Difference: TWikiPreferences (80 vs. 81)

Revision 812009-03-22 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Site-Level Preferences

This topic defines site-level settings that apply to all users and webs on this TWikiSite.

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Miscellaneous Settings

  • Preference for the editor, default is raw editor, The options could be rawedit, wysiwyg.
    • Set EDITMETHOD = wysiwyg
    • #Set EDITMETHOD = rawedit
  • Format of a NewWikiWord link:
  • Note that $text is the topic link text, $topic is the name of the new topic, and $web is the name of the web for the new topic. Values for the 3 are taken from the link syntax [[$web.$topic][$text]]. For normal plain WikiWord links $text and $topic are the same. The value of $web is the current web unless the link is in the format $web.$topic.
    • default setting:
      • Set NEWLINKFORMAT = $text
      • Set NEWLINKFORMAT = $text
    • alternative setting:
      • #Set NEWLINKFORMAT = $text
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiPreferences.