Difference: SearchPatternCookbook (6 vs. 7)

Revision 72013-04-23 - TWikiContributor

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META TOPICPARENT name="FormattedSearch"

Search Pattern Cookbook

Line: 188 to 188
 However, the $parent link fails if the topic has no parent set ($parent will be empty). You can use some TWiki:Plugins/SpreadSheetPlugin magic to conditionally link to the parent or to WebHome:
$percntCALC{$IF($EXACT($parent,),,$NOP( * $parent))}$percnt
$percntCALCULATE{$IF($EXACT($parent,), , $NOP( * $parent))}$percnt

So the total Search query to find a topic's parent topic is:


Test Case

The parent topic of this topic is:


Solution 3: Using IF statement

This pattern can be rewritten using %IF%, removing the dependency on SpreadSheetPlugin:
Line: 255 to 255

Test case

  Public webs of TWiki.

Search: WebHome

Number of topics: 1

Number of topics: 1

Number of topics: 1

Number of topics: 1

Number of topics: 1

Number of topics: 1

Search: WebHome

Number of topics: 1

Number of topics: 1

Number of topics: 1

Number of topics: 1

Number of topics: 1

Number of topics: 1

Line: 269 to 270
 TIP For private webs, or any other webs you wish to exclude from the display, use "on" for the Exclude web from a web="all" search setting in the relevant web's WebPreferences topic.

Alternative solution

  This result can also be accomplished with the %WEBLIST% variable.

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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.SearchPatternCookbook.