Difference: TWikiUIRegisterDotPm (2 vs. 3)

Revision 32006-06-25 - TWikiContributor

Line: 89 to 89
  Presently this is called in RegisterCgiScript directly after a call to verify. The separation is intended for the RegistrationApprovals functionality
  1. calls _reloadUserContext (throws oops if appropriate)
  1. calls newUserFromTemplate()
  1. calls createUserTopic()
  1. if using the htpasswdFormatFamily, calls _addUserToPasswordSystem
  2. calls the misnamed RegistrationHandler to set cookies
  1. calls addUserToTWikiUsersTopic
  1. calls addUserToMapping
  1. writes the logEntry (if wanted :/)
  2. redirects browser to 'oopsregthanks'
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