Difference: TWikiInstallationGuide (39 vs. 40)

Revision 402001-12-04 - MikeMannix

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TWiki Installation Guide

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  • Point your Web browser at http://yourdomain.com/twiki/bin/view and start TWiki-ing away!
  • Edit the TWikiPreferences topic in the TWiki:TWiki web to set the WIKIWEBMASTER email address, and other preferences.
  • Edit the WebPreferences topic in each web, if necessary: set individual WEBCOPYRIGHT messages, and other preferences.
  • Enable email notification of topic changes, TWikiSiteTools has more.
Line: 153 to 153
 See Appendix A: TWiki File System for an installed system snapshot and descriptions of all files in the TWiki 01-Sep-2001 distribution.

-- PeterThoeny - 13 Sep 2001

-- MikeMannix - 14 Sep 2001
-- MikeMannix - 03 Dec 2001
META TOPICMOVED by="MikeMannix" date="999319650" from="TWiki.TWikiInstallationNotes" to="TWiki.TWikiInstallationGuide"
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