Difference: IfStatements (9 vs. 10)

Revision 102011-04-04 - TWikiContributor

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IF Statements

The %IF% construct gives TWiki the power to include content in topics based on the value of simple expressions.

Line: 142 to 142
  Note also that while the query syntax can be used to access form fields, there are some contexts in which an IF statement may be used where there is no topic context, or the topic context is not what you expected.
Related Topics: QuerySearch, VarIF, VarSEARCH, FormattedSearch
Related Topics: QuerySearch, VarIF, VarGET, VarSET, VarSEARCH, FormattedSearch, FormatTokens, SpreadSheetPlugin, TWikiScripts
-- Contributors: TWiki:Main/ArthurClemens, TWiki:Main/CrawfordCurrie, TWiki:Main/PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main/SopanShewale, TWiki:Main/SvenDowideit, TWiki:Main/WillNorris - 2010-04-09
-- Contributors: TWiki:Main.ArthurClemens, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie, TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny, TWiki:Main.SopanShewale, TWiki:Main.SvenDowideit, TWiki:Main.WillNorris - 2011-04-04
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.IfStatements.