Difference: ManagingUsers (3 vs. 4)

Revision 42005-03-27 - TWikiContributor

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Manage Users

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 To remove a user account (FredQuimby, who logs in as "fred"):

  1. If you are using a .htpasswd file, edit the .htpasswd file to delete the line starting fred:
    • Warning: Do not use the Apache htpasswd program with .htpasswd files generated by TWiki! htpasswd wipes out email addresses that TWiki plants in the info fields of this file.
  1. Remove the FredQuimby - fred line from the Main.TWikiUsers topic
  2. Remove FredQuimby from all groups and from all the ALLOWWEB/ALLOWTOPIC... declarations, if any.
    Note: If you fail to do this you risk creating a security hole, as the next user to register with the wikiname FredQuimby will inherit the old FredQuimby's permissions.
  3. [optional] Delete their user topic Main.FredQuimby.
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.ManagingUsers.