Difference: TWikiMetaData (21 vs. 22)

Revision 222012-04-12 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Meta Data

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  By default, TWiki stores topics in files on disk, in a really simple and obvious directory structure. The big advantage of this approach is that it makes it really easy to manipulate topics from outside TWiki, and is also very safe; there are no complex binary indexes to maintain, and moving a topic from one TWiki to another is as simple as copying a couple of text files.
To keep eveything together in one place, TWiki uses a simple method for embedding additional data (program-generated or from TWikiForms) in topics. It does this using META: tags.
To keep everything together in one place, TWiki uses a simple method for embedding additional data (program-generated or from TWikiForms) in topics. It does this using META: tags.
  META: data includes program-generated info like FileAttachment and topic movement data, and user-defined TWikiForms info.
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