Difference: IncludeTopicsAndWebPages (10 vs. 11)

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Include Topics and Web Pages Using %INCLUDE{...}% Variable

Use the %INCLUDE{...}% variable to embed the content of another topic or web page inside a TWiki topic. The whole content or only parts of a page can be included. If needed, set a proxy server in TWikiPreferences.

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  • I like apples better than oranges.
Related Topics: VarINCLUDE, UserDocumentationCategory

5. Alert Box using Parameterized Include

Create a topic called AlertBox with the following content:

<div style="border-color:#FF9933; border-style:solid; border-width:thin; width:85%;  margin: 0 auto">
<table cellpadding="5" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="12" border="0">
<tr bgcolor="#FFBB55">
<td valign="top" width="16"><img src="%ICONURL{warning}%" width="16" height="16" align="absmiddle" alt="" border="0"></td>
<td><b> %TITLE% </b></td>
<tr bgcolor="#FFCC66">
<td> %MESSAGE% </td>
Now you can write %INCLUDE{ "AlertBox" TITLE="Alert" MESSAGE="This a test message" }% to get this:

  This a test message

The TITLE="" and MESSAGE="" parameters are passed into the include. Using this approach, you can create a library of boxes in the Main web, such as Main.NoteBox, Main.InfoBox.

Related Topics: VarINCLUDE, UserDocumentationCategory

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