Pattern skin |
- Change the
layout.css and style.css attachment files for this topic (upload updated versions)
- In TWikiPreferences, point the variables
TWIKILAYOUTURL and TWIKISTYLEURL to other attachments, perhaps in another topic (your new skin topic?)
< < | If you want to change colors and white space of screen elements, modify style.css .
If you want to change the positioning of screen elements, modify layout.css . |
| See for practical details: PatternSkinCustomization
The CSS classes that PatternSkin uses are documented in PatternSkinCss.
Customization |
< < | See: PatternSkinCustomization |
> > | See: PatternSkinCustomization, PatternSkinPalette |
Further reading
> > | |
| |
< < |
Skin Version: |
24 Aug 2004 (v1.0.8) |
> > |
Skin Version: |
28 Aug 2004 (v1.0.9) |
History: |
<-- specify latest version first --> |
> > |
28 Aug 2004: |
v.1.0.9 - CAIRO RELEASE VERSION - Removed twikiTopic div from attach template |
24 Aug 2004: |
v.1.0.8 - Fix for disabled TablePlugin; added plain.pattern.tmpl |
23 Aug 2004: |
v.1.0.7 - Change to checkboxes in edit and preview screen; removed REVINFO at bottom; style changes |
22 Aug 2004: |
v.1.0.6b - Removed files from zip that are now part of the TWiki distribution; removed .DS_Store files |
Leave remarks, suggestions and other feedback in TWiki:Plugins.PatternSkinDev . |
< < | -- TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens - 24 Aug 2004 |
> > | -- TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens - 28 Aug 2004 |
attr="" comment="Icon: down arrow; used for Table Of Contents" date="1092634909" name="i_arrow_down.gif" path="i_arrow_down.gif" size="56" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1" |
attr="" comment="Layout: positioning of page elements" date="1093436449" name="layout.css" path="layout.css" size="1823" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2" |
< < |
attr="" comment="Style: appearance: margins, fonts, colors" date="1093599077" name="style.css" path="style.css" size="26189" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.5" |
> > |
attr="" comment="Style: appearance: margins, fonts, colors" date="1093734622" name="style.css" path="style.css" size="26514" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.6" |
attr="h" comment="" date="1092762581" name="patternskin_screenshot.gif" path="patternskin_screenshot.gif" size="8898" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.2" |
attr="h" comment="" date="1092762639" name="patternskin_screenshot_full.gif" path="patternskin_screenshot_full.gif" size="63480" user="ArthurClemens" version="1.1" |