Difference: ATasteOfTWiki (5 vs. 6)

Revision 62006-11-20 - TWikiContributor

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 This is a short introductory training course for TWiki beginners.
Start Presentation

Start Presentation


A Taste of TWiki

Hula girl
Hula girl
 The basic function of TWiki is a Wiki (if that helps!)

A Wiki is like a web site, except that you can edit the content in your browser

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  • The idea originates from Macintosh Hypercard, via Ward Cunningham
  • In Ward's words, Wiki is "the simplest online database that could possibly work"
  • A Wiki is basically a shared, online, persistent whiteboard

TWiki Wiki

Whiteboard TWiki implements the basic Wiki idea of a shared whiteboard
Whiteboard TWiki implements the basic Wiki idea of a shared whiteboard
  • Anyone can add content
    ... or change what is written
    ... or change the organisation of the content
  • Whatever what you write is
    ... nicely presented
    ... remembered... and never forgotten
  TWiki also acts as an "application platform" to integrate a number of other functions.
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A number of public Wiki sites also use TWiki


TWiki Features

TWiki builds on the original Wiki concept and adds a number of features that make it very useful in a business environment.
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 Basic TWiki is rich with features, but is enriched even further by the addition of optional plug-in modules that may (or may not!) be installed in your TWiki. These are classified as either skins (modules that change the look-and-feel) and plugins (modules that enhance functionality).

Here's a brief description of some of the more common plugins, together with the tags you might expect to see in topics if they are used. You can find out more by visiting the plugin pages.

  • ActionTrackerPlugin: Support action tags in topics, with automatic notification of action statii %ACTION...
  • ActionTrackerPlugin: Support action tags in topics, with automatic notification of action statuses %ACTION...
  • CalendarPlugin: Show a monthly calendar with highlighted events %CALENDAR...%
  • CommentPlugin: Support rapid entry of short comments (also known as blogging) %COMMENT...
  • ChartPlugin: Create PNG or GIF charts to visualize data in TWiki tables %CHART...
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