Difference: VarICON (1 vs. 4)

Revision 42012-11-13 - TWikiContributor

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META TOPICPARENT name="TWikiVariables"

ICON{"name"} -- small documentation graphic or icon of common attachment types

Line: 18 to 18
    • %ICON{"bubble" format="$description icon is defined in $web.$topic"}% returns: Speech bubble icon is defined in TWikiDocGraphics
  • Graphic samples: Arrow blue right arrowbright, Speech bubble bubble, Yes / Done choice-yes, Pointing hand hand
  • File type samples: Bitmap bmp, Microsoft Word file doc, GIF gif, Standard help file hlp, HTML html, Waveform sound file mp3, PDF pdf, PowerPoint ppt, Text txt, Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet xls, XML xml, Compressed Zip archive zip

Revision 32010-01-02 - TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="TWikiVariables"

ICON{"name"} -- small documentation graphic or icon of common attachment types

  • Generates the HTML img tag of a small graphic image attached to TWikiDocGraphics. Images typically have a 16x16 pixel size. You can select a specific image by name, or you can give a full filename, in which case the type of the file will be used to select one of a collection of common file type icons.
  • Generates the HTML img tag of a small graphic image attached to TWikiDocGraphics. Images typically have a 16x16 pixel size. You can select a specific image by name, or you can give a full file path or URL, in which case the type of the file will be used to select one of a collection of common file type icons.
  • Syntax: %ICON{"name"}%
  • Supported parameters:
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    "name" Name of icon required
    format="..." Format of icon. Supported variables (with Person %ICON{"person"}% example):
    $name - name of icon (person)
    $type - type of icon (gif)
    $filename - icon filename (person.gif)
    $web - web where icon is defined (TWiki)
    $topic - topic where icon is defined (TWikiDocGraphics)
    $description - icon description (Person)
    $width - width of icon ('16')
    $height - height of icon ('16')
    $img - full img tag of icon (<img src="... />)
    $info - icon tag with usage info in title
    $url - URL of icon (http://example.com/pub/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/person.gif)
    $urlpath - URL path of icon (/pub/TWiki/TWikiDocGraphics/person.gif)
    default="else" Alternate icon if named icon is not defined default="$name"
  • Examples:
    • %ICON{"flag-gray"}% returns Gray flag
    • %ICON{"pdf"}% returns PDF
    • %ICON{"smile.pdf"}% returns PDF
    • %ICON{"/dont/you/dare/smile.pdf"}% returns PDF
    • %ICON{"http://twiki.org/doc/xhtml.xsl"}% returns XSL (XML style sheet)
    • %ICON{"flag-gray"}% returns: Gray flag
    • %ICON{"pdf"}% returns: PDF
    • %ICON{"smile.pdf"}% returns: PDF
    • %ICON{"/home/sweet/home.pdf"}% returns: PDF
    • %ICON{"http://twiki.org/doc/xhtml.xsl"}% returns: XSL (XML style sheet)
    • %ICON{"bubble" format="$description icon is defined in $web.$topic"}% returns: Speech bubble icon is defined in TWikiDocGraphics

Revision 22005-03-27 - TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="TWikiVariables"

ICON{"name"} -- small documentation graphic or icon of common attachment types

  • Generates the HTML img tag of a small graphic image attached to TWikiDocGraphics. Images typically have a 16x16 pixel size. You can select a specific image by name, or you can give a full filename, in which case the type of the file will be used to select one of a collection of common file type icons.
  • Syntax: %ICON{"name"}%
Line: 13 to 12
    • %ICON{"http://twiki.org/doc/xhtml.xsl"}% returns XSL (XML style sheet)
  • Graphic samples: Arrow blue right arrowbright, Speech bubble bubble, Yes / Done choice-yes, Pointing hand hand
  • File type samples: Bitmap bmp, Microsoft Word file doc, GIF gif, Standard help file hlp, HTML html, Waveform sound file mp3, PDF pdf, PowerPoint ppt, Text txt, Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet xls, XML xml, Compressed Zip archive zip

Revision 12005-03-27 - TWikiContributor

Line: 1 to 1
META TOPICPARENT name="TWikiVariables"

ICON{"name"} -- small documentation graphic or icon of common attachment types

  • Generates the HTML img tag of a small graphic image attached to TWikiDocGraphics. Images typically have a 16x16 pixel size. You can select a specific image by name, or you can give a full filename, in which case the type of the file will be used to select one of a collection of common file type icons.
  • Syntax: %ICON{"name"}%
  • Examples:
    • %ICON{"flag-gray"}% returns Gray flag
    • %ICON{"pdf"}% returns PDF
    • %ICON{"smile.pdf"}% returns PDF
    • %ICON{"/dont/you/dare/smile.pdf"}% returns PDF
    • %ICON{"http://twiki.org/doc/xhtml.xsl"}% returns XSL (XML style sheet)
  • Graphic samples: Arrow blue right arrowbright, Speech bubble bubble, Yes / Done choice-yes, Pointing hand hand
  • File type samples: Bitmap bmp, Microsoft Word file doc, GIF gif, Standard help file hlp, HTML html, Waveform sound file mp3, PDF pdf, PowerPoint ppt, Text txt, Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet xls, XML xml, Compressed Zip archive zip
  • Related: ICONURL, ICONURLPATH, TWikiPreferences, FileAttachments, TWikiDocGraphics
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.VarICON.