Difference: TWikiFuncDotPm (17 vs. 18)

Revision 182015-11-29 - TWikiContributor

Line: 483 to 483

getWikiName( $user ) -> $wikiName

return the WikiName of the specified user if $user is undefined Get Wiki name of logged in user
Return the WikiName of the specified user. If $user is undefined get Wiki name of logged-in user.
  • $user can be a cUID, login, wikiname or web.wikiname
Line: 496 to 496

getWikiUserName( $user ) -> $wikiName

return the userWeb.WikiName of the specified user if $user is undefined Get Wiki name of logged in user
Return the userWeb.WikiName of the specified user. If $user is undefined get Wiki name of logged-in user.
  • $user can be a cUID, login, wikiname or web.wikiname
Line: 509 to 509

wikiToUserName( $id ) -> $loginName

Translate a Wiki name to a login name.
  • $id - Wiki name, e.g. 'Main.JohnDoe' or 'JohnDoe'.
  • $id - Wiki name, required, e.g. 'Main.JohnDoe' or 'JohnDoe'.
  Since TWiki 4.2.1, $id may also be a login name. This will normally be transparent, but should be borne in mind if you have login names that are also legal wiki names.
Line: 521 to 521
 This function will only return the first login name that maps to the wikiname.
returns undef if the WikiName is not found.
Returns undef if the WikiName is not found.

To get the login name of the currently logged in user use:

    my $user = TWiki::Func::wikiToUserName( TWiki::Func::getWikiName() );
  Since: TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.000 (7 Dec 2002)
Line: 1847 to 1855

spaceOutWikiWord( $word, $sep ) -> $text

Spaces out a wiki word by inserting a string (default: one space) between each word component. With parameter $sep any string may be used as separator between the word components; if $sep is undefined it defaults to a space.
Spaces out a wiki word by inserting a string between each word component. Word component boundaries are transitions from lowercase to uppercase or numeric, from numeric to uppercase or lowercase, and from uppercase to numeric characters.

Parameter $sep defines the separator between the word components, the default is a space.

Example: "ABC2015ProjectCharter" results in "ABC 2015 Project Charter"

  Since: TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 1.2
Line: 2443 to 2456

TWiki-6.0 (Jerusalem Release)

$TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 6.00


No changes
  • viewRedirectHandler( $session, $web, $topic )


  • isAnAdmin( $user, $topic, $web ) -> $boolean -- added $topic and $web
  • expandVariablesOnTopicCreation( $text, $web, $topic ) -> $text -- added $web and $topic
Line: 2459 to 2472
  • urlEncode( $text ) -> $text
  • urlDecode( $text ) -> $text

TWiki-6.02 (Kampala Release)

$TWiki::Plugins::VERSION 6.02


  • viewFileRedirectHandler( $session, $web, $topic )
  • topicTitleHandler( $session, $web, $topic, $titleRef )
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.TWikiFuncDotPm.