Difference: TWikiSystemRequirements (17 vs. 18)

Revision 182001-09-08 - MikeMannix

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TWiki Operating Environment


TWiki Application Environment

Server and client system requirements, file system structure
Server and client system requirements; file system structure


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File Descriptions

A rundown of the individual files in the current %VERSION% distribution, organized by TWiki root directories. All listings are complete unless otherwise noted.
A rundown of the individual files included in the current 01-Sep-2001 distribution, organized by TWiki root directories.

Files in twiki

Introductory and installation files.
Application info and the current reference documentation. Full file list:
File: Used for:
index.html A page with a link to first launch TWiki after install
license.txt GNU General Public License and TWiki-specific info
readme.txt General TWiki start-up info with relevant URLs.
readme.txt General TWiki start-up info with relevant URLs
TWikiDocumentation.html All documentation packaged as a single page
TWikiHistory.html TWiki development timeline

Files in twiki/bin

All Perl CGI scripts.
Perl CGI scripts. Full file list:
File: Used for:
.htaccess.txt Authentication. Rename to .htaccess and customize if used
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Files under twiki/lib

The new lib/TWiki/Plugins directories contain core configuration, libraries and function modules, and Plugins.
The new lib/TWiki/Plugins directories contain configuration, library and function files, and TWikiPlugins. Full file list:
File: Used for:
TWiki.pm Main TWiki library
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TWiki/Prefs.pm Preferences handling
TWiki/Search.pm Search engine, used by wiki.pm
TWiki/Store.pm Back-end storage, *.txt text file and *.txt,v RCS repository file handling
TWiki/Plugins/DefaultPlugin.pm Default plugin
TWiki/Plugins/DefaultPlugin.pm Handles some legacy rules
TWiki/Plugins/EmptyPlugin.pm Empty plugin, use to create your own
TWiki/Plugins/InterwikiPlugin.pm Refer to external Wikis and other Web sites
TWiki/Plugins/InterwikiPlugin.pm Use aliases as links for predefined URLs

Files under twiki/pub

attachments like images...
The pub directory stores data-related files, including images used by TWiki and FileAttachments. Attachments are stored in sub-directories created with the related topic name. Partial file list:
File: Used for:
favicon.ico xxxx
twikilogo.gif xxxx
twikilogo1.gif xxxx
twikilogo2.gif xxxx
twikilogo3.gif xxxx
twikilogo4.gif xxxx
wikiHome.gif xxxx
icn/_filetypes.txt xxxx
icn/bat.gif xxxx
icn/bmp.gif xxxx
icn/c.gif xxxx
icn/dll.gif xxxx
icn/doc.gif xxxx
icn/else.gif xxxx
icn/exe.gif xxxx
icn/fon.gif xxxx
icn/h.gif xxxx
icn/hlp.gif xxxx
icn/html.gif xxxx
icn/java.gif xxxx
icn/mov.gif xxxx
icn/pdf.gif xxxx
icn/pl.gif xxxx
icn/ppt.gif xxxx
icn/ps.gif xxxx
icn/py.gif xxxx
icn/ram.gif xxxx
icn/reg.gif xxxx
icn/sh.gif xxxx
icn/sniff.gif xxxx
icn/ttf.gif xxxx
icn/txt.gif xxxx
icn/wav.gif xxxx
icn/wri.gif xxxx
icn/xls.gif xxxx
icn/zip.gif xxxx
Know/IncorrectDllVersionW32PTH10DLL/W32PTH10.DLL xxxx
TWiki/FileAttachment/Sample.txt xxxx
TWiki/FileAttachment/Smile.gif xxxx
TWiki/PreviewBackground/blankltgraybg.gif xxxx
TWiki/PreviewBackground/blankwhitebg.gif xxxx
TWiki/PreviewBackground/previewbg.gif xxxx
TWiki/WabiSabi/wabisabi.gif xxxx
favicon.ico ICO file
twikilogo.gif GIF file
twikilogo1.gif GIF file
twikilogo2.gif GIF file
twikilogo3.gif GIF file
twikilogo4.gif GIF file
wikiHome.gif GIF file
icn/_filetypes.txt GIF file
icn/bat.gif GIF file
icn/bmp.gif GIF file
... ...
TWiki/FileAttachment/Sample.txt TEXT file
TWiki/FileAttachment/Smile.gif GIF file
TWiki/PreviewBackground/blankltgraybg.gif GIF file
TWiki/PreviewBackground/blankwhitebg.gif GIF file
TWiki/PreviewBackground/previewbg.gif GIF file
TWiki/WabiSabi/wabisabi.gif GIF file

