Difference: TWikiSystemRequirements (5 vs. 6)

Revision 62001-08-27 - MikeMannix

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TWiki Implementation Notes


TWiki is written in Perl 5 and uses also some shell commands. The current implementation runs best on a Unix machine, but it is also possible on Microsoft Windows. RCS (for revision control) must be installed on the system.
TWiki is written in Perl 5 and also uses some shell commands. The current implementation runs best on a Unix machine, but it is also possible on Microsoft Windows. RCS (for revision control) must be installed on the system.

Required Environment by Platform
Package(s): Unix: Windows:
Perl 5.x 5.x
Non-standard Perl modules    
Optional Perl modules Net::SMTP (or sendmail) Net::SMTP
RCS 5.7 5.7
Other external programs ls, fgrep, egrep ?
Web server Apache ?

Directory Structure

Directory: Used for:
twiki/bin TWiki Perl scripts
twiki/bin/TWiki TWiki Perl modules
twiki/bin/TWiki/Plugins Plugins modules
twiki/lib/TWiki TWiki Perl modules
twiki/lib/TWiki/Plugins Plugins modules
twiki/pub Public files (FileAttachments, images)
twiki/data source text
twiki/templates HTML templates, used by TWiki scripts
Note: You could move the twiki/bin/TWiki library directory (including Plugins ) to twiki/lib/TWiki; the scripts look for a "." and "../lib" relative library path.

Files in twiki/bin

Line: 36 to 45
upload Script that does file upload (FileAttachment)
view Script to view a topic ( the script )
viewfile Script to view an file attachment

Files in twiki/lib

File: Used for:
TWiki.pm Main TWiki library
TWiki.cfg For initialization and configuration, used by TWiki.pm

Files in twiki/bin/TWiki


Files in twiki/lib/TWiki

File: Used for:
Access.pm Access control
Line: 49 to 62
Search.pm Search engine, used by wiki.pm
Store.pm Back-end storage, *.txt text file and *.txt,v RCS repository file handling

Files in twiki/bin/TWiki/Plugins


Files in twiki/lib/TWiki/Plugins

File: Used for:
DefaultPlugin.pm Default plugin
EmptyPlugin.pm Empty plugin, use to create your own
-- PeterThoeny - 03 Mar 2001
-- MikeMannix - 26 Aug 2001
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiSystemRequirements.