Difference: TWikiScripts (6 vs. 7)

Revision 72007-01-13 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki CGI and Command Line Scripts

Line: 193 to 193
 The rest script supports the following parameters:
username If TemplateLogin, or a similar login manager not embedded in the web server, is used, then you need to pass a username and password to the server. The username and password parameters are used for this purpose.
password See username
topic If defined as the full name (including web) of a topic, then when the script starts up plugins will be passed this as the "current" topic. If not defined, then %USERWEB%.WebHome will be passed to plugins.
topic If defined as the full name (including web) of a topic, then when the script starts up plugins will be passed this as the "current" topic. If not defined, then Main.WebHome will be passed to plugins.
endPoint Where to redirect the response once the request is served, in the form "Web.Topic"

The function is free to use any other query parameters for its own purposes.

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