Difference: ManagingWebs (19 vs. 20)

Revision 202003-01-05 - PeterThoeny

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Managing Webs

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Adding a New Web

 Create a new web by filling out this form. Note: It is not recommended to create a new web for each little project. You can organize content within a web using TWikiForms and FormattedSearch. Cross-linking topics and search is easier if there are only a few larger webs.
Name of new web: Enter a short name of up to 10 characters. The name must start with one or more upper case letters, followed by optional lower case letters or numbers; it cannot be a WikiWord
Based on web: Select a template web (starting with an underscore) or an existing web as a template for the new web. All topics are copied over from a template web; only topics that start with Web... (like "WebHome", "WebNotify") are copied from other webs
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.ManagingWebs.