Difference: TWikiMetaData (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42001-09-08 - MikeMannix

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Recommended Sequence

There no absolute need for meta data variables to be in a specific order, however, it does for the following reasons:
  • Keep (form) fields in the order they are defined
  • Allow diff command to give output in a logically sensible order

These could be done in other ways, but this adds complexity

  • Order fields - definition could be read on each rendering (expensive)
  • Diff - render data before doing diff, has something to offer, but not likely to be available for next TWiki release
There is no absolute need for Meta Data variables to be listed in a specific order within a topic, but it makes sense to do so a couple of good reasons:

  • form fields remain in the order they are defined
  • the diff function output appears in a logical order

The recommended sequence is:

So the order is:
  • text of topic
  • TOPICMOVED - optional
  • TOPICPARENT - optional
  • FILEATTACHMENT - 0 or more entries
  • FORM - optional
  • FIELD - 0 or more entries (FORM required)
  • text of topic
  • TOPICMOVED (optional)
  • TOPICPARENT (optional)
  • FILEATTACHMENT (0 or more entries)
  • FORM (optional)
  • FIELD (0 or more entries; FORM required)

Viewing Meta Data in Page Source

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Rendering Meta Data

Meta Data is rendered with the %META% variable. This is mostly used in the view, preview and edit scripts.
Meta Data is rendered with the %META% variable. This is mostly used in the view, preview and edit scripts.
Current support is fairly basic:
Current support covers:
Variable usage: Comment:
%META{"form"}% Show form data, see Form Templates
%META{"attachments"}% Show attachments, exclude hidden
Options for attachments:  
Options for Attachments:  
all="on" Show ALL attachments (including hidden)
%META{"moved"}% Details of any topic moves
%META{"parent [options]"}% Show topic parent
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Known Issues

There is currently no support for meta data for Plugins. However, the format is readily extendable and the Meta.pm code that supports the format needs only minor alteration.
At present, there is no Meta Data support for Plugins. However, the format is readily extendable and the Meta.pm code that supports the format needs only minor alteration.
  -- JohnTalintyre - 29 Aug 2001
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