Difference: TWikiDotPm (8 vs. 9)

Revision 92015-11-29 - TWikiContributor

Line: 308 to 308

ObjectMethod determineWebTopic ($pathInfo,$web,$topic) -> ($web,$topic,$requestedWeb)

Determine the web and topic names from PATH_INFO and web and topic names explicitly provided. And then sanitize them.


ClassMethod new ($loginName,$query,\%initialContext)

Constructs a new TWiki object. Parameters are taken from the query object.

Line: 557 to 565

StaticMethod spaceOutWikiWord ($word,$sep) -> $string

Spaces out a wiki word by inserting a string (default: one space) between each word component. With parameter $sep any string may be used as separator between the word components; if $sep is undefined it defaults to a space.
Spaces out a wiki word by inserting a string between each word component. Word component boundaries are transitions from lowercase to uppercase or numeric, from numeric to uppercase or lowercase, and from uppercase to numeric characters.

Parameter $sep defines the separator between the word components, the default is a space.

Example: "ABC2015ProjectCharter" results in "ABC 2015 Project Charter"

Line: 710 to 723

StaticMethod suffixToMimeType ($filename) -> $mimeType

Returns the MIME type corresponding to the extension of the $filename based on the file specified by {MimeTypesFileName}. If there is no extension or the extension is not found in the {MimeTypesFileName} file, 'text/plain' is returned.


StaticMethod expandStandardEscapes ($str) -> $unescapedStr

Expands standard escapes used in parameter values to block evaluation. The following escapes

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