Files under twiki/data

The data directory stores TWiki page data as individual text files. Each active web has its own subdirectory. The TWiki distribution package includes four start-up webs, with a number of pages of documentation and demo content. This is a representative partial file listing...
TWiki page data stored as individual text files. Each active web has its own subdirectory. The TWiki distribution includes four start-up webs - Main, TWiki, Know, Test - with documentation and demo content, and a _default directory containing all topics required to start a new web. Partial file list:
File: Used for:
.htpasswd xxxx
debug.txt xxxx
mime.types xxxx
warning.txt xxxx
.htpasswd Basic Authentication (htaccess) password file
debug.txt Program messages useful for debugging
mime.types Recognized file formats
warning.txt Diagnostic messages for identifying problems
_default directory can be copied to empty directory when creating new Webs
_default/.changes Record of topic changes recorded here
_default/WebChanges.txt Display most recent changes
_default/WebChanges.txt,v History
_default/WebHome.txt xxxx
_default/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebIndex.txt xxxx
_default/WebIndex.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebNotify.txt xxxx
_default/WebNotify.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebPreferences.txt xxxx
_default/WebPreferences.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebSearch.txt xxxx
_default/WebSearch.txt,v xxxx
_default/WebStatistics.txt xxxx
_default/WebStatistics.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Know/TopicClassification.txt xxxx
Know/TopicClassification.txt,v xxxx
Know/TWikiCategory.txt xxxx
Know/TWikiCategory.txt,v xxxx
Know/UseCategory.txt xxxx
Know/UseCategory.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebChanges.txt xxxx
Know/WebChanges.txt,v xxxx
Know/WebForm.txt xxxx
Know/WebForm.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Main/OfficeLocations.txt xxxx
Main/OfficeLocations.txt,v xxxx
Main/PeterThoeny.txt xxxx
Main/PeterThoeny.txt,v xxxx
Main/SanJoseOffice.txt xxxx
Main/SanJoseOffice.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Main/TWikiGuest.txt xxxx
Main/TWikiGuest.txt,v xxxx
Main/TWikiUsers.txt xxxx
Main/TWikiUsers.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Test/TestTopic1.txt xxxx
Test/TestTopic1.txt,v xxxx
Test/WebHome.txt xxxx
Test/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
... ...
Trash/WebHome.txt xxxx
Trash/WebHome.txt,v xxxx
... ...
TWiki/DeleteTopic.txt xxxx
TWiki/DeleteTopic.txt,v xxxx
TWiki/DontNotify.txt xxxx
TWiki/DontNotify.txt,v xxxx
_default/.changes Web-level record of topic changes
_default/WebChanges.txt Display most recent topic changes in web
_default/WebChanges.txt,v Revisions history (RCS)
_default/WebHome.txt Default web home page
_default/WebHome.txt,v Revisions history (RCS)
_default/WebIndex.txt Lists all topics in a web
_default/WebIndex.txt,v Revisions history (RCS)
_default/WebNotify.txt Subscribe/unsubscribe to web changes email alert
_default/WebNotify.txt,v Revisions history (RCS)
_default/WebPreferences.txt Web-level preference settings
_default/WebPreferences.txt,v Revisions history (RCS)
_default/WebSearch.txt Web-level search options
_default/WebSearch.txt,v Revisions history (RCS)
_default/WebStatistics.txt Generates web usage statistics
_default/WebStatistics.txt,v Revisions history (RCS)
... ...

