Difference: QuerySearch (7 vs. 8)

Revision 82013-09-25 - TWikiContributor

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META TOPICPARENT name="TWikiVariables"

Query Search

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 All meta-data in a topic is referenced according to a simple plan.

  • name - name of the topic
  • topictitle - title of the topic
  • web - name of the web the topic is within
  • text - the body text of the topic
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  • (Firstname='Emma' OR Firstname='John') AND Lastname='Peel' - shortcut form of the previous query
  • HistoryForm[name='Age'].value>2 - true if the topic has a HistoryForm, and the form has a field called Age with a value > 2
  • HistoryForm.Age > 2 - shortcut for the previous query
  • preferences[name='FaveColour' AND value='Tangerine'] - true if the topic has the given preference setting and value
  • preferences[name='FaveColor' AND value='Tangerine'] - true if the topic has the given preference setting and value
  • Person/(ClothesForm[name='Headgear'].value ~ '*Bowler*' AND attachments[name~'*hat.gif' AND date < d2n('2007-01-01')]) - true if the form attached to the topic has a field called Person that has a value that is the name of a topic, and that topic contains the form ClothesForm, with a field called Headgear, and the value of that field contains the string 'Bowler', and the topic also has at least one attachment that has a name matching *hat.gif and a date before 1st Jan 2007. (Phew!)

Search examples

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%SEARCH{"attachments[name='grunge.gif']" type="query"}%
Find all topics that have form ColourForm where the form field 'Shades' is 'green' or 'yellow' but not 'brown'
Find all topics that have form ColorForm where the form field 'Shades' is 'green' or 'yellow' but not 'brown'
%SEARCH{"(lc(Shades)='green' OR lc(Shades)='yellow') AND NOT(lc(Shades) ~ 'brown')" type="query"}%
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.QuerySearch.