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Revision 62013-11-13 - TWikiContributor

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%DASHBOARD{ section="banner" image="https://www.xpdays.de/twiki/pub/TWiki/TWikiDashboardImages/nasa-airfield.jpg"
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<--===== TEST TOPICS ============================================-->
%DASHBOARD{ section="box_start" title="Create Test Topics"
contentstyle="overflow: hidden; margin-right: -10px;"
New topic Create a new document by name:
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New topic Create a new auto-numbered test topic:
New topic Create auto-numbered test topic:
 Empty transparent 16x16 spacer
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<--===== TIP OF DAY ============================================-->
%DASHBOARD{ section="box_start"
title="Tip of Day" contentstyle="overflow: hidden;"
title=" TWiki Tip of the Day"
Tip, idea TWiki Tip of the Day
Keyword search
Interactive search uses keyword search by default. For example, to search for all topics that contain... Read on Detail
Tip, idea TWiki Tip of the Day
File attachments
One can attach files to any topic. The action of attaching a file to a topic is similar to attaching... Read on Detail
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