Difference: RenderListPlugin (12 vs. 13)

Revision 132010-05-17 - TWikiContributor

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Render List Plugin

Render bullet lists in a variety of formats
   Contributions to this TWiki plugin are appreciated. Please update the plugin page at
   http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/RenderListPlugin or provide feedback at
   If you are a TWiki contributor please update the plugin in the SVN repository.
Render bullet lists in a variety of formats

Syntax Rules


  • Place a %RENDERLIST{ <parameters> }% before any bullet list
    • The lists can be handcrafted, generated by another Plugin, a %TOC%, or the result of a FormattedSearch
    • The lists can be handcrafted, generated by another Plugin, a %TOC%, or the result of a FormattedSearch
  • Supported parameters:
    "name" or
    Select a rendering theme
    focus="any text" Focus list on a bullet with specified text
Line: 41 to 49
    • Use one of the existing icons: globe.gif globe.gif, home.gif home.gif, virtualhome.gif virtualhome.gif, group.gif group.gif, persons.gif persons.gif, virtualpersons.gif virtualpersons.gif, person.gif person.gif, virtualperson.gif virtualperson.gif, email.gif email.gif, trend.gif trend.gif, folder.gif folder.gif, folders.gif folders.gif, file.gif file.gif, files.gif files.gif, doc.gif doc.gif, image.gif image.gif, pdf.gif pdf.gif, ppt.gif ppt.gif, sound.gif sound.gif, xls.gif xls.gif, zip.gif zip.gif, see.gif see.gif
    • Refer to an attached icon at the beginning of the bullet with:
      • icon:myicon Followed by normal bullet text
      • %ICON{name}% Followed by normal bullet text


Line: 323 to 331
  Plugin settings are stored as preferences variables. To reference a plugin setting write %<plugin>_<setting>%, i.e. %RENDERPLUGIN_SHORTDESCRIPTION%
    • Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Render bullet lists in a variety of formats

  • Debug plugin: (See output in data/debug.txt)
Line: 355 to 363

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny
Copyright: © 2006-2007, Peter@Thoeny.org, TWIKI.NET
Copyright: © 2003-2010 Peter[at]Thoeny.org, Twiki, Inc.
© 2003-2010 TWiki:TWiki/TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 15 Jan 2008 (2.0)
Plugin Version: 2010-05-16 (2.1)
Change History:
<-- versions below in reverse order -->
2010-05-16: 2.1: TWikibug:Item6433 - doc improvements; replacing TWIKIWEB with SYSTEMWEB
15 Jan 2008: 2.0: Kenneth Lavrsen. No more reporting warnings in the error log when a render list starts at deeper level than 1
30 Sep 2007: Added VarRENDERLIST to have it listed in TWikiVariables
23 Sep 2006: Support for img tag and image URL after icon: (suggested by TWiki:Main.JanFilipsky); support for TWikiDocGraphics icons, such as %ICON{folder}% instead of icon:folder; added files.gif and folders.gif (contributed by TWiki:Main.SteveHobbs)
30 Sep 2007: Added VarRENDERLIST to have it listed in TWikiVariables
23 Sep 2006: Support for img tag and image URL after icon: (suggested by TWiki:Main.JanFilipsky); support for TWikiDocGraphics icons, such as %ICON{folder}% instead of icon:folder; added files.gif and folders.gif (contributed by TWiki:Main.SteveHobbs)
25 Apr 2006: SVN sync, Cairo + Dakar compatibility
14 Apr 2006: TWikiRelease04x00 compatibility update
21 Nov 2004: Added benchmarks (no code changes)
Line: 375 to 384
CPAN Dependencies: none
Other Dependencies: none
Perl Version: 5.005
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle 97%, FormattedSearch 98%, RenderListPlugin 93%
TWiki:Plugins/Benchmark: GoodStyle 97%, FormattedSearch 98%, RenderListPlugin 93%
Plugin Home: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/RenderListPlugin
Feedback: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/RenderListPluginDev
Appraisal: http://TWiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Plugins/RenderListPluginAppraisal
Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences, TWiki:Plugins/TreePlugin
Related Topics: TWikiPlugins, DeveloperDocumentationCategory, AdminDocumentationCategory, TWikiPreferences, TWiki:Plugins/TreePlugin
  -- TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny - 30 Sep 2007
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Empty 16x16 spacer" date="1070383918" name="empty.gif" path="empty.gif" size="100" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="E-mail icon 16x16" date="1070614932" name="email.gif" path="email.gif" size="183" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="XLS icon 16x16" date="1078162404" name="xls.gif" path="xls.gif" size="918" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="File icon 16x16" date="1078160664" name="file.gif" path="file.gif" size="151" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Person icon 16x16" date="1071565646" name="person.gif" path="person.gif" size="153" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Doc icon 16x16" date="1078160958" name="doc.gif" path="doc.gif" size="922" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Virtual persons icon 16x16" date="1072693460" name="virtualpersons.gif" path="virtualpersons.gif" size="160" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Virtual person icon 16x16" date="1072693450" name="virtualperson.gif" path="virtualperson.gif" size="149" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Group icon 16x16" date="1071565632" name="group.gif" path="group.gif" size="162" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.2"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="PPT icon 16x16" date="1078160706" name="ppt.gif" path="ppt.gif" size="921" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="PDF icon 16x16" date="1078160694" name="pdf.gif" path="pdf.gif" size="938" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Two persons icon 16x16" date="1071565666" name="persons.gif" path="persons.gif" size="164" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Sound icon 16x16" date="1078160718" name="sound.gif" path="sound.gif" size="166" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Home icon 16x16" date="1070383996" name="home.gif" path="home.gif" size="172" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Folder icon 16x16" date="1078160636" name="folder.gif" path="folder.gif" size="903" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="ZIP icon 16x16" date="1078160730" name="zip.gif" path="zip.gif" size="940" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Image icon 16x16" date="1078160678" name="image.gif" path="image.gif" size="943" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="See icon 16x16" date="1078161392" name="see.gif" path="see.gif" size="81" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Virtual home icon 16x16" date="1072693432" name="virtualhome.gif" path="virtualhome.gif" size="162" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Globe icon 16x16" date="1075199580" name="globe.gif" path="globe.gif" size="1024" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Folders icon 16x16" date="1158991906" name="folders.gif" path="folders.gif" size="913" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Files icon 16x16" date="1158991940" name="files.gif" path="files.gif" size="907" user="PeterThoeny" version="1.1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Virtual person icon 16x16" date="1072693450" name="virtualperson.gif" path="virtualperson.gif" size="149" user="TWikiContributor" version="1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Home icon 16x16" date="1070383996" name="home.gif" path="home.gif" size="172" user="TWikiContributor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Folder icon 16x16" date="1078160636" name="folder.gif" path="folder.gif" size="903" user="TWikiContributor" version="1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Virtual home icon 16x16" date="1072693432" name="virtualhome.gif" path="virtualhome.gif" size="162" user="TWikiContributor" version="1"
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META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Folders icon 16x16" date="1158991906" name="folders.gif" path="folders.gif" size="913" user="TWikiContributor" version="1"
META FILEATTACHMENT attr="h" comment="Files icon 16x16" date="1158991940" name="files.gif" path="files.gif" size="907" user="TWikiContributor" version="1"
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.RenderListPlugin.