Difference: ManagingWebs (29 vs. 30)

Revision 302006-07-22 - TWikiContributor

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Managing Webs

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  • You have to have ROOTCHANGE access to create a top-level web (one with no parent)
  • Attachments will NOT get copied over along with their topics
  • While creating the new web, TWiki will update the following variables in the WebPreferences: WEBBGCOLOR, SITEMAPLIST, SITEMAPWHAT, SITEMAPUSETO and NOSEARCHALL. These variables are used to dynamically generate the SiteMap
  • TWiki does not edit the TWiki.TWikiPreferences to update the WIKIWEBLIST. This must be done by hand
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  If you plan to rename the Main web, remember that TWiki stores user and group topics in this web. That means that every WikiName signature - Main.SomeUserName - points to it and would need updating (unless the variable, %MAINWEB%.SomeUserName, is used throughout). This potentially large change can be performed automatically if you rename the web from the Tools section of WebPreferences, as described above.
ALERT! If you want to rename the TWiki or Main webs, remember they are referred to in the TWiki configuration. You will need to change the relevant settings in the configuration using the configure interface.
ALERT! If you want to rename the TWiki or Main webs, remember they are referred to in the TWiki configuration. You will need to change the {SystemWebName}, {UsersWebName} and/or {LocalSitePreferences} settings in the configuration using the configure interface.

Hierarchical Webs

Hierarchical web support is enabled by turning on the {EnableHierarchicalWebs} setting in configure. Without this setting, TWiki will only allow a single level of hierarchy (webs). If you set this, you can use multiple levels, like a directory tree, i.e. webs within webs.
Hierarchical web support is enabled by turning on the {EnableHierarchicalWebs} setting in configure. Without this setting, TWiki will only allow a single level of hierarchy (webs). If you set this, you can use multiple levels, like a directory tree, i.e. webs within webs.
  TIP Note: You might not need hierarchical webs. TWiki topics already have a parent/child relationship within a web, which is shown in the breadcrumb. Try to keep the number of webs to a minimum in order to keep search and cross-referencing simple.
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.ManagingWebs.