Difference: VarWEB (4 vs. 5)

Revision 52012-11-15 - TWikiContributor

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META TOPICPARENT name="TWikiVariables"

WEB -- name of current web

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format="..." Format, may include tokens $web (the full web path), $parents (parent webs, if any), $current (current web without parent webs) "$web"
  • Example, assuming %WEB% is Engineering/TechPubs/Apps:
    %WEB{format="Parent webs: $parents, current web: $current"}% returns: Parent webs: Engineering/TechPubs, current web: Apps
format="..." Format, may include tokens $web (the full web path), $parents (parent webs, if any), $current (current web without parent webs), $top (top-level web with any subwebs removed) "$web"
  • Example, assuming %WEB% is Engineering/TechPubs/Apps:
    %WEB{format="Parent webs: $parents, current web: $current, top-level web: $top"}% returns: Parent webs: Engineering/TechPubs, current web: Apps, top-level web: Engineering
  • Category: SystemInformationVariables
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