as a TWiki skin

How to use the editor

Basic help for most of the functions in the toolbar is available by "hovering" the mouse over the button. Some functions require a bit more explanation:
  • "Insert No-Op" inserts a <nop> region. Any TWiki syntax such as wikiwords or variables inside the region will be disabled in the rgeion. $lt;nop> regions may not extend over line breaks.
  • The rightmost drop-down will give you a menu of TWiki variables that can be inserted. Any of these variables can be edited after they have been placed in the text, for example to add parameters.
  • "Insert a WikiWord" will give you a menu of topics in the current web that can be inserted. Topics are inserted as links, though typing wikiwords in plain text will work just as well.
  • Watch out for the <> button on the right of the toolbar. It lets you switch into an HTML view, which can be very useful when you can't get your formatting right.
  • In TWiki, a totally empty table cell causes the cell to be merged with the cell immediately to the left. To make this effect more transparent in the editor, these empty cells are shown with the text "%SPAN%" in them. In Kupu, if you add %SPAN% to a table cell, then all the rest of the content will be thrown away and the cell will be converted to an empty table cell. Note that this only applies to tables that are converted to TWiki syntax.

Kupu Notes

The version of Kupu shipped with this plugin is an uncustomised basic Kupu release. All the TWiki customisation is done as plugins and extensions to Kupu - the basic kupu code is shipped completely intact.

How it works

The plugin works by translating the topic text into HTML, which is then fed to the editor. The edited HTML is then run through the reverse translation before saving to the topic. TWiki syntax is used in preference to HTML in the stored topic wherever possible, though HTML may be used if the translator can't find a suitable TML equivalent..

The default rendering that TWiki uses to generate HTML for browsers is 'lossy' - information in the TWiki syntax is lost in the HTML output, and a round-trip (recovering the original TWiki syntax from the HTML) is impossible. To solve this problem the plugin instead uses its own translation of TWiki syntax to pure XHTML. The generated XHTML is annotated with CSS classes that support the accurate recovery of the original TWiki syntax.

(before you ask the obvious question, yes, the translator could be used to replace the TWiki rendering pipeline for generating HTML pages. In fact, the translator is taken almost directly from the implementation of the rendering pipeline for the TWiki 'Dakar' release)

Translation of the HTML back to TWiki syntax uses the CPAN:HTML::Parser. This parser is used in preference to a more modern XML parser, because the HTML may not generate fully compliant XHTML. A strict parser would risk losing content. CPAN:HTML::Parser is better at handling malformed syntax.

There is also the advantage that the translator can be used to import HTML from other sources - for example, existing web pages. Due to the simple nature of TWiki syntax and the complexity of HTML, this translation is lossy - i.e there will be HTML features that can be entered by editors that will be lost in this translation step. This is especially noticeable with HTML tables.

Using the translators from Perl scripts

Both translators can be used directly from Perl scripts, for example to build your own stand-alone translators.

An example stand-alone convertor script for HTML to TWiki is included in the installation. It can be found in the top-level tools directory and is called html2tml.pl.

