Difference: WysiwygPlugin (7 vs. 8)

Revision 82008-12-06 - TWikiContributor

Line: 45 to 45
  1. The HTML for the content-to-be-edited can be generated directly in the standard edit template.
  2. The HTML for the content-to-be-edited can be generated directly in a specialised edit template.
  3. A URL can be used to fetch the content-to-be-edited from the server, for use in an IFRAME.
  1. REST handlers can be called from Javacript to convert content.
  1. REST handlers can be called from Javascript to convert content.

Generating content directly in the standard edit template

This is the technique used by WYSIWYG editors that can sit on top of HTML
Line: 178 to 178
Plugin Authors: TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie http://www.c-dot.co.uk
Plugin Author(s): TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie http://www.c-dot.co.uk
Copyright © ILOG 2005 http://www.ilog.fr
License GPL (Gnu General Public License)
Plugin Version: 03 Aug 2008 17302 (04 Aug 2008)
Plugin Version: 17680 (06 Dec 2008)
Change History:  
03 Aug 2008 TWiki 4.2.1 release version
22 Oct 2008 Fixed TWikibug:Item5961 (emphasis), TWikibug:Item6089 (backslash in verbatim)
7 Aug 2008 Fixed TWikibug:Item5707 (mod_perl)
3 Aug 2008 TWiki 4.2.1 release version
25 May 2008 TWikibug:Item5457: TWikibug:Item5528: TWikibug:Item5626: using a debug simulation, I believe I have finally fixed all the complexities of using international character sets with the translator.
13 Apr 2008 TWikibug:Item4946: TWikibug:Item5530: I think I have finally fixed non-iso-8859-1 character sets. Painful. TWikibug:Item5393: removed spurious DIV generated by IE inside LI tags
31 Mar 2008 TWikibug:Item5314: TWikibug:Item5457: Fixed pickaxe mode for editing UTF-8. Characters above 255 are converted to entitites, which is a bit of a PITA, but at least it no longer corrupts topics.
Line: 202 to 204
7 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4503 excess empty lines TWikibug:Item4486 no toc headers with unofficial syntax TWikibug:Item4560: empty lines lost TWikibug:Item4566: corrupted table on save TWikibug:Item4550 section tags being eaten
4 Sep 2007 TWikibug:Item4534 TWikibug:Item4535 fixed
See Subversion logs for earlier revisions
HTML::Parser>=3.28Required. Available from CPAN.
HTML::Entities>=1.25Required. Available from CPAN.
HTML::Parser>=3.28Required. Available from CPAN.
HTML::Entities>=1.25Required. Available from CPAN.
Plugin Home: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/WysiwygPlugin
Feedback: TWiki:Plugins/WysiwygPluginDev
Appraisal: http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/WysiwygPluginAppraisal
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.WysiwygPlugin.