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TWiki Installation Guide

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Adding a New Web

To create a new web:

  1. Create a new web data directory under twiki/data and check the file permission of the directory.
    • Use a name consisting of characters A..Z , a..z but not in WikiNotation. (The name should start with one (or more) uppercase letters, but have no uppercase letters after the first group -- if it starts with a lowercase letter or is a WikiWord, some features of TWiki will not work as expected.)
  2. Copy all files from the twiki/data/_default directory to the new data directory, preserving the original files' owner, group and permissions (on Unix, use cp -p). The data files must be writable by the owner the CGI scripts are running on (usually, nobody).
    • TIP HINT: You can set permissions of .txt and .txt,v files to -rw-rw-rw- (666) and then edit the topic using your browser; RCS will restore the file permissions correctly when saving the topic.
  3. Add the new web to the web list (visible in the upper right corner of each topic) by editing the site-level preferences, TWikiPreferences:
    • Add the new web to the %WIKIWEBLIST% variable.
  4. Update the web settings by editing the WebPreferences topic of the new web:
    • Customize the %WEBTOPICLIST% variable to contain the web-specific links you prefer.
    • Set the WEBBGCOLOR variable to a color. The number represents the unique color for the web.
    • Set Plugins, access privileges, custom variables, other web-level options (ex: %WEBCOPYRIGHT% can be set for an individual web).
  5. Test the new web: view pages, create a new page.
 That's it for a basic new web set-up!

Optionally, you can also:

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