Difference: IfStatements (11 vs. 12)

Revision 122012-10-03 - TWikiContributor

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IF Statements

The %IF% construct gives TWiki the power to include content in topics based on the value of simple expressions.

Line: 35 to 35
can_login current environment supports login
changes in changes script (see TWikiScripts)
command_line the running script was run from the command line, and not from CGI
content_master with the current web, this site is the master of the federated sites (see ReadOnlyAndMirrorWebs)
content_slave with the current web, this site is a slave and another site in the federation is the master (see ReadOnlyAndMirrorWebs)
diff in rdiff script (see TWikiScripts)
edit in edit script (see TWikiScripts)
footer_text when the footer text is being processed in a view (useful in plugin handlers)
header_text when the header text is being processed in a view (useful in plugin handlers)
i18n_enabled when user interface I18N support is enabled (i.e., user can choose the language for UI)
inactive if active links such as 'edit' and 'attach' should be disabled
inactive if active links such as 'edit' and 'attach' should be disabled; a read-only web puts all topics in this context (see ReadOnlyAndMirrorWebs)
login & logon in login / logon script (see TWikiScripts)
manage in manage script (see TWikiScripts)
mirror if this is a mirror
new_topic if the topic doesn't already exist
oops in oops script (see TWikiScripts)
preview in preview script (see TWikiScripts)
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.IfStatements.