Why Agile Projects Fail (Joseph Pelrine, MetaProg and Jiri Lundak, Löwenfels
Partner AG)
Agile projects fail. All the semantic manouvering around the definition of "failure" still
can't hide the fact that some Agile projects do "crash & burn". Why does this happen,
how can we recognize it, and what can we do to prevent this from happening? The more
popular Agile methods become, the more we as a community will have to address, and
find answers for, these problems.
This talk will present a taxonomy of Agile project failure modes and causes, and will
present a forum for attendees to share their experiences, be they failure, or success.
About the speakers
Joseph Pelrine is C*O of MetaProg, a company devoted to increasing the quality of
software and its development process, and is one of Europe's leading experts on eXtreme
Programming as well as Europe's first certified ScrumMaster Practitioner and Trainer. He
has had a successful career as software developer, project manager and consultant, and
has spoken about it at such diverse places as IBM, OOPSLA and the Chaos Computer
Club. His work focus is on field of organizational complexity and its application to Agile
Jiri Lundak is a senior software engineer and development team lead with Löwenfels
Partner in Switzerland. He has over 20 years of software development experience as
programmer and architect and is a Practicing Certified ScrumMaster and as such heavily
propagating an Agile software development approach. He is currently writing a book
about why Agile projects may fail and what to do about it.