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Revision 62006-03-07 - TWikiContributor

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CSS elements in PatternSkin

This page is a reference for all CSS classes used in PatternSkin.

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 PatternSkin uses namespaces for templates, by adding one (sometimes two - multiple) class names to the template's body tag.

  • The body tag in view.pattern.tmpl for instance has the class name "patternViewPage": <body class="patternViewPage">. All CSS elements specific to the view template thus can be defined as .patternViewPage .someClassName.
  • All templates that are not the view template have the body class name "patternNoViewPage". That makes it easy to give all of these pages a different layout in one sweep (smaller or wider margins for instance). Template edit.pattern.tmpl uses <body class="patternNoViewPage patternEditPage">.
  • All templates that are not the view template have the body class name "patternNoViewPage". That makes it easy to give all of these pages a different layout (smaller or wider margins for instance) in one sweep. Template edit.pattern.tmpl uses <body class="patternNoViewPage patternEditPage">.

Page type classes

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