TWiki Installation Guide |
- Everybody else should be denied access to everything, always.
- Make sure Perl 5 and the Perl CGI library are installed on your system.
The default location of Perl is /usr/bin/perl . If it's somewhere else, change the path to Perl in the first line of each script in the twiki/bin directory.
< < | Some systems require a special extension on perl scripts (e.g. .cgi or .pl ). If necessary, rename all files in twiki/bin (i.e. rename view to view.pl etc). If you do this, make sure you set the ScriptSuffix option in configure (Step 6). |
> > | Some systems require a special extension on perl scripts (e.g. .cgi or .pl ). If necessary, rename all files in twiki/bin (i.e. rename view to view.pl etc). If you do this, make sure you set the ScriptSuffix option in configure (Step 6). |
- Create the file
/twiki/bin/LocalLib.cfg . There is a template for this file in /twiki/bin/LocalLib.cfg.txt . The file must contain a setting for $twikiLibPath , which must point to the absolute file path of your twiki/lib e.g. /home/httpd/twiki/lib . If you need to install additional CPAN modules, but can't update the main Perl installation files on the server, you can set $CPANBASE to point to your personal CPAN install. Don't forget that the webserver user has to be able to read those files as well.
- Configure the webserver so you can execute the
bin/configure script from your browser.
< < |
- Explicit instructions for doing this are beyond the scope of this document, though there is a lot of advice on TWiki.org covering different configurations of webserver. To help you out, there's an example Apache
httpd.conf file in twiki_httpd_conf.txt at the root of the package. This file also contains advice on securing your installation. There's also a script called tools/rewriteshebang.pl to help you in fixing up the shebang lines in your CGI scripts.
> > |
- Explicit instructions for doing this are beyond the scope of this document, though there is a lot of advice on TWiki.org covering different configurations of webserver. To help you out, there's an example Apache
httpd.conf file in twiki_httpd_conf.txt at the root of the package. This file also contains advice on securing your installation. Additionally, see TWiki:TWiki.ApacheConfigGenerator . There's also a script called tools/rewriteshebang.pl to help you in fixing up the shebang lines in your CGI scripts.
- Run the
configure script from your browser, and resolve any errors or warnings it tells you about.
You now have a basic, unauthenticated installation running. At this point you can just point your Web browser at http://yourdomain.com/twiki/bin/view and start TWiki-ing away! |