Difference: TWikiSiteTools (18 vs. 19)

Revision 192012-11-29 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Site Tools

Line: 39 to 39
 This is simply a preset SEARCH. The number of topics listed by the limit parameter.:

%SEARCH{ ".*" web="TWiki" type="regex" nosearch="on" order="modified"
reverse="on" limit="50" }%
%SEARCH{ ".*" web="TWiki" type="regex" nosearch="on" order="modified" reverse="on" limit="50" }%
Line: 55 to 62
 WebIndex lists all web topics in alphabetical order, with the first couple of lines of text. This is simply a preset SEARCH:

%SEARCH{ "\.*" scope="topic" type="regex" nosearch="on" }%
%SEARCH{ "\.*" scope="topic" type="regex" nosearch="on" }%
Line: 98 to 110
  • The file name is log<year><month>.txt
  • Example path name: twiki/logs/log202503.txt
  • Each access gets logged as:
| <time> | <wikiusername> | <action> | <web>.<topic> | <extra info> | <IP address> |
| <time in GMT> | <wikiusername> | <action> | <web>.<topic> | <extra info> | <IP address> |
  • Example log entry:
| 13 Mar 2025 - 01:53 | TWikiGuest | view | WebRss |  | |
| 13 Mar 2025 - 01:53 | Main.TWikiGuest | view | TWiki.WebRss |  | |
Line: 131 to 143
  Outgoing mail is required for TWikiRegistration and for recent changes alert.
TWiki will use the Net::SMTP module if it is installed on your system. Set this with the SMTPMAILHOST variable in TWikiPreferences.
TWiki will use the Net::SMTP module if it is installed on your system. Set this with the {SMTP}{MAILHOST} setting in configure.
The notify e-mail uses the default changes.tmpl template, or a skin if activated in the TWikiPreferences.

mailnotify also relies on two hidden files in each twiki/data/Web directory: .changes and .mailnotify. Make sure both are writable by your web server process. .changes contains a list of changes; go ahead and make this empty. .mailnotify contains a timestamp of the last time notification was done.

  • TIP You can define a separate {SMTP}{SENDERHOST} configure setting to set the mail sender host - some SMTP installations require this.
  • ALERT! If you are using SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) you might need to configure it to allow TWiki to send e-mails:
    $ sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_sendmail on
    $ sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on
You can use an external mail program, such as sendmail, if the Net::SMTP module is not installed. Set the program path in {MailProgram} in configure.
You can use an external mail program, such as sendmail, if the Net::SMTP module is not installed or not functioning properly. Set the program path in {MailProgram} and set {SMTP}{MAILHOST} to an empty value in configure.
  • HELP Net::SMTP can be easily disabled (if there is an installation error) by setting SMTPMAILHOST in TWikiPreferences to an empty value.
The notify e-mail uses the default changes.tmpl template, or a skin if activated in the TWikiPreferences.
  • TIP You can set a separate SMTPSENDERHOST variable to define the mail sender host (some SMTP installations require this).
mailnotify also relies on two hidden files in each twiki/data/Web directory: .changes and .mailnotify. Make sure both are writable by your web server process. .changes contains a list of changes; go ahead and make this empty. .mailnotify contains a timestamp of the last time notification was done.

Setting the automatic e-mail schedule

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