Files in twiki/templates

Used to flexibly control appearance of rendered pages...
Templates used to control appearance of all rendered pages. Full file list:
File: Used for:
oopsbadpwformat.tmpl xxxx
attachagain.tmpl xxxx
attachnew.tmpl xxxx
changeform.tmpl xxxx
changes.tmpl xxxx
oopsbadpwformat.tmpl Error message
attachagain.tmpl Control screen
attachnew.tmpl Control screen
changeform.tmpl Control screen
changes.tmpl Displays WebChanges list of recently changed topics
edit.iejs.tmpl xxxx
edit.tmpl xxxx
edit.tmpl Main edit window
mailnotify.tmpl xxxx
moveattachment.tmpl xxxx
oopsaccesschange.tmpl xxxx
oopsaccessgroup.tmpl xxxx
oopsaccessrename.tmpl xxxx
oopsaccessview.tmpl xxxx
oopsauth.tmpl xxxx
attach.tmpl xxxx
oopschangepasswd.tmpl xxxx
oopsempty.tmpl xxxx
oopslocked.tmpl xxxx
oopslockedrename.tmpl xxxx
oopsmissing.tmpl xxxx
oopsmoveerr.tmpl xxxx
oopsnoformdef.tmpl xxxx
oopsnotwikiuser.tmpl xxxx
oopsnoweb.tmpl xxxx
oopspreview.tmpl xxxx
oopsregexist.tmpl xxxx
oopsregpasswd.tmpl xxxx
oopsregrequ.tmpl xxxx
oopsregthanks.tmpl xxxx
oopsregwiki.tmpl xxxx
oopsrenameerr.tmpl xxxx
oopsresetpasswd.tmpl xxxx
oopsrev.tmpl xxxx
oopssave.tmpl xxxx
oopssaveerr.tmpl xxxx
oopssendmailerr.tmpl xxxx
oopstopicexists.tmpl xxxx
oopsupload.tmpl xxxx
oopswrongpassword.tmpl xxxx
preview.tmpl xxxx
rdiff.tmpl xxxx
register.tmpl xxxx
moveattachment.tmpl Control screen
oopsaccesschange.tmpl Error message
oopsaccessgroup.tmpl Error message
oopsaccessrename.tmpl Error message
oopsaccessview.tmpl Error message
oopsauth.tmpl Error message
attach.tmpl Error message
oopschangepasswd.tmpl Error message
oopsempty.tmpl Error message
oopslocked.tmpl Error message
oopslockedrename.tmpl Error message
oopsmissing.tmpl Error message
oopsmoveerr.tmpl Error message
oopsnoformdef.tmpl Error message
oopsnotwikiuser.tmpl Error message
oopsnoweb.tmpl Error message
oopspreview.tmpl Error message
oopsregexist.tmpl Error message
oopsregpasswd.tmpl Error message
oopsregrequ.tmpl Error message
oopsregthanks.tmpl Error message
oopsregwiki.tmpl Error message
oopsrenameerr.tmpl Error message
oopsresetpasswd.tmpl Error message
oopsrev.tmpl Error message
oopssave.tmpl Error message
oopssaveerr.tmpl Error message
oopssendmailerr.tmpl Error message
oopstopicexists.tmpl Error message
oopsupload.tmpl Error message
oopswrongpassword.tmpl Error message
preview.tmpl Preview Changes screen
rdiff.tmpl Displays text changes before & after (Diffs)
register.tmpl Registration page
registernotify.tmpl xxxx
rename.tmpl Doing a new topic rename, user chooses web & topic
rename.tmpl Doing a new topic rename, user chooses web & topic
renamebase.tmpl Used by other rename templates
renameconfirm.tmpl Confirming a pre-specified rename e.g. when undoing a rename
renamerefs.tmpl Rename done, still some references to change (topcis were previously locked)
renameconfirm.tmpl Confirms a pre-specified rename, ex: undoing a rename
renamerefs.tmpl Rename done, but some references not changed (topics were locked)
search.tmpl xxxx
searchbookview.tmpl xxxx
searchbookview.tmpl Search results with full topic content
searchmeta.tmpl xxxx
searchrenameview.tmpl Used by rename to list references to topic being renamed
twiki.tmpl xxxx
view.plain.tmpl xxxx
view.print.tmpl xxxx
view.tmpl xxxx
twiki.tmpl Base template definitions used by other templates
view.plain.tmpl Alternate topic header/footer view
view.print.tmpl Alternate topic header/footer view
view.tmpl Main topic view
  -- MikeMannix - 29 Aug 2001
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiSystemRequirements.