Difference: TWikiTutorial (10 vs. 11)

Revision 112002-04-21 - PeterThoeny

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20-Minute TWiki

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  • [More] - additional controls, like [Rename/move], version control and setting the topic's parent.

6. Change a page, and create a new one...

Go to the Test. This is the sandbox web, where you can make changes and try it all out at will.
  • Click the [Edit] link. You are now in edit mode and you can see the source of the page. (Go to a different topic like TestTopic3 in case you see a "Topic is locked by an other user" warning.)
Go to the Sandbox. This is the sandbox web, where you can make changes and try it all out at will.
  • Click the [Edit] link. You are now in edit mode and you can see the source of the page. (Go to a different topic like TestTopic3 in case you see a "Topic is locked by an other user" warning.)
  • Look at the text in edit mode and compare it with the rendered page (move back and forth in your browser.)
  • Notice how WikiWords are linked automatically; there is no link if you look at the text in edit mode.
  • Now, create a new topic - your own test page:
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