- Point your browser at http://your.domain.com/twiki/bin/view
and start TWiki-ing away!
- Note in case the cgi scripts are not running as user
nobody : The *,v RCS repository files delivered with the installation package are locked by user nobody . In case the user is different (e.g. www-data ), it is not possible to check in files, this has the effect that the topic version number does not increase when saving a topic. In this case you need to unlock all repository files and lock them as user www-data (check the rcs man pages), or simply delete all the repository files. A simple way to switch the locker of the RCS files is to use sed: for f in *,v; do sed 's/nobody/www-data/' $f > x; mv x $f; done
- Security issue: Directories
twiki/data , twiki/templates and all its subdirectories should be set so that they are not visible as a URL. (Alternatively, move the directries to a place where they are not visible, and change the variables in twiki/bin/wikicfg.pm accordingly)
< < |
- Enable email notification of topic changes, (4) has more.
> > | |
- Optional: You can add new rendering rules or new %VARIABLES%. To insure an easy upgrade of TWiki it is recommended to do this customization in
twiki/bin/wikicfg.pm , not twiki/bin/wiki.pm .
- Customize the WEBTOPICLIST variable to contain the web specific links you prefer.
- Optional: Set the WEBCOPYRIGHT variable to have a web-specific copyright text (at the bottom of each topic).
- If needed, create customized templates in the new templates directory. (Non existing templates are inherited from
twiki/templates )
< < |
- If you want to use a category table, copy the three files
twikicatitems.tmpl , twikicatedit.tmpl and twikicatview.tmpl from the twiki/templates/Know directory to the new templates directory, and customize it. More on that in (5) TWiki Category Table.
> > |
- If you want to use a category table, copy the three files
twikicatitems.tmpl , twikicatedit.tmpl and twikicatview.tmpl from the twiki/templates/Know directory to the new templates directory, and customize it. More on that in TWiki Category Table.
- In case you want usage statistics for this web: Copy file
WebStatistics.txt from the twiki/data/Main directory to the new data directory. Edit topic WebStatistics in the new web and delete old usage entries.
| -rwxrwxr-x 1 twiki twiki 14543 Jul 20 18:46 upload
-rwxrwxr-x 1 twiki twiki 4755 May 22 18:11 view
-rwxrwxr-x 1 twiki twiki 1689 Jun 20 20:10 viewfile |
< < | -rw-rw-r-- 1 twiki twiki 40103 Aug 18 13:00 wiki.pm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 twiki twiki 11521 Aug 19 18:38 wikicfg.pm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 twiki twiki 13969 Aug 19 00:30 wikisearch.pm |
> > | -rw-rw-r-- 1 twiki twiki 34123 Nov 1 15:43 wiki.pm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 twiki twiki 7234 Oct 23 00:34 wikiaccess.pm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 twiki twiki 11719 Oct 28 21:58 wikicfg.pm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 twiki twiki 6441 Nov 1 23:13 wikiprefs.pm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 twiki twiki 13160 Oct 27 14:53 wikisearch.pm
-rw-rw-r-- 1 twiki twiki 10540 Oct 28 21:43 wikistore.pm |
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| -rw-rw-r-- 1 twiki twiki 907 Jul 20 16:01 notwiki.tmpl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 twiki twiki 341 Mar 8 11:39 noweb.tmpl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 twiki twiki 1000 Mar 8 11:40 oops.tmpl |
> > | -rw-rw-r-- 1 twiki twiki 1043 Oct 23 19:17 oopsaccesschange.tmpl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 twiki twiki 1036 Oct 23 19:17 oopsaccessview.tmpl |
| -rw-rw-r-- 1 twiki twiki 914 Mar 8 11:40 oopsdel.tmpl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 twiki twiki 1423 May 29 01:23 oopslocked.tmpl
-rw-rw-r-- 1 twiki twiki 1067 Mar 8 11:41 oopsregexist.tmpl |
| -rw-rw-r-- 1 twiki twiki 144 Mar 9 1999 zip.gif
< < | -- PeterThoeny - 23 Sep 2000
> > | -- PeterThoeny - 02 Nov 2000