Plugin Installation Instructions

  • Download the ZIP file from the Plugin web (see below)
  • Unzip WysiwygPlugin.zip in your twiki installation directory. Content:
    <-- -->
    Sorted descending
    tools/html2tml.pl Stand-alone convertor script
    templates/view.kupuxml.tmpl Template for AJAX data
    templates/view.kupu.tmpl Template for a kupu skin view, used by the editor
    templates/edit.kupu.tmpl Template for an edit using kupu
    templates/attachtables.kupu.tmpl Attachment table rendering for editor
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/view-source.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/verbatim.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/verbatim-watermark.png Watermark
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/vars.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/unordered-list.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/undo.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/twikitools.js Kupu customisation
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/text-color.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/table.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/strings.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/smiley.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/separator.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/screenshot.jpg Screen shot
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/save.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/remove.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/redo.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/outdent.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/ordered-list.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/nop.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/new-image.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/new-attachment.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/kuputwiki.css Kupu customisation
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/kupustart.js Kupu customisation
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/kupuinit.js Kupu customisation
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/italic.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/inthyperlink.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/indent.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/help.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/exthyperlink.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/definition-list.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/code.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/cancel.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/bold.png Button image
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/zope3/interfaces.py Kupu 1.3.2
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    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/drawers/imagedrawer.xsl Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/lenya/content2edit.xsl Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/xmlconfig.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/wire.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/toolboxes.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/toolbar.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/lenya.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/lenya.js Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/kupustyles.css Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/kupumacros.html Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/kupudrawerstyles.css Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/include.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/exit.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/apache-lenya/kupu/body.kupu Kupu 1.3.2
    pub/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin/_kupu/__init__.py Kupu 1.3.2
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin/TML2HTML.pm Perl module
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin/HTML2TML/WC.pm Perl module
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin/HTML2TML/Node.pm Perl module
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin/HTML2TML/Leaf.pm Perl module
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin/HTML2TML.pm Perl module
    lib/TWiki/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin.pm Perl module
    data/TWiki/WysiwygPluginTopicLister.txt Special AJAX topic
    data/TWiki/WysiwygPlugin.txt Documentation and settings

  • Run WysiwygPlugin_installer to automatically check and install other modules that this module depends on. You can also do this step manually. Dependencies:
    HTML::ParserRequired. Available from CPAN.
    HTML::EntitiesRequired. Available from CPAN.
  • (Dakar) Visit configure in your TWiki installation, and enable the plugin in the {Plugins} section.
  • To enable the editor in one of your skins, add the following link to the skin alongside or in place of the existing 'edit' link:
    <a href="%SCRIPTURLPATH%/edit%SCRIPTSUFFIX%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%?skin=kupu">Kupu</a>
    As you can see this is just a standard edit link with the 'kupu' skin in place of the usual edit skin. Here it is for this topic: Kupu. Try clicking on it, but do not save!

If you want to set up Kupu as your default editor, then you can set the EDIT_SKIN TWiki variable wherever you want.

  • Set EDIT_SKIN = kupu
Set it in a user topic to set it for one user. Set it in WebPreferences to set it for a single web. Or set it in your global TWiki preferences to set it for your whole site!

Plugin Configuration Settings

  • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Translator framework and WYSIWYG editor for TWiki topics
  • The name of the skin used to invoke a Wysiwyg editor.
    • Set WYSIWYGSKIN = kupu
  • Web/Topic name of a help page. Change this to point to your local version of the help page, which is brought up when the .
    • Set HELPPAGE = TWiki/WysiwygPlugin

Other Settings

The editor template includes a number of files that can be used for other settings. These files are not defined in the distribution, so that you can create your own local content.


You can define a list of icons that will be available in the Kupu editor when the smiley.png toolbar button is pressed. This topic has to contain a list of <IMG> tags. If present, the 'alt' text will be used in place of the <IMG> tag when translating from HTML to TML. Example:
   <img src="%PUBURL%/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/tip.gif" />
   <img src="%PUBURL%/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/warning.gif" />
   <img src="%PUBURL%/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/pencil.gif" />
   <img src="%PUBURL%/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/choice-yes.gif" />
   <img src="%PUBURL%/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/updated.gif" />
   <img src="%PUBURL%/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/help.gif" />
   <img src="%PUBURL%/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/new.gif" />
   <img src="%PUBURL%/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/starred.gif" />
   <img src="%PUBURL%/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/arrowright.gif" />


You can also define a list of strings that will be available for insertion in topics using the strings.png toolbar button. This topic has to contain a list of HTML 'option' tags. Example:
   <option value='-- <nop>%WIKIUSERNAME% - %DATE%'>Signature</option>
   <option value="%<nop>WIKINAME%">Wiki name (variable)</option>
   <option value='%<nop>SEARCH{"search for"}%'>Inline search (variable)</option>
   <option value='%<nop>INCLUDE{"topic or url"}%'>Include (variable)</option>
   <option value="%<nop>TOC%"> Table of Contents (variable)</option>
   <option value="%<nop>TOPIC%">Topic (variable)</option>
   <option value="%<nop>WEB%">Web (variable)</option>
   <option value="%<nop>DATE%"> Date (variable)</option>
The bit between the > < value defines text in the drop-down box in the editor, and the value defines the actual string inserted in the topic.


If it exists, the contents of this topic will be included and shown on the edit screen below the status bar. It is intended to be used for site-specific quick help information.

Editor control

The global TWiki Variable WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE can be set to make the plugin sensitive to what is in a topic before allowing it to be edited. You can set it up to refuse to edit if

  • some or all of HTML tags (e.g. <br /> or <div>), or
  • simple variables (e.g. %VAR%) or
  • calls (e.g. %VARIABLE{...}%)
  • PRE blocks (<pre>)
  • HTML comments (<!-- ... -->)

are used in the topic. If the plugin detects an excluded construct in the topic, it will redirect to the default editor. Comma-separated list of one or more of html, variables, calls, pre or comments e.g.

  • Set WYSIWYG_EXCLUDE = variables,calls (inactive; you need to remove monospacing from this setting to enable it)

If you are using this plugin with TWiki-4.0.0 or later with pattern skin, the %COMPOSER% global TWiki variable is used to control the skin used for the WYSIWYG editor link. You can define this variable to the empty string to disable WYSIWYG editing on a site, per-web, per-user or per-topic basis.

Known Issues

Most of the known problems with the plugin are actually problems with the Kupu editor or the browser rather than the plugin.

Incompatible with "non-standard" syntax

WysiwygPlugin is Incompatible with plugins that expand non-standard syntax e.g. TWiki:Plugins.MathModePlugin (WysiwygPlugin)

Plugins that extend the syntax using TWiki variables, such as %MYVARIABLE%, should work fine.

Can't undo all functions (Kupu + browser)

Due to limitations in the browser support for editing, not all functions can be undone. Also, the undo buffer can be cleared unexpectedly during editing, especially when using Internet Explorer.

Overlapping styles (WysiwygPlugin)

Because TWiki uses a "best guess" approach to some formatting, it allows overlapping of tags in a way forbidden by HTML, it is impossible to guarantee 100% that formating in the original TWiki document will still be there when the same document is loaded and then saved through the WysiwygPlugin. The most obvious case of this is to do with styles. For example, the sentence
*bold _bold-italic* italic_
is legal in TML, but in HTML is represented by
<strong>bold <em>bold-italic</em></strong> <em>italic</em>
which gets translated back to TML as
*bold _bold-italic_* _italic_
which is correct by construction, but does not render correctly in TWiki. This problem is unfortunately unavoidable due to the way TWiki syntax works.

Support for PRE

Because of limitations in the browsers, the editor does not support PRE blocks. All PRE blocks will be converted to TWiki verbatim blocks on save. This can cause some confusion, especially when editor formatting controls (such as "bold") have been used to format text in a PRE block. Users are advised to use only plain text in PRE (verbatim) blocks.

Plugin Info

This plugin is heavily based on the TWiki::Plugins.KupuEditorAddOn, and the authors of that add-on are therefore also credited as authors of this plugin.

Plugin Authors: TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie http://www.c-dot.co.uk (from original work by TWiki:Main.RomainRaugi, TWiki:Main.DamienMandrioli, TWiki:Main.FredericLuddeni, and TWiki:Main.ColasNahaboo)
Copyright © ILOG 2005 http://www.ilog.fr
Plugin Version: 8670
Change History:
<-- Most recent first -->
HTML::ParserRequired. Available from CPAN.
HTML::EntitiesRequired. Available from CPAN.
Perl Version: 5.0
Plugin Home: TWiki:Plugins/WysiwygPlugin
Feedback: TWiki:Plugins/WysiwygPluginDev

Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins

-- TWiki:Main/CrawfordCurrie - 23:00:26 01 February 2006

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.WysiwygPlugin.