Difference: TWikiMetaData (16 vs. 17)

Revision 172005-03-27 - TWikiContributor

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TWiki Meta Data

Additional topic data, program-generated or from TWikiForms, is stored in META variable name/value pairs

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Example of Format

%META:TOPICINFO{version="1.6" date="976762663" author="PeterThoeny" format="1.0"}%
%META:TOPICINFO{version="1.6" date="976762663" author="LastEditorWikiName" format="1.0"}%
  text of the topic %META:TOPICMOVED{from="Codev.OldName" to="Codev.NewName"
by="JohnTalintyre" date="976762680"}%
by="TopicMoverWikiName" date="976762680"}%
 %META:TOPICPARENT{name="NavigationByTopicContext"}% %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="Sample.txt" version="1.3" ... }% %META:FILEATTACHMENT{name="Smile.gif" version="1.1" ... }%
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Viewing Meta Data in Page Source

When viewing a topic the Raw Text link can be clicked to show the text of a topic (i.e., as seen when editing). This is done by adding raw=on to URL. raw=debug shows the meta data as well as the topic data, ex: debug view for this topic
When viewing a topic the Raw Text link can be clicked to show the text of a topic (i.e., as seen when editing). This is done by adding raw=on to URL. raw=debug shows the meta data as well as the topic data, ex: debug view for this topic

Rendering Meta Data

Meta Data is rendered with the %META% variable. This is mostly used in the view, preview and edit scripts.

Note: Rendering meta data is currently not supported in topic text. As a workaround, use FormattedSearch on the current topic only to render form fields.
You can render form fields in topic text by using the FORMFIELD variable. Example:
For details, see TWikiVariables#VarFORMFIELD.
  Current support covers:

Variable usage: Comment:
%META{"form"}% Show form data, see TWikiForms.
%META{"formfield"}% Show form field value. Parameter: name="field_name". Example:
%META{ "formfield" name="TopicClassification" }%
| %META{"attachments"}% | Show attachments, except for hidden ones. Options:
| %META{"attachments"}% | Show attachments, except for hidden ones. Options:
  all="on": Show all attachments, including hidden ones. |
%META{"moved"}% Details of any topic moves.
| %META{"parent"}% | Show topic parent. Options:
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  At present, there is no Meta Data support for Plugins. However, the format is readily extendable and the Meta.pm code that supports the format needs only minor alteration.
-- TWiki:Main.JohnTalintyre - 29 Aug 2001
-- TWiki:Main.MikeMannix - 03 Dec 2001
-- TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny - 15 Aug 2004
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