Difference: CommentPlugin (6 vs. 7)

Revision 72007-02-04 - TWikiContributor

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Comment Plugin

Line: 110 to 110
  ALERT! Templates are picked up by following the standard TWiki rules for locating template files. Note that you can use %TMPL:INCLUDE to include other files of templates.
ALERT! Note that from TWiki release 4.1.0 leading and trailing whitespace is no longer stripped. This means that when you upgrade to TWiki 4.1.X you may need to remove the first line break in your custom comment templates. See TWikiReleaseNotes04x01 for more information.

Customisation example

Provide both a PROMPT and an OUTPUT definition:
Line: 210 to 212
  • Use configure to enable the plugin

Plugin Info

Plugin Author: TWiki:Main.DavidWeller, TWiki:Main.PeterMasiar, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie http://www.c-dot.co.uk
Change History:  
11358 Item2802 moved SHORTDESCRIPTION to .pm. Coded up TWiki:main.PankajPant's suggestions as nopost and remove. Added default text for the %COMMENT as requested by TWiki:Main.AndyGlew
11118 Item2322 removed span tag around oneliner bullet output
8788 Item1465 Item1577: reverted 8433 to fix inclusion of correct user templates
8787 Item1573 renamed standard templates topic to avoid naming clash on Windows, where filenames are case-insensitive
8433 Item1465 Fix 'TWiki.' to 'TWiki.'; also fixed include 'UserComments' to 'UserCommentsTemplate' (at least that is what the doc suggests)
7427 Item845 removed duplicate date in default comments; stick with server time
7251 Item810 fix for user template inclusion; reorganised templates to make customisation easier
5906 Item143 apache warning from comment plugin when CommentsTmpl.txt not found
Copyright: © 2004, TWiki:Main.CrawfordCurrie
© 2004-2007 TWiki:TWiki.TWikiContributor
License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
Plugin Version: 12750 (04 Feb 2007)
Change History:
<-- specify latest version first -->
12750 Item3510 added a note about the changed template spec in TWiki 4.1.0. Code remains unchanged
11358 Item2802 moved SHORTDESCRIPTION to .pm. Coded up TWiki:main.PankajPant's suggestions as nopost and remove. Added default text for the %COMMENT as requested by TWiki:Main.AndyGlew
11118 Item2322 removed span tag around oneliner bullet output
8788 Item1465 Item1577: reverted 8433 to fix inclusion of correct user templates
8787 Item1573 renamed standard templates topic to avoid naming clash on Windows, where filenames are case-insensitive
8433 Item1465 Fix 'TWiki.' to 'TWiki.'; also fixed include 'UserComments' to 'UserCommentsTemplate' (at least that is what the doc suggests)
7427 Item845 removed duplicate date in default comments; stick with server time
7251 Item810 fix for user template inclusion; reorganised templates to make customisation easier
5906 Item143 apache warning from comment plugin when CommentsTmpl.txt not found
5519 CommentPluginOnAnchorsBroken: incorporated JacobEisinger's fix
5518 CommentPluginOnAnchorsBroken: incorporated OlivierBerger's fix
5455 On Niels Kodslo's prompting, removed the global recursion prevention that I believe is no longer needed.
Line: 237 to 244
  Related Topics: TWikiPreferences, TWikiPlugins
-- TWiki:Main/CrawfordCurrie - 05:07:17 16 January 2007
-- TWiki:Main/CrawfordCurrie - 01:11:36 05 February 2007
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Note: Please contribute updates to this topic on TWiki.org at TWiki:TWiki.CommentPlugin.