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Adding a New Web
To create a new web:
- Create a new web data directory under
twiki/data and check the file permission of the directory.
- Use a name consisting of characters
A..Z , a..z but not in WikiNotation. (The name should start with one (or more) uppercase letters, but have no uppercase letters after the first group -- if it starts with a lowercase letter or is a WikiWord, some features of TWiki will not work as expected.)
- Copy all files from the
twiki/data/_default directory to the new data directory, preserving the original files' owner, group and permissions (on Unix, use cp -p ). The data files must be writable by the owner the CGI scripts are running on (usually, nobody ).
HINT: You can set permissions of .txt and .txt,v files to -rw-rw-rw- (666) and then edit the topic using your browser; RCS will restore the file permissions correctly when saving the topic.
- Add the new web to the web list (visible in the upper right corner of each topic) by editing the site-level preferences, TWikiPreferences:
- Add the new web to the
%WIKIWEBLIST% variable.
- Update the web settings by editing the WebPreferences topic of the new web:
- Customize the
%WEBTOPICLIST% variable to contain the web-specific links you prefer.
- Set the WEBBGCOLOR variable to a color. The number represents the unique color for the web.
- Set Plugins, access privileges, custom variables, other web-level options (ex:
%WEBCOPYRIGHT% can be set for an individual web).
- Test the new web: view pages, create a new page.